Monday, October 8, 2018

Erica, Kendall, And Opal


          Kendall sits in one of the set chairs reviewing her sketch as the stage hands move items into place and compares it to what she sees before her.
        "Hey Frank?" She shouts out stopping one of the stagehands as he moves across the set.
         "Could you please have someone move the large palm about five feet to the right where I've put the tape maker?" The man shades his eyes to the stage lights above as he peers out into the darkness auditorium.
         "You got it Mrs. S" He says with a wave and smile then shouts orders to the men behind him.
          "Thanks Frank." She shouts back then goes back to comparing her sketch to the actual set.
          "Kendall! Kendall! Have you seen my dressing room!" Erica screeches as she storms down the aisle behind her.
          "And good morning to you too Mother." She says between gritted teeth and a roll of her eyes as she turns towards her.
          "Never mind all that! What it is going on with my dressing room Kendall?" Erica continues her anger still brewing. How am I supposed to function in the cracker box you've cleverly disguised as a dressing room!"
           "I'm the stage designer Mother not Procurement. Besides all the dressing rooms are the same." She says distractedly going back to her work and ignoring her mother's ranting. Erica had worn away any patients she had ignoring her childish whining was all she could do after her two day rampage.
           " Considering it's my show I'm the star and I have a hundred times the work and responsibility as the window dressing Gavin hired I need no, I demand a space that will accommodate my needs immediately!"
           "That's it! You've called us window dressing for the last time! We're all just as much a part of this show as you are!" Opal snaps coming to stand beside the two of them as all movement and talk ceases and all eyes focus on the trio. Erica take a step back shaking the hair back from her face her eyes narrowed. Her voice cold the tone prickling Opals skin like sleet on a windy day.
           "Let's be honest here shall we? New Beginnings was doing just fine before any of you got here!" She continues in the same dismissive tone. Opal glares back at her as each word further ignites her anger into a roaring flame.
           "If YOU and YOUR Show were really doing so well Gavin wouldn't have hired us. You even told me yourself not too long ago remember? You needed some "big story" to boost ratings. You harassed everyone you know trying to get the "big story" that would save your show. You even went as far to harass my grandson's wife about the birth of my great grandson. So obviously YOUR show needed something besides snooze festival you, to make it interesting to the audience." Opal finishes  her eyes and stance challenging Erica to dispute what she'd said.
         "Are you saying I'm boring? That's is one thing Erica Kane never was or will ever be!" She shouts back to an unperturbed Opal who smiles smugly and shrugs
         "Well if the pillow fits ,put your head on it!" She say smoothly enjoying the red flush of rage stain her cheeks.
         "Why I aught too...." She starts as Opal cuts in.
         "Careful Erica remember I hit back!" She says stepping within inches of Erica and stooping down so they were face to face.
          "LADIES!" Gavin shouts stepping between the two. "And I believe as of this moment I am using the word rather loosely." He finishes and receives a quelling look from them both.
          "What the hell is this all about?" Gavin asks looking from one to the other.
          "Oh well Miss Priss here thinks everything is about her and the rest of us are just filler or some kind of support group."
           'Because that's exactly what you are!" Erica snipes back as she pushes toward Opal trapping Gavin between them.
           "Okay you two back off!" He shouts above the fray. "Erica realized this morning with all the work we have to do on both shows your present accommodations won't sacrifice so I've booked you the penthouse for the next two weeks and you'll have use of the private elevator."
           "Well that's fine for her but what about the rest of us?" Opal breaks in her arms crossed over her chest glaring at him expectantly.
            "I've arranged for the rest of the ladies to share the other penthouse each will  have their own room to use as they please. Mr. Slater's has graciously given us the assistance of his assistant Dax if you need any furniture changes etcetera and so forth. Now, Opal I believe you have a fitting for your photo shoot and Erica we have a meeting shall we go? I expect you All to be ready to film!" He says turning toward Erica the expression on his face giving her no choice but to join him. Kendall sighs in relief glad to have the both of them gone even if it was only for a few minutes. She thought looking back at the stage with the hands standing idle.
         "Gentlemen? The shows over lets get back to work shall we?" She yells startling them all back into motion before referring back to her sketch pad. Not noticing the young man sitting in the back of the auditorium absorbing it all.
          "Hey Kendall!" Francessca calls from behind her as she walks down the center aisle carrying her camera case and lights. 
         Hey niece!" She calls back placing her pad down on the seat as Francessca comes towards her and gives her a hug. 
            "It's so good to see you! How are you?" Francessca smiles as she releases her then places her equipment on the floor next to her.
             "I'm good! How are my boys?" Francessca asks as she ones her case and pulls out one of her cameras and inspects it as she speaks.
            'Good missing their big cousin just like their Mommy." Kendall teases making Francessca laugh.
            "I miss you guys too. I've just been so busy with the baby, work Jamie and least I forget the founders day stuff! I feel like all I do is run. Oh, and to top it all off Logan is beginning to cut teeth so that's been a laugh riot! " Kendall laughs.
             "Oh I remember those days! At least you have Sophia. That woman's a dynamo! I hope when I get to be her age I have half as much energy as she does." Kendall jokes making them both laugh.
             "You and me both! Listen I'm on a really tight schedule today do you know where and when Gavin wants these shots done?" She says looking around the auditorium her eyes stopping on an attractive young wavy haired man about her age sitting in the back if he hadn't moved at that moment she might not have seen him. He'd smiled as their eyes had locked The moment between them giving her an odd sense of familiarity before he'd looked away and reached for his ringing phone.
              "I can help you with that." Corbin smiles as he comes toward the two of them. 
              "Corbin James this is Francessca Logan-Martin of "Tempo" Magazine. Francessca Corbin James is the producer for both  "New Beginnings" and "Raising Fire"." He says taking Francessca's hand  and shaking it. 
               'Very nice to meet you if you want to grab your stuff and follow me I'll show where you can set up." He says with a smile picking up Francessca's case and leading the way. 
               "I'll call you later!" Kendall calls after them watching as they leave and Vinny comes towards her.
               "Hey beautiful! I have that reclaimed wood you wanted for the kitchen set out in my truck you want to take a look?" 
                "Vinny did anyone ever tell you you're a life saver?" Kendall's eyes light up at the news as she tosses her sketchbook down on the seat and follows him up on the stage and out the stage door. 
               The young man that had been sitting quietly in the back of the auditorium moves to the front where Kendall had been standing. He looks along the aisle spotting Kendall's purse and sit down next to it. He opens it reaching for her wallet. He flips through till he comes to her license then quickly takes a picture of it before slipping the wallet back in her purse and casually strolls back up the aisle and out the door.  

* Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

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