Friday, October 5, 2018

Palmer, Opal and Peter

        Palmer glances up from his paper at the landscaper mowing the lawn in the distance and smiles to himself. He was enjoying his morning for the first time in as long as he could remember. He'd finally come to a decision after speaking with Nina and Ross he was more than satisfied with it. In fact it had bought him a kind of peace he hadn't felt in sometime.
       "Good Morning Dad!" Pete says joining his father at the patio table and helping himself to the coffee and pastries before taking the seat opposite his father.
        "Good Morning my boy! Good Morning! Good to have you home! How was your vacation? Did you and Jeanine enjoy yourselves?" Palmer asks placing the paper down on the table.
        "It was great!" Pete replies between mouthful's as Palmer smiles and nods in agreement.
        "Wonderful! You deserved it after what you've done for the company!" He says turning the paper over and showing him the headline and photo of Pete and Rhea adorning it.
        "I can't tell you how proud I am of you and all the work you've done. Especially this new acquisition. This is going to revolutionize the industry and knock Jay Stanton right on his pompous ass!" Palmer says chuckling devilishly. Pete smiles back at him pulling himself up in his seat and meeting his fathers stare squarely as he speaks his tone assured and firm.
      "That may be but that's not why I made the decision. I did a lot of research on Preston and Chase's project before making the acquisition. I didn't let you or the fact they were friends of Francessca Martin's' color my decision.  It was good for them and even better for Slater-Cortland." Palmer smiles back at him proudly.
        "I know,
     "That's what made me the most proud. That deal of yours will make Slater-Cortlandt millions if not billions. It also confirmed my decision." Pete looks back at him his jaw taunt unsure what his father was referring to and determined not to allow his statement to shake his confidence.
       "And what decision is that?" Peter asks laying his napkin on the side of the plate,
       "I've spoken to both your sister and brother and they both approve of what I'm about to do."
       "What exactly is that Dad?"
       "You son are the future of Slater-Cortland. As of today you my boy are the new CEO of "Slater-Cortland Electronics". The Announcement will be in the afternoon addition! Congratulation my boy! You've more than earned it!"
        "Oh! Congratulations Sweet potato!" Opal yelps as she come through the patio doors and wraps her arms around her sons shoulders and squeezes him tight before landing kisses on his cheek. "Your father and I are so proud of you!" She says giving his shoulder a final squeeze before taking the seat adjacent to him.
         Pete looks from his father to his mother in shock and speechless making both his parents laugh.
        "I told you he'd be speechless when you told him." Opal laughs as she gives her sons hand a quick squeeze.
       "Well son what do have to say for yourself?" Palmer slaps his son on the back and chuckles.
       "I....I ....I'm honored and overwhelmed that you all have so much faith in me." Pete stutters feeling overwhelmed by the news.  'But what about Bobby I thought he would...." Pete trails off as Palmer throws up his hand silencing him.
      "Don't worry about Bobby. The decision was unanimous. Bobby's never been interested in the business he's happy doing what he's doing and living his life. Son you're the only one that ever showed any interest or had any electronic acumen. No, son the position is yours you've more than earned it." Palmer finishes as he stands and stretches out his hand towards his son.
      "You're going to make a fine CEO even better than your old man." Palmer smiles up at him shaking his hand firmly before pulling him into a hug and patting his back.
       "I promise Dad I won't let you down." Peter says choking back the tears gripping his throat.
        "Ohhhhh! Look at my boys!" Opal coo's and embraces both of them. "I never thought I would live to see my little Petey all grown up and so handsome! Running the family business! I'm so proud I could just burst!" She say as she mushes Peter's cheek and then kisses him before hugging him tightly to her.
       "Okay now I want you both to sit down and finish your breakfasts while I tell you my good news!"  Peter and Palmer both look up at her puzzled as they take their seats.
        "Well I've talked to my Boss Gavin you know the real boss not Erica's lap dog!" She snarks still smarting from the encounter she'd had with Erica the other day. "And he's going to let me interview you for our show "New Beginnings". Your Dad arranged for you to do the interview as part of the publicity for your new project but Gavin wanted me to be the main interviewer when you come on the show! And now because of your Dad I get to make the big announcement! Isn't that wonderful?" She asks looking excitedly from Peter to Palmer and back.
        " That's great Mom but when is this all supposed to happen?" He asks looking from one to the other wondering what exactly he'd fallen into. Palmer rolls his eyes tossing his napkin down on the table in disgust.
         "Your Mother came home yesterday in a snit..." Palmer grumbles as Opal cuts in.
         "I did not come home in a snit!"
         "All right then you came home in a rage, better?" He says his voice dripping with sarcasm as Opal pleads her case.
         "I was just a little annoyed at Erica and her high and mighty ways was all!" Palmer snickers.
         "Oh is that all? The way you were acting I thought she'd stolen your favorite cauldron!" Palmer snorts out as he smothers a laugh at Opal indigent expression and continues for her.
         "Anyway to one up Erica your Mother made me promise we'd make the announcement of your promotion on her show."
         "You'll do it for me won't you honey?" Opals pleads.
         "For you Mom anything, you know that. I was going to go by Jeanine's and I'll meet you at the station okay?"
           "That would be perfect! Thank you Honey." She squeals making Peter grin as he finishes eating.
           "Don't mention it Mom." Opal sneaks a peak at Palmer who nods then holds up his paper pretending to read it as he listens intently.
           "By the way how is Jeanine hope you two are going to come by some night this week and tell us about your trip."
             "Jeanine is perfect as always why don't you give her call about dinner. I'd better get going! I'll see you both at the studio." He says leaning down and kissing his Mothers cheek before heading back through the terrace doors. Opal watches him walk away then leans towards Palmer smiling a conspiratorial smile.
            "Did you see the way his face lit up when I asked him about Jeanine?" Palmer chuckles patting Opals hand.
             "Yes I did. At least one of my children has decent tastes when it comes to a mate!" He says snapping the paper in front of him trying to hide the prideful smile from his wife and failing miserably.     

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

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