Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tad and Phil 07/18/2017


            Tad picks up the remote and flips through all the stations then shuts it off shakes his head turning it back on again, clicks through the channels again then turns it off. He picks up one of the half dozen magazines his mother had bought him and flips through the pages then tosses it across the room in frustration. He was bored out of his skull. He was tired of reading, watching television and being trapped in this room that only left thinking and he didn't want to do that either. All that did was bring back thoughts of Taylor and what their lives should have been instead of what his life was now. That was even worse than the boredom. It wouldn't be so bad if he could at least go to the atrium for a little while but with his leg the way it was it made that impossible. He thought slamming his head back against the the pillows.
             "Hey brother what's going on?" Phil says coming to his bedside. Tad looks up at him and rolls his eyes.
              "Not much I was just getting ready to go meet my break dancing buddies want to come?" Tad replies his voice thick with sarcasm making Phil chuckle.
              "Don't worry you'll have enough to keep you busy in a little while." He says with a wink. Tad stares at him his mouth twisted in a mocking smile.
               "What the hell is that supposed to mean? What do you know?" Phil grins.
               "There's a lot of stuff I know" He says smiling an impish know it all grin peeking Tad's curiosity.
               "Yeah like what?" Phil laughs at the childish look on his face.
               " They're moving you up to the long term unit since you're going to be here awhile." Tad's mouth twist into a grimace.
                "So they're moving me to another room big deal" he says with a roll of his eyes his voice dripping with sarcasm. Phil looks at him and laughs reminded of when Tad was a kid.
                "I think you're going to like it." He says then turns towards the door and back.
                "Just pretended to be surprised." Phil pleads to a resistant Tad.
                "Well if it's as great as you say it is I won't have to pretend!" Tad snarls to the empty room as the door opens startling the orderly as he comes in who looks about the room then up at the television that Phil left on when he left.
                 "Okay Mr. Martin it's moving day!" The orderly says coming towards him followed by another and a nurse.
                  "Good Morning Mr. Martin!" The young nurse says as she goes about unhooking cables and stabilizing others as the orderlies begins to prepare the room to move the bed.
                   "Okay I give where the hell are we going." He practically shouts halting the activity in the room for the minute as Opal comes in the room.
                    "What's all the shouting about?" She says looking from the nurse to Tad and back.
                     "I was just about to tell Mr. Martin that we're moving him up to the new extended care wing where we think he'll be a lot more comfortable." Opal's eyes open wide with anticipation her smile beaming.
                     "It's finally open?" She says turning toward the nurse with a wink the later nods in excitement.
                     "Yes, we've been moving patients all morning!" The nurse says her voice bursting with excitement as she continues her chore.
                     "Oh Tad," Opal says turning back towards him chattering on as she collects his belongings that had accumulated around the room.
                      " Love Bug it is absolutely beautiful up there you are going to love it!"
                      "Huh," He grouses crossing his arms across his chest as the orderly's unlock the breaks and begin to move him toward the door. "A hospital room is a hospital room!" Opal smiles to herself picking up the last of his belongings and following behind them all to the elevator. She could see this was one of his sour mornings so there was no use in bickering with him. All she could do was hope his new surrounding bought him just a little happiness she thought as the elevator doors closed.
               They all rode in silence sensing Tad's temperament all watching as the floors clicked by until they reached their destinations and the doors of the elevator opened.
               "Wow!" Was the only audible word from Tad's mouth as his head swivels back and forth. The entire floor had been redone beautifully. There were long wide window  that bathed the floor with sunlight. The bright colors and hanging plants adorning the open area gave the entire area homey atmosphere completely obliterating the antiseptic hospital feel. They pushed the bed through the rush of activity as patients and staff become acclimated to their new surrounding and into his new room. The sight of it leaving his jaw agape with awe and speechless making Rhea, Francessca, Brooke and Opal squeal in delight.
              The room was on the corner with long windows meeting in the corner of the two walls looking out onto the park below with a view to the river just past it on one side and the mountains on the other.
              "Holy crap! I thought I'd never live to see the day that Tad Martin was at a loss for words!" Rhea says making them all laugh.
               "Is everyone's room like this?" He asks his head still craning around the room admiring all the electronic gadgets displayed as Opal shakes her head.
                "No love-bug you are in the "Cortland suite. There are four more set up for each of the major benefactors in each wing for long term patients and their families. If you think this is something you should see the ones in the children's wing the sofas and chairs open up into sleepers so families can stay with them." She says sounding more giddy by the moment.
              "But your room is extra special show him Rhea!" Rhea reaches for the remote turning the huge monitor on. The screen was split in four section one with Ruth and his daughters smiling and waving  the others with Jamie, below Petey and Jeanine the last with his office and Aidan with Adrian all screaming "Surprise".
              "What the hell?" Tad says laughing. Petey smiles proudly Jeanine cuddled on the sofa next to him.
              "Jeanine and I set this up before I left. I set up cameras in your house, your office and at Jamie's and JR's. This way you can check on the girls and what's going on in the office. I'm on the one that calls out. Now that I've shown you I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my vacation! We'll see you in a couple of days!" Tad grins happily.
             "Thanks brother! You two go enjoy and thanks again!"
             "Anytime brother!" Petey says with Jeanine calling after him.
             "Love you Tad!" Tad wipes at a stray tear checking it before it reaches his cheek.
             " I love you guys too! Thanks again!"
             "Bye guys!" Petey and Jeanine wave before the screen goes blank.
             "Tad do you think you can get back to business now? We could really use your help?" Aidan says from one screen while Kathy and Jenny shout from the other.
             "And you can see what we learned in dance class!" they scream with a giggle as they begin twirling around the room making Tad laugh and clap happily.
             "Beautiful!" Tad yells at the screen as everyone in the room claps. Ruth stands and calls to the girls then turn back to Tad.
              "Come on girls say goodbye to your Dad! You can chat with him when we get back." she says as they all wave at the screen.
              "Bye Daddy! Love you!" Tad smiles and waves back.
              "Bye babies! I'll see you when you get back."
               "Bye!" They shout before the screen goes blank leaving only Aidan and Adrian.
               "So are you ready to get to work?" Adrian asks one eyebrow raised and Aidan chimes in.
               "You didn't think we were going to allow you to slack forever did you?" Adrian smirks .
               "We have a ton of paperwork coming your way Rhea and Pete have your office all set up for you and Cess has volunteered to be our courier for the stuff we can't upload. So there will be no just sitting around the hospital room waiting for better days mate!" He says pointing back to Rhea.
                "Mr. Martin you have all the top of the line Slater-Cortlandt technology at your disposals along with our flawless line of wireless technology and keyboard to go with it." Tad stares back at them in awe.
                 "You guys did all of this for me?" He says looking from one to the other all nodding.
                 Well love bug all the suites have access to the internet movies and such but since this is to Cortlandt suite so it had to be extra special." She says her voice rich with giddy excitement making them all laugh.
                 "So listen  mate I'm getting ready to head out so Adrian's going to get you up to speed." Aidan says from the monitor as he rises and slips into his jacket Opal interjects.
                 "So do we," She says turning to Brooke. "We have that meeting with the board over at the women's shelter. I'll come by later to check on you." She says leaning over the bed and kissing his forehead Brooke following behind her.
               "I'll stop by tomorrow after my staff meeting. I have a ton of work on my desk to get through. And don't work my girl too hard she's supposed to be on maternity leave!" she chides playfully leaning in and giving Francessca a quick hug and kiss then doing the same to her grand son who fusses and wipes at his face.
              "I Promise I won't." He says giving her hand a squeeze before she and Opal turn and leave. Adrian steps back in front of the camera papers in hand.
              "Hey Rhea can you stay a moment something just came in I want you and Tad to hear."
              "Sure, honey I'll meet you down in the lobby in about five minutes?" Rhea says turning to Francessca.
              "Not a problem I'll meet you downstairs." Tad kisses the top of Logan's head then hands him to Francessca.
              "We'll come back later." She says sniffing Logan as she puts him back in his stroller.
              "See you later!" She says standing and facing the monitor.
               "Say bye to Uncle Adrian" She says turning to the monitor.
              "Hey! Baby-girl this info might interest you." Adrian says halting her in her tracks.
              "It's okay Baby-boy," She says with a smirk making Adrian chuckle as she continues.
              "Tad can fill me in a second. Right now this little guy needs a diaper change and some lunch. We'll see you a few. Say bye bye sweet-pea!"
               "See you later." Adrian calls from the screen waiting for the door to close behind her.
                "Okay so do you want me to start at the beginning or tell you what we got today?" Tad looks at Rhea and shrugs not sure what to do.
                 "Why don't we start from the beginning? I think it will make today's intel make more sense." Tad nods in agreement.
                 "What she said!" He says folding his hands behind his head and leaning back against the pillows.
                 "Okay lay it on me!" He says sounding happier than he had in weeks.

* Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017


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