Monday, July 16, 2018

Jaime and Cassandra


        Jamie pushes away from his desk his fury taken on the chair as it slams against the window sill. He  clicks the television off then throws the remote down on the table the cover clicking to the floor the batteries rolling to a stop across the top. Every time he looked around there was Rego holding his son, kissing his wife and intruding on his life! Now this television interview with them smiling and laughing and him latched on to his wife and son! With that interview the entire world was now thinking they were a pair! Was that what Rego wanted? Why would they even agree to do a television interview in the first place? What was he really after? Was he trying to steal his life?
         Seriously who could blame him? Life with Cassandra was a roller coaster to put it mildly. So, was it just a marriage based on love or convenience? Or was he trying to get what he once had? There was no way he could possibly trust Cassandra after all she'd done or could he? There was no secret about who Cassandra was so Rego knew what he was getting into. Was he regretting his choices now? To hell if it didn't look that way to him and he was going to do everything in his power to prevent it!
       "Prevent what?" The small voice laughed at him. So far he hadn't really done anything at all and for all intent and purpose from his action at least he was determined to do right by Cassandra so was he really regretting his choice?
          Deep down he knew the question wasn't for Rego it was actually for his wife. Was she starting to regret not telling Rego the truth about Logan. When she looked at Rego does she regret the life they could of had?  She'd said she was only trying to act like a normal person around him. She said she was just treating him like his brother and Logan's uncle but was there more? He asked himself as he walked methodically to his chair and sat.
         Looking back on her actions she hadn't done or said anything that should make him feel the way he was. The only thing he could really put his finger on was the photo she had taken at his parents. The one he'd caught her staring at on several occasion. "That was nothing!" a voice whispered. It was a sweet picture he'd caught himself standing and staring at it on many occasions. Besides, it was clustered among all the other family photos there was no telling which one she was looking at. 
        No that wasn't it. It was the way she was around him lately and the fact that her attitude had softened where he was concerned. She was friendly and relaxed when they were together. There was even some of playful back and forth they used to have.  He thought as the annoyance began to glow hotter. He sat back in the chair turning toward the window remembering what had happened at his mother's house the other night. The two of them making him the butt of some private joke between them. Thinking they had re-formed that kind of closeness only fueled his anger further. He wasn't happy with the truce that had arisen between them or the friendship that was growing before his eyes. No he didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit!
        With Rego's tenuous marriage to Cassandra when that started to swirl the bowl would he then turn his attention back to his wife? Was he laying his ground work now? Sure he would and sure it was. It would be especially so if he knew about Logan. He'd want his family not just his son. He'd want it all!
         "Hey Baby!" Francessca calls cheerily as she pushes the stroller through the office door catching Jamie by complete surprise.
          "Oh hey honey." He says coming towards her and kissing her cheek.
          Are you okay? She asks searching his face knowing instinctively something was off.
         "Yeah, yeah just thinking about a patient." He says quickly as he reaches down and picks up Logan from his stroller.
          "Nothing serious I hope?" She says as she bends and pulls her purse from the back of the stroller.
           "No just me being extra cautious." Francessca smiles as she leans down and kisses her sons head then Jamie's cheek.
          "That's what I love about you.See you later you two. Oh my Dad said he'll pick Logan up and take him home after the meeting." She says bending and kissing her sons upturned cheek.
           "See you pumpkin! I have to go over to Uncle Zach's casino and take some shots of the "New Beginnings" cast for "Tempo" I'll see you at home. Love you." She smile blowing him a kiss as the door closes behind her. Jamie smiles after her as an idea flashes in his mind.
          " You know your Momma just gave me a really good idea." He says jiggling a laughing Logan. He reaches for his phone and searches through his contacts till he finds the one he needs then presses it. He sits a moment listening to it ring as his son plays on his lap. Then laughs aloud as suddenly an image of Cassandra's reaction when Rego got home.
          Cassandra stares at the television remote clutched in her hand her anger blinding her as to what to do next. What she really wanted to do was kill him. It was worse than him buying this house and wanting her to live in it!  As if that wasn't enough! The same house he and that Bitch had almost bought! She'd remembered Francessca showing it to her as one of her top two! She'd almost lost it when she had to pretend to be happy and excited! If it had come furnished and if she didn't know better she'd swear Francessca also had picked out the furnishing!  Now to add insult this ridiculous interview where she'd been practically wiped off the map and he, Francessca and their brat replaced as the happy family! And he had let that stupid reporter go on and on he'd never once corrected the idiot or mentioned her once! She should slap his smug face black and blue! What she wanted to do would destroy all the progress she'd made with Rego on the other hand it would be what he'd expect. But she was trying desperately to be the dotting obedient wife and reacting the way she actually felt wouldn't accomplish that. She also couldn't go to the other extreme either. No she had to find the believable medium. Just enough outrage balanced with just the right amount of hurt and indignation with a sprinkling of tears should do the trick. She sighed satisfied with her decision.
              In the meantime she'd finish opening the boxes that had arrived this morning. She'd spent the afternoon yesterday ordering online and some of her packages had arrived earlier. She had been about to open them when "They" had popped up on the screen. She takes the letter opener from the desk and slices into one and pulls the contents from it tearing off the sheets of bubbleplex and dropping it back inside. She stares at the matching sterling silver baby brush, comb, rattle and cup curiously not recalling having ordered this set or any set like it. She places it the pieces down on the table and inspects the box finding a small envelope taped to the top of the small silver tray at the bottom. She place the tray on the table and opens the envelope slowly and removes the card as a small feeling of dread begins to creep over her.
              "Only the finest for our son." signed with a single  "D" at the bottom. Cassandra's heart felt as if it would pound out of her chest. She takes a deep breath and exhales to calm herself. There was no way he knew about her child. She had been very careful and had paid handsomely. Besides, she knew Joe could be trusted. He hated Devereaux as much as she. He would have no reason to betray her. Not if he wanted his sister up keep paid for he didn't! Devereaux was bluffing! He was trying to rattle her into revealing what he thought was the truth. This child was Rego's! There was no way he could prove otherwise. In fact maybe she needed to prove to him just that fact! Perhaps later right now she had bigger fish to fry and that would have to wait. However Devereaux's little gift would give her just the right amount of fear and guilt to add to her recipe for Rego. She thought smiling to herself as she picked the small cup from the table when she heard the front door open and close. She counted his footsteps and waited for just the right moment as he stepped into the living room to gasp in shock and revulsion and drop the items to the floor the card still grasped in her hand.
            "I can't take anymore!" She screams dissolving into a puddle of tears as she plops down on the sofa. Rego stares at her startled for the moment then comes to her side curious as to what had upset her.
         "What's happened?" He ask as she turns her wane face towards him. She snuffs back her tears wiping her cheek with the back of her hand then hands him the note. Rego reaches for it and reads it quickly before crumpling it and tossing it to the floor then wraps his arms around her shoulder and pulls her towards him speaking to her in soothing tones.
         "There, there darling he can't hurt you any longer I promise. I had the lawyer file the restraining order this morning. I've hired guards for the property and also one for when you go out. I also had him enclose a copy of the DNA test. That should keep him at bay." Cassandra smiles into his lapel pulling him closer and sighs in relief. It felt good to finally breath. They were away from Brooke and Oliver and she was finally rid of Devereaux.
          "Thank God!" She yelps smiling up at him.
           "He won't be bothering us any longer I promise." He soothes his hand gently stroking her shoulder as he speaks.
             "I can't tell you how much better that makes me feel. I just hope he gets the message!" She she snuffs as she sits up to face him.
            "I have to be honest Devereaux's so called gift was just the cherry on top of my morning." Rego's brow creases wondering what Devereaux may have done to upset her.
             "You mean there was more than just the gift?" Cassandra shakes her head then pauses a moment before speaking.
             "I saw you on "AM Pine Valley" this morning." She says her voice low and sad as Rego chuckles.
            "Oh that! It was just a spur of the moment thing to generate publicity for the Founders Day event." He says rising from the sofa and reaching for his briefcase.
            "It seemed like a lot more than that to me." She pouts as she walks behind him.
            "You, have a very vivid imaginations." He laughs as he places the brief case on the library table and opens it.
             "I didn't imagine the reporter calling you Mr and Mrs Sherrigan and you never correcting her!" Rego looks back at her confused then thinks about the interview a moment. He searches her face for the motive and only seeing hurt and if he wasn't fooling himself insecurity.
            "Cassandra, " He starts coming towards her and pulling into his embrace.
            " As I told you before I am totally and completely devoted to you and our child okay? Besides the interview was just spur of the moment and I really wasn't paying attention to what she was saying I was more concerned with guiding the direction of the interview. I didn't even realize she'd said it. I truly apologize if that hurt you." He finishes hugging her closer. Cassandra snuggled into his embrace his words making her feel safe and protected. The odd thing was she hadn't actually manipulated him. She'd surprisingly had just been honest. What exactly was happening to her she wondered?



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