Wednesday, July 19, 2017

David and Michael 07/19/2017


            David walks into the lab surprised to find Michael sitting at the table already working. He'd been hoping to get in the lab early he'd wanted to get a look at Michael's computer before he got in but of course here he was. He only had another day before Jeanine got back and he needed to see what was going on with his research. He needed something more to bring to the investors. Michael seemed quiet and undisturbed so Obviously Rhea hadn't mentioned running into him or at least wasn't suspicious of him. That was a good sign. He also looked happy maybe he had some good news for a change. He thought coming fully into the room and waving hello to Michael.  
           "You're here early." He says watching Michael's reaction closely.
           "Yeah, yeah babies will do that for you." David smiles back not seeing any animosity behind Michael's broad grin.
            " What did you go see your grandson before work?" Michael smiles even wider.
            "The first time he's spent the entire night with us! One of the best evenings of my life. He is such a character." He says smiling at the memories and chuckling on his way back to the lab table.
             " Made some coffee a little while ago and there are some zeppoles Sophia made this morning." Michael says pointing to the paper bag on the table next to the pot.
               " Thanks" David smiles pouring coffee into a cup and placing a pastry on a napkin. " So, Sophia is still staying with you? How that's going?" He asks walking to the lab table and standing behind Michael as  he works. Michael grins shaking his head in amusement.
               " Actually I enjoy having her around. she a lot of fun I've never eaten better in my life. I think I've gained about ten pounds. It's nice not coming home to a big empty house having a hot meal and good conversation. Looking through what must be a hundred photos she must have of Francessca. Did I tell you she made me this huge photo album filled with photos of Francessca as she grew up?" David looks at him one eyebrow raised in surprise.
               "Wow! That was really nice of her." David says trying not to sound distracted as he reads Michael's computations over his shoulder. Nodding with relief he hadn't noticed his down load and the formula was still holding up. This morning kept getting better and better.
                "So, from the message you sent this morning we got the additional money we needed." Michael asks keeping his back to David as he works. David sips his coffee smiling to himself as he walks back to his desk.
                 "Yeah, yeah like I told you it went great we got more than we need to continue." David says over his shoulder as he switches his computer on. Michael smiles and nods in agreement.
                  "I'm sorry I missed it." David grimaces to himself here it came.
                   "I'm sorry you missed it too. I tried to call and tell you." Michael chuckles.
                    "well, it happens, besides I had breakfast with my grandson and I wouldn't have missed that for the world." He says rising from his stool at the lab table and walks towards him. "Rhea told me she saw you at the conference center this morning."
                   "Yeah, I ran into her in the elevator on the way out. I was telling her how sorry I was I couldn't reach you." David says sounding distracted as he click through the programs. Michael watches him a moment stopping just behind him.
                   "Couldn't reach me or didn't want to reach me?" Michael says casually watching David over the brim of his cup. David stares at his computer his lips becoming a thin line as he contemplates his next move deciding to stay the course he'd already chosen.
                    "Of course I wanted you there. I tried calling you last night and again this morning." David says over his shoulder then moves to his lab table Michael in tow.
                   "Yeah, yeah so you said. So I guess even with all the failures we've experienced they were still willing to take the chance on us huh?" David's mind clicks over the possibilities of each statement before deciding which direction to take.
                   "To be honest Michael no, they weren't. I needed to show them the promise of a future with their investment and I showed them your research along with our work up to yesterday. I know you didn't want too but it was the only way I could secure the funding we needed to keep going. Now I'm sorry if that bothers you but we said from the beginning that I was going to handle the business end of our venture and I'm doing just that. That mean sometimes you're not going to agree and you're not going to like what I have to do. But, at the end of the day and please don't take this the wrong way I've been doing this a lot longer than you."  David says with a shrug. "And I didn't purposely leave you out of the meeting they did a last minute reschedule just like I told you and Rhea." Micheal's mouth twists into a half grin excepting his excuse in part.
                      "Huh, and I get all that but that doesn't explain you going into my computer and stealing my data." David looks at Michael and chuckles.
                       "First off it's our work secondly. You and I discussed it and you gave me your opinion then I did what I thought was best to get the money we needed to continue our research." He's says anger edging his voice his arms crossed. Michael stares back at him one brow raised meeting his challenge with one of his own.
                     "Yes, it's our work and we do need the money I don't have a problem with that. My problem is that instead of you asking me for what you needed you just took what you wanted. You gave Jeanine some time off to get her out of the office so she wouldn't slip up and tell me. Then you pretend the meeting was changed when you are the one that changed it! You didn't want me there because you didn't want me to know to took my work. You know what the really sad part is? If you had bothered to ask I would have just given it to you. It's painfully obviously you didn't trust me enough to even bother! THAT'S what I have a problem with!" He counters throwing his hand up and rushing on before David can speak. "My biggest problem is that you still don't trust me. After everything we've been through and talked about and you still don't. You definitely don't see us as equals and I have to be honest that hurts. I'm not sure I can work that way." He says shaking his head as he walks back to his lab table and closes his laptop then places it inside his briefcase. David stares after him a moment trying to ignore the sudden pang of guilt he felt as Michael walks toward the door.
                 "Michael wait!" He calls to him. Michael pauses a moment turning back towards him the disappointment glistening in his eyes.
                 "No you wait! I can't deal with you right now so I'm going to go home spend some time with my grandson maybe do some work. But, I know one thing I won't be doing, that's thinking you and I were ever working towards a real partnership or a true friendship." He says walking out the door and passing Krystal on her way in.
                   " How are you Krystal" He mutters not waiting for a response.
                   "He sure left out of here in a hurry. What's going on?" She says staring after Michael then turning towards David. David sighs heavily feeling at a loss for the first time in a long time.
                    "We're just having a little difference of opinion."
                     " A little difference of opinion? He looked madder than a wet hen!"
                     " Nothing to worry about we'll work it out. What's going on with you? I thought you were having lunch with your sister?" Krystal looks at him fighting back the questions she had.
                      "I did, she had to cancel. She said something came up." David smirks knowingly thinking back to what he had witnessed earlier. Krystal watches the smile come and fade making her curious.
                      "What's that supposed to mean?" She asks poking him in his side playfully making him giggle.
                       "Nothing! Nothing, I was just down at the hospital earlier and it seemed a little busy is all. Why don't I take you to lunch and you can tell me all about your meeting this morning. Then we can pick up our son from school and go to the park. How does that sound?" He asks sweeping her into his arms and kissing the top of her head. Krystal smiles holding him close.
                      "I thought you had a lot of work to catch up on now that you have your funding?" She asks hoping to pull more from him as to why Michael had stormed out.
                       " That can wait I'd rather spend the afternoon with you." He says before kissing her pushing away the lingering curiosity about Michael and his odd remark about Lola.    

Read David and Rhea 07/01/2016
Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

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