Monday, September 17, 2018

Krystal and David


       David leans back against the tree trunk and wraps his arms around Krystal who leans back against his chest and smiles. 
      "This is nice isn't it?" She says wistfully watching Jenny, Darius and Endre play. David smiles down at her holding her a little closer.
       "Yeah it is." Krystal looks up at him out of the corner of her eye making sure the picnic lunch and wine had, had the proper effect. He looked contented and relaxed. The kids were off playing and they were finally alone now was the time to broach the topic of Michael without him knowing it was about Michael. 
         "I was a little worried about Darius at the beginning of the school year but he's coming along just fine." She says with just enough lilt in her voice to peak his interest. 
         "What about Darius?" He asked sounding mildly concerned. Good she had him now if she could just keep him. 
          "His teacher and I were kind of worried about him. He didn't seem to want to socialize with anyone other than Jenny and AJ. But since Endre's been here he's just blossomed! Now he's Mr. Popular every day there's a gang of kids tearing my house apart!" She laughs as three other children run over and join her three and then two more.
        "See what did I tell you!" She laughs again making David chuckle. 
        "Takes after his old man." David chuckles as Krystal sit's up then turns to face him. 
         "Not anymore and I couldn't be happier." David' brow furrows his words tight.
         "What's that supposed to mean? Oh I get it this whole conversation is about me and Michael isn't it?" Krystal shrugs then kneels and begins to place the containers back in the basket as she speaks. 
          "I'm not going to get into what happened between you two I don't know and I don't want to know. All I'm going to say watching you mope around the house the last couple of days. You didn't just lose your business partner you've lost your best friend. That little bounce in your step you've had in your step the last few months isn't there anymore. I have to be honest I've been kind of missing it. So whatever happened between you two don't let it ruin your friendship." David looks at her then down at the blanket and begins to gather the empty plates not speaking until Krystal hands him a trash bag to place them in.        "I think we're already past that." Krystal sighs leaning back on her heels and looks at him and shakes her head.
        "So you're not going to even try? You're going to turn your back and walk away? If this were your son and AJ what would you tell him?" David looks at her unable to reply knowing exactly what he say to both his son and grandson and feeling disappointed in himself. Krystal smiles to herself knowing she had him exactly where she wanted him. 
        "Whatever you did to make Michael so angry." She says looking up at him and silencing whatever retort he had with the expression on her face.
         " Michael the best friend you've ever had and he's really good for you. Whatever you did to make Michael angry I think you should march right over there this second and make it right." She finishes her lips becoming one thin line as she crosses her arms across her chest. 
           "Well go on! The kids can help me back up the car you go on and get!" She says with a wave of her hand. David chuckles as he stands then reaches down and pulls Krystal to her feet. 
           "You know Mrs. Hayward you can be a real nag sometimes." Krystal laughs then kisses him.
           "That's only because you mister are a big pain in my you know where! Now get goin and do like I said! I'll see you at home. I love you." 
           " I love you too." He says kissing her deeply before sprinting across the grass to the parking lot. Krystal watches him go then reaches into her purse for her phone. 
            "Hey Sophia it's me........Yep he's on his way now........well you just make sure you get Michael into the same mindset and I think we can get these two babies back to work!..... No it was pretty easy actually I know he's been wanting to all day....... Well thank hon give me a call when he leaves okay?........Oh and Sophia thank you so much for your help. If I had to look at that sour puss another day I don't know what I do........You too and thanks again bye!" She says hanging up the phone and smiling to herself then crosses her fingers and says a quick prayer.   
             David stand in the living room waiting impatiently for Michael what had seemed like a great idea on the way over luster dulled the longer he stood waiting. Krystal was right he'd missed his friend and he was sure exactly how to approach him when he'd stepped out the car. He just hoped Michael wasn't as angry as he was when he'd left yesterday. He'd tried calling him several times and was half glad each time he hadn't answered. What exactly would he had said if he had? He would have been still too angry to listen let alone understand. Hopefully he was more qualm today and he could try to reason with him and make him understand that what he'd done he done for the good of the project nothing else. And he'd only don't it the way he had for expedience not because he thought of him as inferior. But what really mattered now was getting the rest of Michael's notes to complete the project. The deadline was creeping upon them and he still didn't know if Michael had solved the stability problem and without his notes he couldn't continue. One thing was for sure he wasn't leaving without them and if he couldn't regain Michael's friendship he was going to get those notes. If he didn't then what he'd done was for nothing.      
             "Good afternoon David how can I help you?" David glares at him his mouth twisted in annoyance.
              "Good afternoon David? Is that all you have to say to me Michael after stealing all my research!" Michael glares back at him his face and voice betraying nothing of the rage he felt.
               "I didn't "steal" anything. I took All my research when I left yesterday. I took nothing of your work. Sit down David would you like a drink" He continues walking toward the small rolling bar in the corner and pouring scotch into a tumbler for himself.
               "No, I don't want a drink I want the research you stole!" David growls his lips curled in disgust. Michael glares back at him a half smile playing on his lips.
               "I didn't take any of your work I only took what belongs to me."
               "Don't be flip with me Michael! You know dam well I can't complete the work without it! You quit yesterday remember? I still have a formula to complete or have you forgotten that I have a deadline to meet." David spits back his anger increasing with every moment.
               "I'm well aware of  the deadline David. It's the deadline what brought us here in the first place?" Michael shoots back one brow raised and challenging. David stare back at him his anger and frustration mounting.
   "I have just as much right to it as you do!" Michael laughs as he swirls the drink in his hand.
     "I don't think so David. If you recall, at your insistence I might add we both agreed to keep possession of our intellectual property. So if you want to complete your project on time, with my work you and I are going to have to rethink the terms of this business partnership." David looks back at him weighing Michael's words and expression. This wasn't the Michael he'd come to know he was somehow different. He was stronger more confident and less trusting and there was something else in his eye. A little fire just behind them that hadn't been there before. Otherwise his expression gave nothing away. He had been confident on the drive over he'd known exactly how to approach him, exactly what to say. But the man before wasn't one he recognized and the previous approach now seemed in adequate at best. He had to admit he'd missed his company around the lab not just his work. Krystal was right Michael was more than just his partner he was his friend. Probably the only real friend he had in this entire town. He had never needed one or cared about actually having one since he'd moved to Pine Valley. The only person who even came close was Bianca but even that was different. No he hadn't realized how much he'd liked having a friend since Michael had walked out the lab.
          " I want you to come back to work with me and I'm really sorry if I hurt you and betrayed your trust. I really am. I want to make it up to you. Is there anything I can say to make this right between us." David concedes. Michael looks back at him his expression unchanged.
           "No David I'm to blame really. I came into this looking at it all all wrong. I forgot there are two David's." David's brow drawn into a "V" across his forehead his face filled with shock and anger at what he'd just heard.
             "So what are you saying Michael? Are you just like everyone else in this town? One mistake and "poof" no more friendship? Now you can join the ranks of the We Hate David Hayward Fan Club." He shouts then laugh's bitterly as he turns and walks toward the door. Then turns back his face filled with rage his voice stinging with venom.
             "Oh I forgot! Your daughters married to Jamie Martin! He's on the board of directors! What have they all been hissing in your ear?" Michael looks back at him his expression unchanged his voice even and firm.
            "If you're finished I looked at our relationship wrong there's David Hayward my business partner and David Hayward my friend. Just like there's David Hayward my friend and Dr. David Hayward Scientist and businessman." He pauses as David looks at him puzzled, angry yet curious as he nods silently.
              "From now on I'm separating business from personal." David expression relaxes but Micheal could tell his guard was still up.
               "I'm listening" Was David's only reply before Michael continues.
               " I'm going to give you access to my data and you are going to give me access to yours and that includes our business transactions along with all the notes from the investors meeting you went to yesterday and all the previous meetings hand delivered from the chairs office with his signature. I'm going to come back to work because I think what we are doing is important and someday will save lives." David stares back at him surprised and relieved but still a little hesitant knowing instinctively there was more.
              "I still hear a but in there." Michael smiles for the first time during their entire meeting but it wasn't one David recognized it was cold and in direct contrast with his eyes that burned.
               "If you ever treat me like some naive fool again and excluded me from the business of running this research again I will crush you." He finishes leaving no doubt in David's mind he meant every word. "As far as our friendship goes eventually that will work itself out most friendships do. Anyway my lawyers will be dropping off our knew agreement this afternoon and I'll see bright and early in the morning." He says as the maid appears at the doorway.

              " The maid will see you out and I will see you in the morning." Michael says then drains his glass before setting it back down on the cart and leaving the room.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018 

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