Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lola and Adam, Devereaux and Joe 07/20/2016


               Lola looks at the clock on the wall as she taps the desk with her pencil waiting impatiently. He was supposed to have been here five minutes ago! She'd wanted him in and out of her office before her receptionist came back from lunch. The last thing she needed was her running around the hospital with stories and speculation. The less ties she had to Devereaux the better. She also wanted him out of her office before Adam came to pick her up for lunch. She definitely didn't want him making any connection between the two of them. She'd forgotten when she'd agreed to Adams invitation this morning that Devereaux was coming she just prayed one would be gone before the other arrived.
                "Good afternoon doctor." Devereaux calls cheerily closing the door quietly behind him.
                "You're late." She snarls coming around the desk to face him. Devereaux smiles enjoying her nervousness and glad this would be the last of her services he'd be needing.
                 "Relax doctor I waited for the last of your patients and for your receptionist to leave before I came in and I had to make sure all my other arrangements were in place." His voice casual and attitude nonchalant as he turns and sits on the edge of the desk.
                " Thank you." She sighs her shoulders relaxing a little,
                " What do you want me to do? I'm going to warn you I won't do anything medically unethical. I won't jeopardize my license." She warns challenging him her eyes deadly. Devereaux smiles at her enjoying the the change in her since they had first met. she'd come a long way from that filthy back room in some long forgotten bar.
                 "Don't worry my little dove. I have no intention of doing anything that threatens your livelihood and as I promised this is the last thing I will ever ask you to do." Lola eyes him suspiciously still not fully trusting him or the deal they'd made.
                   "What do you want me to do?" She asks hoping beyond hope it was just something simple she could do and he be on his way. Devereaux smiles as he stands. He removes his jacket tossing it across the chair then unbuttons his cuffs and begins to roll up his sleeves.
                   "I need you to draw two vials of blood from me." He says turning back toward a confused Lola.
                   "That's it?" She inhales deeply starring back at him in shock making Devereaux chuckle.
                   "That's it my sweet. I just need you to draw two vials of blood put them in one of those protective containers one in each for me and our business dealing are at a close."  Lola sighs in relief as she walks to the cabinet and withdraws two sterile vials laying them on the desk next to him as she prepares his arm for the procedure.
                    "What do you need it for." She asks puncturing his arm and attaching a vial to it both watching as it fills quickly. Devereaux looks up his eyes locking with hers.
                     " That's not your worry doctor. I would think you'd be more focused on your new life." He says coldly cutting off any further discussion as she fills the second vial placing it in the container then closing and sealing them both. Devereaux rolls his sleeve down then shrugs into his jacket as Lola seals the container then hands it to him.
                      "Here you go Devereaux." She says quietly as he lays his brief case on the chair and opens it before taking the container from her and placing it inside.
                        "Thank you Lola." He says all the coldness having left his voice replaced by a sort of melancholy.
                        "I'm going to miss you Lola. You were probably one of the most loyal employees I've ever had. I hope you'll be very happy with whatever you plan to do from this point forward." Lola stares at him her mouth agape surprised by his words.
                         "Thank you Devereaux that's very kind of you." He smiles a little half grin then picks up his briefcase and walks to the door. stopping and turning back towards her.
                         "Au Revoir Lola tout le bonheur dans la vie, mon amour." Lola smiles back feeling an odd sadness at their parting.
                         "Vous aussi bien pour vous mon ami et plus Merci." She says as he leaves closing the door behind him. She looks around her office and takes in a deep breath letting it out a slow grin spreading across her face. She was finally, finally free!
                         Adam walks from the opposite end of the hall spotting Devereaux as he steps into the hallway. Adam steps back quickly around the corners edge as Devereaux walks down the hall to the elevators. His being there sending Adam's curiosity to a fever pitch. He waits for him to board the elevator then another moment until his nagging little voice quiets before continuing down the hall and entering Lola's office.
                        Devereaux walks to the elevator taking it to the new genetics lab and waits discreetly in the alcove down the hall. Joe pauses looks around the empty hall then slips into the alcove pulling the plastic construction sheet closed again.
                      "Here's my sample." He says holding it up in the dim light then pulling it back as Joe reaches for it. Joes eyes lock with Devereaux's making the hair stand on the back of his neck at the lifelessness of them. It was as if no soul burned within him. The thought chilled him to the bone sending a shiver through him.
                     "You are going to be the technician that draws her blood and you will be testing the samples. When you do I want you to take two samples from Cassandra. I want one. I want you to give it to me as soon as it's taken. I will meet you here before you go in the lab." Devereaux says handing him the box. "I want you to run the test with Sherrigan sample when you do I want a copy. Then, I want you to run the test with mine and I want a copy of that. If  Sherrigan's blood isn't a match which I'm sure it won't. I want a copy. If the test shows I'm the father then I want you to switch it with mine and give it to them. Make sure this can't be traced back to me. I want  them to think Sherrigan the father. I want you to call me as soon as it's done." His eyes cold as death.  "You have your instructions and you understand what to do?"  Joe nods nervously taking the small Styrofoam package from him and placing it in his lab coat pocket.
                     "Yes sir" Devereaux reaches for him pushing him against the wall his hand wrapped around his throat lifting him from the floor. "This is extremely important do you understand? Make sure there are no mistakes like in New York or this time you will pay with your life. Do I make myself clear?" His voice a deadly whisper. Joe's face begins to turn purple his lungs burning as he nods in agreement. Devereaux releases him watching him fall to the floor coughing and sputtering. Joe's hands going instinctively to his throat as he croaks out an answer.
                   "Very clear sir I promise I will follow your directions to the letter." He rasps between gasps of air. Devereaux looks down at him smiling demonically.
                    "Make sure that you do." He says before straightening his tie and smoothing back his hair then leaving.
                 Joe slumps against the wall takes a few deep breathes then laughs to himself. This worked out better than he'd have ever dreamed! He wouldn't have to use that stupid pacifier! From what his father had told him Joe was sure that either Devereaux or Rego's were the father of her child. The slut was good but even she couldn't juggle three men under Devereaux's watchful eye. He'd have exactly what she wanted proof her husband was the father of her child and if it wasn't he'd have proof of that too! He'd tell her exactly what he was told to tell her! Secondly he knew exactly why Deveraux wanted the other sample. If Devereaux was the father or not his reaction worked for them either way. There was no worry in telling him the truth.
              It only worked more to his favor if he maintained the lie in the case of Cassandra if Sherrigan was not! It also kept them out of Deveraux's way for whatever he had planned and a better idea which embers to bring to a flame. For now Cassandra would once again think her world was safe. All sides would be satisfied taking him out of both Devereaux's and Cassandra's crosshairs. No matter the way he observed the situation he could only be the benefactor!
                 Should his father's machinations not work they'd have something solid for the future! With a rich husband like her's that information could come in handy, very handy. Either way they would always be able to take care of his sweet Genevieve. Cassandra would continue to pay for what she did to her and he had the devil himself to thank for it all!
               "Il n'y a pas d'échapper à ce qui a déjà été conçu mon amour. Vous devez faire face à votre destin!" He mutters and laughs remembering his sister during happier times then stands and heads to Obstetrics to meet it.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles


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