Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Devereaux and Joe 07/25/2017


      Devereaux stares down at the report a self satisfied grins spreading across his lips. He had Cassandra where he wanted her and there was no way she could wriggle out of it. He also had what he needed to prove young Joseph's loyalty. His smile broadens as he reads the results again then slips them back into his desk drawer and locks it.
      Young Mrs.Sherrigan would be dancing to a new tune very soon. He'd make sure it would be wild, exotic and profitable. With the information he had she'd be willing to do anything to keep it a secret. All he would need now was the perfect opportunity and the other documents to add the perfect amount of pressure. He thought looking down at his watch.
      He'd have what he needed soon enough. Young Joseph should be here any moment. He'd made sure Maurice was out for the afternoon so they'd have as much time as they needed to conclude their business. He looks down at his watch as the knock came from the door good he was on time he thought his smile broadening.
       Joseph looks down at his phone making sure he was right on time. He gives the folder he had hidden inside the large pocket in the lining of his long coat a reassuring pat. It was almost over he sighs in relief and soon he'd get his money. It had taken manipulations but he'd been able to do exactly as he'd been asked now all he had to do was give it to him and wait for the fun to start. He tucked away his satisfied grin replacing it with the look of dower complacence with a slight tinge of fear that Devereaux so enjoyed. He rapped on the door slumping his shoulders as footsteps behind it rang out and waited for the future to begin.
         Devereaux walks to the door and looks over to the monitor making sure his guest was alone before opening the door.
        "Come in Joseph." He says closing the door behind him and locking it before turning back to him.
         "Follow me please." Devereaux say leading him down the hall to his private office then closing the door behind them.
          "Do you have what I asked you for?" Deveraux asks as he offers him a chair then sits in the seat behind his desk. Joseph nods as he reaches into his pocket and pulls
 out the large envelope then slides it across the desk.
           "It's what you hoped and exactly what you asked for." Deveraux slices the to pulling the documents out and examining them his smile broadening with each page. It was as he'd said exactly what he wanted and suspected. He was the father of Cassandra's child. He separates the documents sliding them into separate folders.Placing them inside the drawer and placing them inside before reaching in his pocket and handing him his payment. Joe opens it counting it quickly then placing it in his jacket pocket.
           "Have you met with Cassandra yet." Joe shakes his head.
           "No monsieur" Deveraux smiles enjoying all the delightful scenarios running through his head.  Deveraux nods in satisfaction.
            "When will you?? Deveraux asks looking at the teletype at the bottom of the monitor and a plan begins to finish take shape. Joe clears his throat and sit up straight in his chair.
            "According to the hospital schedule she and the husband are scheduled to meet with her doctor this afternoon. Then, I'll meet with her sometime after that. Everything is as it should be you have the only copy showing Rego Sherrigan is not the father of her child. She'll think exactly what you want her to think for as long as you want her to." Deveraux nods in agreement as he stands and walks around the desk and extending his hand.
            "Last question you made sure nothing could be traced back to you." Joe smiles inwardly you bet you pompous self important ass. He'd made sure no one at the hospital could trace anything back to him and he'd kept copies for his own insurance just incase he or Cassandra decided to make him the scapegoat.
      "Everything is clear there's nothing." Joseph says as he stands and reaches for Deveraux's outstretched hand.
       "Thank you for assistance I'll be in touch should I need your services again. Until then keep your nose clean both literally and figuratively understand?" Devereaux says his voice turning Joe's spine cold.
       "Yes." He says Deveraux's eyes slicing through him for moment leaving Joe's soul feeling bare before Devereaux looked satisfied and walked him back to the front door.
       "Remember what I said. I'll call you it I need you." Devereux says as he reaches for the door knob Joe nods his head in agreement
        "Oui monsieur." Joe says stepping through the portal.
        "Bon journee." Devereaux says closing the door behind him.
         "Comme toi." Joe calls back as he presses the call button for the elevator relieved it was over.  All he had to do now was get his money from Cassandra and then sit back and wait. He looks down at his phone and checks the time as the doors open any minute now Mrs. Sherrigan should be getting her happy news.
         Cassandra flips through the magazine in her lap as Rego looks at something on his phone. He'd seen something earlier and had been frantically texting someone she wished she could figure out who. She'd tried but he'd purposely positioned himself so she couldn't see it. More than likely that always nauseating Francessca. Lately they seemed to have a lot to talk about! She didn't know what was more annoying their talking or his constant mooning over that picture! Hopefully Joe had done his what she asked. She'd done nothing but prayed for it. She hadn't dare call Joe not before the test results were revealed. She had to make sure there was no connection between them and she really couldn't afford for them to be seen together. That's what the afternoon out with Colby was all about. Rego had already set up some meeting right after the appointment sending a direct message that even if it proved to be his child he wouldn't be celebrating with her. That was perfectly fine. It was going to take time to melt the wall he'd built but as long as Joe did what he was supposed to do she'd have the ammunition to break through. She stared down at the the page not seeing the article as she tried to think of something to say to him. She had just thought of the perfect way to break the ice between them when the doctor stepped into the office.
       "Mr. and Mrs Sherrigan please, don't get up. Very nice to see you both again." She says extending her hand to each of them and shaking them quickly before sitting behind her desk and pulling up her computer screen. Cassandra braces herself hoping beyond hope Joe had done what she'd asked barely hearing the doctor as she spoke as she waited for the words she wanted to hear.
        "Everything seems to be right where they should be and according to the results Mr. Sherrigan you are ninety-nine point nine, nine percent probability of paternity. Congratulation Mommy and Daddy it's a baby boy!" She says smiling broadly looking from one to the other.
        Cassandra turns to Rego her face jubilant her smile satisfied and something else he wasn't sure of. It still didn't change how he felt about her but it did change how he felt about the child she carried and solidified what his next actions would be.
        Cassandra watch the chronicle of emotions flow across his face surprise, a fleeting moment of pride then happiness. Then settling back on loathing when he'd caught her eyes they'd met and immediately clashed. She knew she had her work cut out for her but she'd seen the keys to how she would win him back in those fleeting moments.  





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