Monday, July 24, 2017

Molly, Justin and Barbara 07/24/2017


            Molly looks up from her computer and stares across her desk at the piles of folders laid on top of it and shakes her head. She knew they were going to be busy she just hadn't realised how busy. It was an exciting kind of busy there was so much happening and so much to do before the deadline she wondered if they would get it all done. She'd been so busy she hadn't even gotten a chance to really gage her new boss. All he'd done for the past day was run in and out of the office barely speaking. Just issuing orders then off to another staff or production meeting leaving another folder on her desk. She'd organized his calendar set up all his appointments for the next three weeks even leaving a day or two for emergencies just to be on the safe side. Then she'd run two more errands for him to Erica who couldn't have been more cooperative and obvious it was almost hilarious. All and all this internship and being busy was working out better than she'd expected. She was actually happy for it.
           It kept her mind off Barbara and why she was here. She still wasn't taking her calls and she'd called three times this morning alone and had left two messages last night. She was like that old eighties movie with crazy stalker ex. The more she ignored her the more she persisted. She was probably going to have to get a new number since talking to her was out of the question. She needed to stay as far away from her "Drama Momma" as possible and just focus on her own future. Whatever Barbara was up to wasn't her concern or problem she reconciles.
            She stands and begins sorting the packets and balancing the pile on her other arm as she works. Trying to push the random images of Barbara in one disaster after another from her mind. She turns to place them into her cart and can only watch as they fall spreading across the floor.
          "Oh crap!" Comes Justin's welcome voice as he comes through the door kneeling in one swift movement and begins picking them up.
           "Hey!" She smiles kneeling next to him as they both pick up the packets and place them in the carts basket.
           "This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?" Justin smiles tossing the last packet into the cart then helps Molly to her feet.
            " I finished up early and since I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night I thought I'd stop in maybe take you to lunch." Molly blushes looks around her office quickly then throws her arms around Justin's neck and kisses him much to Justin's surprised pleasure.
            "Maybe I should ask you to lunch more often?" Molly grins pulling away and smiling up at him
            "Maybe you should."  She giggles as she walks to her desk to retrieve her purse then back taking his hand in hers.
             " How do you do it?" She asks as they walk toward the elevator.
             "Do what?" He asks his voice filled with curiosity.
             "How do you know to just show up when I need you?" Justin presses the call button then leans against the wall smiling devilishly.
              "It's my superpower." Molly laughs nodding her head in agreement pushing the button for the lobby.
            "So where do you want to go for lunch?" He asks holding the elevator door as she steps in then steps in behind her.
            " Let's go to the "Serving Spoon" we could have a couple of sandwiches at the table outside. I've been cooped up in that building for hours I need some fresh air. " Justine laughs grasping her hand in his as they walk toward the exist.
             "Best idea I've heard all day! I think I was getting cross eyed staring into that microscope! I could definitely use some sunlight." He says reaching into his pocket and taking out his phone.
             "You want the usual right?" His fingers stopping in mid motion as he reaches for the door allowing Molly to pass through.
             "Yep that works!" She smiles happily looping her arm in his as they walk down the busy afternoon sidewalk. It had been a couple of days since they had spent any actual time together. She'd been too upset to see him the evening Barbara arrived and then she'd just plunged herself into her work surviving on texts between him and Danni even Philip had been there for her as well. None of them had been judgemental or pitying. None of them had given her that disgusted look hidden behind a smile she'd gotten from her friends back home. She'd felt nothing but acceptance and love. Danni even told her some of her family's stories. A couple of which had completely blown her away. It was like Reggie had said the last time they'd been over at Philip's "You'll know when you've found your tribe." and maybe she had.
             "So how are things at the hospital?" She asks. Justin smiles down at her enjoying the moment between them and shrugs.
              "I work in a lab and stare at samples all day. What you're doing has to be a lot more exciting." Molly laughs.
             "You'd think so but I wouldn't call setting up a calendar and delivering materials exciting." Justine laughs.
             "I guess for now you and I are in the same boat but, you on the other hand will be moving into production soon where as I'll still be staring at samples until my next rotation change. That's not for another four months." He says stopping in front of the "Serving Spoon" and holding the door allowing Molly to enter then walking in behind her.
             "Yeah you have a point." She says as she walks to the beverage case and takes two bottles of icedtea as Justine walks to the register. "Here." She says walking to him and placing them on the counter.
              "You want anything else?" He turns to Molly who shakes her head "No".
              "That's it thanks. Any free tables?" He says turning to Molly who looks out the door to the small patio in front spotting a few vacant seats.
               "Yeah a couple." She calls back to him as she pushes through the door and holds it for him trailing behind him as he pushes through the others seated to the vacant table. He places the bag down on the table then holds the chair for her while she sits. Molly reaches for the bag placing the contents down in front of them while Justin takes the chair beside her.
               "Everything okay?" He asks opening the wrapper on his sandwich as Molly unwraps hers nodding in agreement.
                "So how are things going otherwise? I mean with the "Dragon Lady"? Is she still blowing up your phone?" Molly nods.
               "Yeah but actually when I think about it no more than usual. It's just that now I don't know when or where she'll just pop up."
               " Yeah that's not creepy at all" He nods in agreement. "I figured as much so I'm going to take us up to my family's lake house for the weekend. It's quiet and it's really pretty this time of year. The best part is your mother has no idea where it is." He smiles up at her enjoying the look of surprise and joy on her face.
                "Did I tell you today you are the best boyfriend! Come here!" She says tugging on the front of his jacket and pulling him into a kiss that shook them both igniting something deep but yet unnamed within them surprising them both.
               Barbara spots her daughter from the backseat of the limousine as it sped by. She looked happy sitting and laughing in front of "The Serving Spoon" with some handsome and virile looking young man. She turns to watch them catching them as they kissed. She turns forward and sighs wishing she could go back and talk with her. Right now she needed to get to Manhattan and make her delivery and if everything went as planned she'd have all the time she wanted. She thought clutching her purse in her hand as she looked back at the the tops of the bright umbrellas far in the distances.
Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles          


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