Thursday, July 27, 2017

Jesse and Tea 07/27/2017


             Tea walks to Jesse's office door and knocks. She waits for his greeting then steps inside closing the door behind her.
            "So Chief what do you have for me?" She says placing her things on the chair and stares pointedly at Jesse. The later places his pen down and reaches for his coffee cup as he speaks.
             "And good morning to you too. Coffee?" He asks walking to the small coffee maker on the table and pouring more into his cup.
             "Sorry Jesse. Sure I would love some." Jesse smiles pouring coffee into the spare cup and handing it to her.
              "Don't worry about it. I get it. There's cream in the mini frig and sugar in the bowl on top help yourself." He says going back to his seat and closing the file he'd been working on and pulling another from his "In" bin and opening it as Tea takes the seat in front of him.
              "You were smart to be concerned." He says pushing the folder toward her.
              "My man noted she received a message from the the "Calisco
 Group" last night then again this morning. According to the man I have tailing her now about an hour after she got it a limousine arrived." Tea looks over the rest of the report as Jesse speaks not sure what to make of it all yet. But something about it gnawed at her.
               "Why does that name sound so familiar?" Jesse smiles behind the brim of his cup. He knew that would get her. That's why he liked her she was sharp as a chef's knife she missed nothing.
                "We saw him at the gala a few nights back. He was with Devereaux St. Jacques." Tea looks up at him the light of recognition going off in her head.
                 "This gets more interesting by the moment." Tea says looking up at Jesse who stares back at her just as curious.
                 "What could Barabara possibly be doing for them?" Jesse leans forward placing his mug on the warmer.
                 "My question exactly. Why would she have any business with them? They're an east coast firm with no real holdings out west and nothing near where Barbara is from? Then I found this." He says sliding another folder to her as he speaks.
                "Barbara's been doing some heavy gambling in one of the casinos in Montana that they do have controlling shares in. Maybe it's some kind of way of paying that off?"
                 "Yeah, yeah that's a possibility take a look at this." She say pointing to the folder and handing it to Jesse.
                  " She had some pretty hefty fines and legal fees after her little foray as a party girl. Then look there right before leaving for here she paid it all off." Jesse looks at the item then leans back in his chair.
                "But it wasn't long after she sold the practice. She could have used that money." He shrugs.
                "Okay I'll give you that but, if she did that would have taken every last penny of that sale. Where did the rest of it come from?" Jesse shrugs again.
                 "She is a lawyer maybe she's doing work for them we don't know. What keeps me interested is St. Jacques and his involvement with Tad's case. His tie to Calisco Group and now their tie to Barbara Montgomery. I need some answers and I think I may know where to get them." Tea nods her head in agreement closing the file and handing it back to Jesse.
                 "So what's your interest in Barbara anyway? Don't tell me you and Jackson...." He says with a laugh as his voice trails off making Tea blush slightly.
                  "If you must know," She starts her voice both playful and reproachful giving Jesse feeling he was on a seesaw for a moment not sure if he was right or not.
                   "Our daughters are best friends so we were over the other night for dinner when she popped up and I don't know she just seemed..." Her voice trailing off as she goes back over the scene.
                    "I can't put my finger on it exactly but after years with two of the best liars in the world I've become pretty good and spotting one as soon as I hear it. Something about her last night just sent my radar off." She confides. Jesse listens intently knowing exactly that feeling she was talking about.
                    "My gut agrees with your radar. I can't imagine Barabara living like the rest of us working and scraping by she was never the type." Tea nods in agreement.
                    "My thoughts exactly." Jesse leans forward his voice hushed.
                    "That's why I kept my man on it. Like I said before I think I know where I might be able to get some more information. There's a strange undercurrent flowing and I want to know where it's coming from and if she's a part of the connection I want to know about it. Thanks for the tip by the way."
                    "No Problem and you'll keep me informed?" She says as she stands and places the cup back on the small table.
                     "You bet and this is still between the two of us right?" Jesse asks as he stands and walks toward the door.
                     " Please, until I have something solid I don't want him envolved okay?" She asks her eyes pleading. Jesse also understood that situation.
                      "You have my word." He says holding the door open allowing Tea to pass through.
                      "I appreciate it Jesse." Jesse chuckles closing the door behind them.
                      "I'm glad you do I'm not so sure my daughter does." Tea laughs as they reach the office.
                      "Hopefully when it's all said and done she'll understand it's for a good cause."
                      "From your lips." He says crossing himself quickly and looking to the heavens then stealing a glance at his daughter who looked anything but understanding.
                      Brot stares at the report on his screen wishing he could remember what the hell it was he was about to type. He looks up at Natalia who seemed her usual self but there was the laugh that was a little too shrill and the long stares into nothingness. There was also the fact that she had been asleep when he came home and gone when he'd gotten up and they really hadn't talked at all today or yesterday for that matter. He'd been on surveillance tonight as well even if Cooper came up with nothing useful. That was not going to help matters at all. He thought with a sigh turning back toward his computer screen and trying to recall what he was doing before.
                  Natalia looks over the top of her computer feeling Brot staring at her. she smiles and winks hoping that would be enough to keep him at bay. She didn't feel liking talking yet which was why she'd taken the call to come in early to avoid it. She needed to think and what better way than with some mindless chores to keep her busy. It kept her from checking the text she'd gotten earlier from Preston. She didn't want to know any more than she already did. I was over between them and like Cess said she was dealing with suppressed emotions. That was all it was. They didn't need to meet for coffee and talk what was there left to talk about? Preston was her past Brot was her future.
                 She gets up from her desk carrying a stack of folders and walks to the file cabinet next to Brot's. This would give them a few minutes to talk.
                "Hey! What's going on? You got in late last night." She says hoping her strange guilt didn't show in her voice. Brot looks up from his computer. Natalia seemed alright on the outside but there was something just a little off.
                "Yeah I didn't finish the assignment till late then by the time I came back here and wrote it up it was even later." He says as he stands the file case separating them as they talk and Natalia works.  
               "I figured as much. That's why when I got back I just went to bed. Then this morning Hernandez called out and I had to come in early." Brot feels his shoulders relax a little. That's what was bugging her.
               "Hey maybe we can go out after work just you and I. What do you say?" Brot looks back at her grinning sheepishly.
                " I can't I have a surveillance detail again this evening. Can I get a rain check?" Natalia sighs sounding as disappointed as she felt.
                "Sorry Babe I'd get out of it if I could but you know. That's the life of a detective." Natalia shrugs understanding but still feeling disappointed.
                 "No I get it. Tell me you're not working this weekend right?" Brot looks back at her and shakes his head.
                  "No. I put in for that months ago even the chief couldn't be the heartless." Natalia looks over at her father and back as she sticks the last folder in the cabinet.
                  "You just make sure of it okay?" She says sternly leaving no room for an argument making Brot laugh.
                  "Yes Ma'am you can count on it. There is no way I'm missing our anniversary." Natalia smiles back at him resisting the urge to kiss him.
                   "Okay I better get out of here before the chief says something." She says closing the drawer and walking back to her desk feeling more at ease than she had all morning and ignored her phone vibrating in her pocket.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

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