Monday, May 12, 2014

Adrian and Aidan 05/12/14

Adian and Adrian walk through the awards dinner keeping a close watch on their prey.

Aidan: How's the feed?
Ana: Perfect what about you Sergei?
Sergei: The image is crystal clear Why don't we do a test turn towards Erica Kane (He says waiting for the image to come up on the screen on the left while the computer ran the program on the right instantly matching her image) Now turn toward the other side good okay hold it. (He says running the same scan on some random person in the crowd then waiting for the program to run again) Perfect.
Ana: Okay we're going to run the test on Adrian and then all you guys have to do is wander through keep an on eye out and we'll tell you when to show some real interest. Just stay cool.
Adrian: Okay Mom. (He smirks elbowing Adrian who laughs along with Sergei in his ear. Anna blushes and rolls her eyes)
Ana: Sorry I just know we're close I can feel it. (She laughs)
Aidan: Don't worry we'll keep our eyes open. (He smiles spotting Annie and walking towards her Adrian in tow)
Annie: Hey so where have you guys been? (She smiles as she hugs and kisses him)
Adrian: I had trouble with my bow-tie.
Annie: Well you look great!
Adrian: Thank you.
Annie: Almost as handsome as my wonderful finacee. (She wraps her arm around Aidan and hugs him)
Adian: See I told you I was the good looking one in this partnership.
Adrian: I think she's a little prejudice.
Sergei: Adrian turn right I want to see who our little bird is tweeting to. (Adrian turns allowing Sergei to focus) Ah here we go Norman Baker President of the Pine Valley Rotary Club.
Ana: And he's so clean he squeaks.
Sergei: Besides he's never been outside the country.
Annie: So what do you guys think?
Adian: It's pretty amazing.
Jake: You get no argument from me!
Annie: Hey guys! You made it!
Amanda: Hey Boss lady you look great!
Annie: And you stunning as always!
Amanda: Oh, this old thing?
Jake: This old thing? We got stopped by what was it three no four photographers on our way in, all wanting to see "Ms. Cambius"
Ryan: And why not? She and Annie put "Cambius" back on the map.
Amanda: Hey Ryan you look great.
Ryan: And you are beautiful! I don't know why you're hanging around with this guy?
Jake: Hey Ryan good to see you. How's everything?
Ryan: Everything's good. How's Tad?
Jake: He's coming along. I'll tell him you asked about him.
Ryan: Thanks Annie you look lovely this evening.
Annie: Thank you, you look very nice.
Aidan:  Ryan, good to see you.
Anna" Anything?
Sergei: Not yet. Aidan ask Ryan who that guy is with Devereaux.
Aidan: Ryan, is that George Henry speaking with Mr. St Jacque?
Ryan: Umm no, if I'm not mistaken that's Robert Broderick of the "Calisco Group".
Aidan: Not sure I've heard of them.
Ryan:  I'm surprised you haven't they're old money very old, very powerful. They're not much for lime light and cameras. They stay mostly to themselves tucked away somewhere in the New England countryside.
Sergei: Beautiful! (He and Anna high five again as a wellspring of information came gushing forth)
Anna: Oh this is good! This is really good! Waiter three move into place and drop the mic... Perfect!
Sergei: Now to zoom in the mic...filter out the background noise perfect!.
Anna: Oh my God!...This is it! Guys! This is what we've been working for!
Devereaux: Good to see you.(He says shaking his extended hand)
George: Pleasure seeing you. Lovely event isn't it?
Devereaux: I've never seen anything quite like it.
George: My wife's like a kid in a candy store. (They both chuckle)
Devereaux: Where is the lovely Mrs. Broderick? (He looks around then lowers his voice)
George: She saw someone she knew, she'll be back shortly.
Devereaux: Good, everythings intact.
George: I'm ready on my end.
Deveraux: So when do you want to discuss the business end?
George: As soon as discretion will allow. I'll be in touch.
Deveraux: I look forward to it. ( The two part ways as Anna and Sergei high five)


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