Monday, September 10, 2018

Molly and Justin


        Molly rolls over and picks up her phone from the nightstand and checks the time ignoring the message symbol flashing. Right now she didn't want anyone or anything to interrupt her beautiful evening which rolled into an even better morning. It was still early and Justin was still sleeping peacefully she thought laying back against the pillows and smiling to herself.
        He was probably exhausted from the hours he'd been putting in at the hospital beside the hours they had spent making love last night. And it was love they had been making he'd told her so both before and after. She'd felt it in every touch, every whisper and with every kiss. She'd felt truly loved by a man for the first time in her life and it was glorious and she wasn't going to let anything or anyone spoil the moment. She just wanted to lay there quietly and watch him sleep. He looked peaceful and happy. A little smile tickled his lip as he slept lending his features a boyish charm the way his hair fell back from his face. So different from the sexy, aloof tough guy image he exuded in his waking hours and a far cry from the thoughtful and gentle man he was last night with her.
         Justin was special more special than she'd like to admit to anyone especially to herself. That was until last night. Last night had changed everything for the two of them. They'd sat in their secluded booth in the "Speak Easy" he'd found. They'd laughed and talked for hours about nothing and everything all at the same time. All of it reminding her just how much Justin had always been there for her. Through all her wild child antics and drunken debauchery he'd always been there. Holding her hand holding her sometimes her hair while she tossed her cookies over the side of his family's boat. He'd stayed in the lobby with her and missed an entire concert when she'd become falling down drunk before it had even started. The guy she'd gone with had just left her there. Justin had kept her from wandering off with some rando from a bar so many times she couldn't count He'd always answered his phone when she'd called or called her right back if he couldn't. He'd always been a friend she could count on when there was no one else. When he told her he loved her last night she'd realized just how much she loved him. 
        She hadn't know it at the time but he'd planned the entire magical day for her. He'd started by taking her to lunch earlier. Later he'd met her at the station and taken her out for the evening. He hadn't allowed her to go home and had instead had Danny pack her a bag and had told her if she hadn't liked the outfit Dani had chosen for her they could stop at any shop she wanted and pick one his treat. Of course Dani had chosen the perfect dress and shoes for her so that hadn't been necessary. Then he'd taken her to the "Chateau" for dinner then to a Club for a little dancing. The dancing she was sure he'd done just for her since Justin never danced. Throw down in a Pit maybe but dance nah. she thought almost laughing aloud at the memory of his attempt. Although, he had been unmatched when a slow song came on he had twirled her around the floor like a professional. Surprise had been an understatement.
         "Where in the world did you learn to do that?" She'd asked as he'd led them to a couple of spots at the bar. He'd smiled shyly waiting until the bartender had departed before speaking.
         "Can you keep a secret?" He'd asked as she nodded excitedly.
         "I'm serious you can't tell anyone." He'd whispered before looking around them again his voice lowering.
         " When I was about twelve my Dad moved us down to to Georgia and we lived with my Grandmother in her ridiculous house with all her stupid rules and social nonsense. She and my Mother forced me to go to charm school so I could be the proper little southern gentleman." He finished with a groan as the bartender placed their drinks in front of them. She'd stood there a moment unable to utter a word then had broken into peels of laughter it was a few moments before she could control herself.
          " I knew I shouldn't have told you!" He muttered turning his back to the room and staring into his drink trying not to laugh himself.
           "That is hilarious! You poor kid!" She manages before bursting into another fit of laughter.
           " Just keep yucking it up." He says then finally gives into his laughter.
           "Come on you know it's funny." She says giving him a quick kiss and hugging him to her." 
           "Yeah it is, come on you want to get out of her go someplace else?" He asks smiling down at her and swaying to the music as he talks.
           "Like where? It's that weird time of night." She asks smiling up feeling closer to him in this moment than she had to any man.
            "I know just the place. Come on." He'd said leading her out of the club and to the car. They'd laughed and chatted the entire way. Ending their ride in a small "Speak Easy" just before crossing into "Center City" then back to his place where they'd made love for the rest of the night she thought closing her eyes and sighing contentedly.
           "Happy?" Came the strong deep voice beside her. She opened her eyes smiling back at him.
           "I've never been happier." He smiles his eyes dancing with delight at the expression on her face.
       "Me too." He sighs as he wraps his arm around her and pulls her close.
       "You know if I wasn't starving I could stay here all day." He says snuggling with her further into the covers.
        "I was just thinking the same thing." She purrs running her fingers along the corded muscles of the arm he had wrapped around her.
         "Man, I am starving." He laughs as his stomach growls.
          "Why don't you stay here and I am going to make us some breakfast." He says kissing her forehead before rolling away from here and standing then grabbing his jeans from the chair as he walks. Molly sits up and watches him smiling at the sight of his nakedness then blushing at the naughty thoughts running through her mind.
         "Do you need any help?" Justin walks back to the bed and leans down kissing her upturned lips.
         'I got everything under control. You just sit here and stay beautiful." He says turning from her and walking to the closet. He opens it pulling out fresh towels and a new toothbrush and laying them on the bed.
        "Here's clean towels and a toothbrush incase you you want to take a shower while I'm in the kitchen." He says with a wink then walks toward the door.
         "Oh and I almost forgot to tell you," He say turning back towards her just as he reaches the door frame.
         "I love you Molly Montgomery." His smile lighting his face lending a sparkle to his eyes then leaves whistling merrily down the hall before she can respond.
          " I love you too. " Shout after him then murmurs it again with a giggle surprising herself at how deeply she felt it. She glances at her ringing phone hesitating for a moment deciding whether to answer it or not instinctively knowing who ever was on the other end had nothing good to say.
          "You concentrate on you." Came Vicky's comforting voice bringing the smile back to her lips and heart as she ignores it instead she grabs up the towel and toothbrush and heads into the bathroom. 
          "Damit Molly answer your phone!" Barbara growls as she slams the phone receiver back into it's cradle.
          " I see you're as popular at home as you are here." The Matron says with snort making the other's in line laugh.
          "Come on Montgomery back to your cell."
          "Please just let me call one more person please?" Barbara begs her fear at having to go back to the jail cell mounting.
         "You've had your turn! Other people are waiting! Now come on!" She says pulling at Barbara's arm and pushing her in front of her. Barbara jerks from her grasp wishing she could slap the bitch hard.
         "I'd check the attitude if I were you Princess cause it looks like you're going to be with us for a good long while." She says with a laugh making the other guards and the prisoners they were attending laugh Just  as the call comes over the radio.
       "Becker? You have Montgomery?" The voice crackles over the radio the later grimaces as she reaches for the receiver on her shoulder.
        "Becker, transferring the prisoner back to her cell."
        "Orders are to bring the prisoner to the front." The voice from the radio making Barbara gleam with glee.
        "Looks like someone cares after all. Come on princess." The matron says pointing her down the hall toward the doors she had come through hours before.
        "I knew Molly wouldn't let me down!" She murmurs as they walk her smile getting broader the closer they got to the release desk and the daylight beyond. She mumbled in agreement glancing quickly at her belongings spread on the counter before being scooped up and placed back in the envelope and handed to her. She peered anxiously out the small hole in the portal hoping to see Molly's face on the other side to see if she could gage her temperament and seeing no one.
        "Montgomery!" The voice of the matron booms in her ears causing her head to spin towards it at full attention.
         " I walk this way!" She said pulling her arm and leading toward another door.
          "Where are we going?" She asks stopping mid stride and pulling from her grasp.
          "Well Princess who ever paid your bail made arrangement for you to be released out the back entrances so you could avoid all the "Hawks!" She snarled referring to the gang of reporters who normally rubber necked by the desk Sargent. She lead her to a fenced in area nodding to the man sitting guard at the gate.
           "One release Montgomery, Barbara...." She continued as Barbara ignored her. She tried to see past the double door frustrated there was nothing she could see other than the inside of a solid steel door. Frustrated she answered mechanically to the guards questions confirming the information the matron had given.
         "Step inside the cage please  then place your hands in the opening." He said as the door buzzed opened then slammed closed behind her. She placed the envelope in her teeth then placed her hands through the opening wincing slightly as the guard pushes down on her handcuffs and unlocks them.
        "Thank you. When the alarm buzzes please step through the double door. When it buzzes again please step quickly through the outer door. Thank you." He says sounding more like a drone than a human to her then forgetting him complete as the door buzzed and she took her first steps to freedom. She practical ran through to the outer door in her rush to see her daughter. Even happier as the door to the the limousine opened from the inside. Her girl knew how to treat her old  Mom after all. She'd probably used her uncles clout to make all the arrangements or perhaps Jack himself. Yes, more likely Jack. Who else would be able to have her released out the back away from the prying eyes of reporters. She walks quickly to the car stopping abruptly as a man steps from it and another from behind her trapping her between them and the open limousine leaving her no place to run. 
        "I'm sure you remember me Mrs. Montgomery." Comes Lenka's smooth voice chilling her to her core.
         "Get in! You and I have things to discuss." He say sliding in ahead of her as Sergei pushes her in sliding in behind her trapping her between them fear gripping her chest like a vice. As the limousine speed out of the alley she longed for the safety of her tiny cell.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

   Molly, Justin and Barbara              

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