Monday, September 3, 2018

Michael and Sophia


         Michael sits in his home office working on the formula on his computer trying to ignore his ringing phone. He knew who it was without even looking at it. David had called him non stop since he'd walked out on him yesterday. He didn't have any more patients to deal with him today than he did yesterday. David needed to know that he wasn't a child or some dupe he could cuckold. He was supposed to be his partner! Instead he treated him like a child! Worse a pet! Just pat ol' Mike on the head every now and then and send him back to work like a good little dog! David need him and they both knew it. Without his work David would have nothing and as of today's stability trials he would definitely be needing him.
        The formula had held up David was going to need that data and he was the only one who had access to it now. That's why all the calling. If David wanted to talk to him he could damm well come see him! He thought as he stood and began pacing the room muttering to himself. Why was it when it came to business everyone treated him like a child. As if he was some freshed face kid straight out of college all doe eyed and hopeful. Did they think that all the years he'd spent locked in that hell    somehow sheltered him from the evils of men. It was quite the opposite it had made him an expert and now David would finally see that. He'd make him see it! Was his last thought as he threw the glass across the room the shattered pieces scattering across the floor.
           'Hey! What's going on in here?" Sophia shouts coming through the door looking down at the pieces then back to Michael.
            "Let me make sure I understand this. You're mad at David so you break your stuff?" Her voice chastising as she folds her arms across her chest. Michael looks up at her surprised and ashamed.
             "I'm sorry Sophia." Michael sighs. Sophia smiles back at him then moves to the sofa and sit down. She slides her hand over patting the place next to her.
            "Come sit next to me. Let's you and I have a little talk." Michael smiles back at her weakly before sitting down next to her. Sophia reaches out and takes his hand in hers and pats it gently.
             " You and I have to stick together you know." Micheal looks back at her one eyebrow raised in confussion.
              "Why that Sophia?" Sophia chuckles a little as she pats his hand.
               "You and I we're really the newcomers here. I mean sure we both have family here but our roots aren't here. You and I we're transplants. We just picked up and planted ourselves well, in your case you were never able to really put down your roots anywhere. You and I were just getting started. We don't really know any one here all we have to go on are what people tell us and our own instincts. So honey don't kick yourself if you make a few mistakes along the way." Micheal looks back at her and shakes his head.
              "So you think I made a mistake with David too?" Sophia shakes head.
              "I've seen you around here lately you were happy. With your work and your life so no I don't think you made a mistake in trusting David as much as you did."
               "I don't know why I did! You don't like him and no one else does either. I should have listened." He grumbles.
              "I didn't say I didn't like David. He's a very charming man. He can be very kind and he is absolutely marvelous with his patients. I remember how he was with you." She smiles patting his hand again. "All I'm saying is you were so excited about what you were doing you kind of blinded yourself to David's nature. When it comes to medicine he's fearless and single minded he going to get want he wants. If that means he has to lie or use a little trickery he will. In his mind the good of his patients outweighs everything else that includes friendships. You on the other hand have a very exact moral compass. You are a compassionate and caring man you really only want to see the good in people and you deal honestly with them. When you're a person's friend you think about how your actions will affect the other person. Those are very admirable qualities but not necessarily in business. You just have to remember who you're dealing with this work you're doing isn't friendship. Just because you're honest doesn't mean everyone is being honest with you."  Michael grimaces the words hitting him like a slap.
             "So you think I'm a fool too?" Sophia looks back at her him her expression shocked and angry her words sharp cutting him deep.
              "You just hold on there mister! I said no such thing! I have never since the day you were born have I thought of you as anyone's fool! Neither does anyone else. Stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself! Do you think you're the first person to ever been hurt by a friend? Listen I've been walking this earth a lot longer than you. I've been betrayed by my friends and people much closer than that! Now stop whining and put your big boy pants on! You go march yourself over there! You tell David exactly how it's going to be from now on and you continue the work of saving lives! I didn't raise a coward! " Sophia finishes her face flushed from the force of her anger. She glares at Michael who stares back at her his face beaming from ear to ear surprising and confusing her.
              "Sophia sweetheart you didn't raise me at all." He says with a laugh as he reaches over and wraps his arms around her hugging her close before letting her go. Sophia blushes deeply as she looks up at him tears glistening the corners of her eyes.
            "I'm so sorry it's just for a moment you reminded me so much of Mikey I forgot who I was talking to." Michael smiles back  he takes a clean handkerchief from his pocket and dabs the corners of her eyes before handing it to her.            
            "Don't be sorry that is probably the nicest thing you could have said to me. It's been a really long time since I've had a Mom it's nice to know there's someone out there that thinks of me that way. Thank you." He say hugging her quickly.
             "I'm going to do exactly what you said." He says as he walks to his desk and begins to gather his paperwork. Sophia smiles back watching him as he gathers his things.
             "Good! Let me know what happens. And, when you get back I'll have a nice Panna Cotta waiting for you." Michael comes around the desk his arms full.
              " I look forward to it." Sophia pats him on the back walking beside him toward the door.
              "That's my boy." She says with pride making Michael smile.
              "Mr. Slater," The maid yelps coming towards them.
              "There's a Dr. Hayward in the living room asking to speak with you" She said looking from Michael to Sophia the two grinning back at her then at each other.
              "Well kid looks like the mountain came to Muhammad." She winks and nudges him in the ribs.  "I'll be in the kitchen." Her chuckle trailing behind her as she walks the opposite direction to the kitchen. Michael laughs as he watches her go then steels his expression as he walks down the hall to the living room. He didn't want David to know his feelings one way or the other a trick he'd learned after years in that hell his father had thrown him in. He realized now he'd have to employ a few more of them if he and David were going to keep working together.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

David and Michael
Opal and Sophia          

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