Monday, August 20, 2018

Rebeka, Ryan and Colby


     Colby knocks on Rebeka's office door before opening it slightly and then sticking her head through.
    "Knock! Knock!" she calls playfully before entering the room fully and closing the door behind her.
      "Hey! Come in I'm almost ready" Rebeka calls from her desk. "I just have to finish this last thing for the "Cambius" meeting and I'll be finished." She calls over her shoulder as she types.
      "Take your time! I took the entire afternoon off so we wouldn't have to rush." Colby says making her way to the small sofa in the corner and sits.
       "How that going by the way?" Colby asked as she pulls her phone from her purse and checks her messages. Rebeka hands stop mid stroke as she thinks about her last encounter with Ryan trying not to focus on what she'd felt when their hands had touched.
        "Fine I guess can't wait for this meeting to be done!" She sighs as she finishes her typing and presses save.
         "That good huh? You haven't had anymore problems with you know who have you?" Colby asks looking up from her phone so she could weigh Rebeka's expression.
          "Well if you mean what we talked about there's been nothing new." Rebeka says as she shuts down her computer and comes around the desk.
          "Ms. Sherrigan I have Mr. Lavery to see you." Came the voice of Rebeka's secretary over the intercom. Rebeka looks over the Colby and mouth's
          "What should I do?" Looking toward Colby panicked. Colby waves her hand beckoning Rebeka to come closer.
          "Go sit behind your desk and I'm going to go in the lavatory okay?" She whispers as she picks up her purse and steps quickly into the bathroom and closes the door as Rebeka sits at her desk.
            "Thank you, you can send him in." She says releasing the button on her phone and watching the door as Ryan walks in.
          "Ms. Sherrigan thank you for seeing me." He says coming towards her extending his hand which she ignores preferring not to have physical contact with him again.
          "Nice to see you again Mr. Lavery how can I help you today?" Ryan smiles handing her the file in his hand.
          " I just wanted to drop off this file. I completed the data you asked for." Rebeka takes it from him thumbs through it quickly before tossing it down on the desk.
          "Thank you very much for bringing it but you could have just emailed it to me." She says. Ryan smiles knowing he could have done exactly as he'd said but he wanted to drop it off. He was hoping for an opportunity to talk to her alone.
         " I was passing by your office on my way home anyway so it was no bother." He smiles back at her.
         "That was very thoughtful of you thank you very much." She says hoping that would be the end of it and he would leave but no she wouldn't be that lucky.
         "Umm if you're not doing anything right now maybe you'd like to grab a quick dinner with me," He starts the expression on her face making him chuckles before he rushes on.
          "It's not a date or anything if that's what you're thinking. I just really hate eating alone and I thought we could get to know each other a little better since we'll both be working on this project." Rebeka blushes feeling both flattered and embarrassed knowing Colby was listening on the other side of the door.
         "Thank you for asking but I can't." She starts before he interrupts.
         " I promise I won't keep you long." He presses making Rebeka feel more uncomfortable than she already did. Every fiber in her being screamed "No" drowning out the small voice that craved the the danger of the moment. She hesitates a moment unable to respond the sensation instantly broken at the sound of the toilet flushing then the water running just before the door opened.
       Colby had heard enough! This idiot wants just dropping off papers he was hopping to pick up a her brother's fiancee and that wasn't happening on her watch! She and JR may have their differences but he was still her big brother and she wasn't going to let Ryan try and steal his girl.
         'Whew! Okay I'm ready!" She yells as she walks and smooths the front of her dress then looks up pretending to not know he was here.
         "Oh hey Ryan good to see you!" She says coming to him and kissing his cheek and enjoying the shocked expression on his face.
         "Colby! Nice to see you too! You look great I guess married life agrees with you." He grins as Colby smiles back pretending not to know what she knew.
          "It's great! That's what I've been telling my soon to be sister in-law!' She says making them both laugh.
          "Well I can see that you're busy. I'll see you tomorrow then." He says to Rebeka then turns toward Colby.
          "Colby, it was wonderful to see you." He says turning to go as Rebeka's phone rings.
          "Colby I have to take this. I'll be three minutes I promise." she says her hand cupped over the receiver.
         "Wait up Ryan I'll walk you to the elevator." She calls after him part of her wanting to make sure he left the building. She walks with him to the elevator chatting idly with him while they waited then waved to him as the doors closed before walking hurriedly to her brothers office slamming the door behind her.
          "Listen brother you'd better do something about Ryan before I do!"

*Copyright  Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018

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