Friday, July 21, 2017

Cassandra, Rego and Joe 07/21/2017


      Cassandra flips through the magazine then tosses it back down on the table this was tortuous. They had only been waiting fifteen minutes but to her it felt like hours. She'd texted Joe twice but hadn't received any back. What the hell was going on she'd made sure she'd paid him. She'd even given him the sample he needed! She just hoped that it would work!
          "Who are you texting?" Rego asks breaking through Cassandra's mental ranting.
           "Colby, we were supposed to meet for lunch but she may have to cancel."She lied putting her phone inside her purse.
           "Glad you're keeping yourself busy." He says going back to his laptop and continuing to work ignoring Cassandra's huffing and twitching beside him.
           "What the hell is taking so long?" She says with a huff as she crosses and recrosses her legs shifting in her seat for the hundredth time it felt like to him. He knew she was nervous but something else had her knickers in a knot and it was more than just the test. She had something else going on and he doubted it had anything to do with Colby. It was also more than the tongue lashing his father had unleashed on them or Devereaux something else was going on she was too antsy and it was his job no matter how frustrating she was trying to be.
          "As the receptionist told us the doctor had a delivery earlier and is running behind. They'll call us shortly." He said ignoring the audible huff and her puffed out lower lip.
          Cassandra picks up the magazine again and turns through the pages. She couldn't risk looking at her phone again Rego was already suspicious. All she could do was sit and wait until the samples were drawn to contact Joe. She prayed the pacifier would be enough she needed for this to go her way.
        "Mr and Mrs Sherrigan come with me please?" Came the nurse's voice from the open doorway. Cassandra tosses the magazine on the table and stands snatching up her purse as she walks. Rego lagging behind as the nurse leads them to a small room with two chairs.
           "Please have a seat. The doctor is still running behind and didn't want you to wait any longer. She is having the lab assitant draw the samples for you. He's on his way up and will be right with you."
          "So now we get to wait in here?" Cassandra huffs as she sits in the chair her chin on her palm pouting. Rego looks at her and sighs. He was weary of her constant childish whining.
           "Good Lord! Do you ever stop whining and complaining? Just do me a favor just be quiet please!" He sighs rubbing his temple as he paces back and forth across the room. Cassandra glares at him more annoyed than she had been but stays silent. In the mood he was in she didn't want to say anything else that would push him any further than she already had. She sighs loudly leaning back in the chair and watching Rego pace back and forth. They both turn their heads quickly as a knock comes on the door and a familiar voice to Cassandra calls from the other side.
           "Mr and Mrs. Sherrigan I'm Joe from the lab." He says extending his hand toward Rego then turning to Cassandra and doing the same giving her a quick wink as her turns back toward Rego.
           "I'm going to be drawing your samples and running your tests. Mr. Sherrigan why don't we start with you have a seat please." Joe says pointing to the chair as Rego removes his suit jacket then rolls up his sleeve as he sits.
           "Do you have any questions?" Joe asks as he prepares Rego arm for the withdrawal.
           "How long to we have to wait for the results?" Rego asks then grimaces as Joe inserts the needle then attaches the tube.
           "Not long the doctor said you were in a rush I could have them done by early tomorrow afternoon" He lied. He'd have them done by this afternoon he just needed the evening to make the necessary switch and get Deveraux his copies.
             "That's great by tomorrow afternoon we'll be able to put this all behind us and concentrate on our family's future." Cassandra says her mood brightening by the moment. She knew by that wink she'd gotten from Joe that everything was going to be perfect she thought as she watched Joe label Rego's sample and place it in the carriage then place a bandaid on his arm.
            "You're all done Mr. Sherrigan." He says with a smile then rolling his stool over to Cassandra.             "Thank you very much." Rego says rolling down his sleeve then slipping into his jacket.
            "My pleasure. You're turn Mrs. Sherrigan." Joe says reaching for the alcohol swab as Cassandra rolls up her sleeve. She wished that Rego would step out but knowing him he'd stay until the blood draw was completed.
            "So do we call the lab or do we call the doctor?" She asked forcing conversation hoping to gage her odds by his responses.
             "You'll have to call your doctor to get the results but, I'll make sure everything goes smoothly." He smirks as he makes the insertion at the same moment Rego's phone rings. He pulls it from his pockets looks down at it a moment and frowns.
            "If you'll excuse me a moment I have to take this.I'll meet you in the lobby." He says with a nod to both of them and steps out the room talking as he walks.
             "We'll be right here" Cassandra calls after him waiting for the door to close before whispering to Joe.
             "So are you going to be able to do it?" She whispers holding the cotton ball against her arm while he opened the bandaid. He looks up at her a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he place the bandage over the small puncture wound.
            "I've got everything I need to get you the answer you want. You have nothing to worry about." He smiles back placing the bandage on her arm. Cassandra stis back in the chair more than pleased with herself.
           Rego walks back from the atrium on his way back to the doctor's office to meet Cassandra. He'd walked out the office to finish his call away from an office filled with prying ears. He rounds the corner his mind still distracted as he presses buttons on his phone and is brushed in the leg as Francessca comes by pushing the stroller.
          "Oh I'm terribly sorry. Well Hello!" He says stepping back quickly then smiling broadly as he looks up.
          "Hey! Sorry about that. Are you okay?" Rego smiles brushing the dust from the edge of his pant leg.
          "I'm fine you just missed me and hello to you too!" He says looking down at a bouncing Logan with his arms outstretched. He reaches down picking him up and tickles his tummy making him giggle and cuddle his neck.
            "How's my favorite little man today?" He asks and receives excited baby babble in return making he and Francessca laugh.
             "Well aren't you a happy boy today! What brings you both to the hospital? No one sick I hope?" He asks looking from Logan then Francessca. She smiles and shakes her head.
           "we're fine we just came to help my Mom spice up Tad's room so he doesn't feel so isolated. We were just waiting for Grandma won't we sweetpea." She says kissing the end of Logan's nose making him laugh and swipe at his nose.
           "What brings you here you okay? She asks her brow creasing in concern. Rego smiles impishly.
           "It's nice to know you still care." Francessca chuckles.
           "Not really I still have that insurance policy you took out I just wanted to know when I could cash it in." She teases back making him laugh uproariously the sound catching the attention and ire of Cassandra watching them from the mezzanine. She storms away from the rail frantically pressing the button for the elevator. She needed to get down there. Every time she turned around those three were bonding! Every encounter brought them closer and closer. How soon before she had his ear again and could feed his already suspicious thoughts. She needed get down there now. she hissed allowed pushing the the call button again.
            "No, Cassandra had a doctor's appointment and I came down here to take a work call." Francessca grins devilishly.
            "So you still call them "business calls"?"  She smirks enjoying Rego's fake wide eyed indignance.
             "Oh you are on a roll today aren't you?"
             "I couldn't help myself." She says looking down at her phone then putting it back in her pocket.
            "Okay, that was Grandma Rhea and she's out front waiting for us. Say bye-bye to Uncle Rego."
            "Bye buddy see you soon." Rego kisses the top of Logan's head then gives him a quick hug before handing him back to his mother. Francessca takes Logan from him placing him back in the stroller.
           "We'll see you soon Rego." She says smiling up at him a devilish curve twisting the edge of her smile as she spies Cassandra coming down the elevator. She tips up kissing Rego on his cheek knowing it would irritate her to no end.
            "Take care of yourself oh, and good luck with that." She winks then scurries toward the exist before Cassandra had the chance to join them leaving Rego to face her undisguised rath.
           "Thanks for that!" He yells after her. His blood simmering with a mixture of amusement and annoyance at her laughter as she pushed through the door.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017




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