Monday, July 23, 2018

Jack and Tea


         Tea sleepily rolls over and reaches for her watch on the night stand. It was earlier than she thought and later than when she should have been home. She panics a moment before relaxing back against the bedding smiling to herself. Dani was there she and Victor would be perfectly fine. If she'd understood the innuendo in her response to the text she'd had sent to her earlier. 
      "Late? Is that what your generation calls it? About time you cleaned out those cobwebs! Have fun! Wink emoji." Dani knew exactly what happened. She thought smothering her giggles. 
     Smart ass kid!  Didn't help that she was right. Victor had been gone a long time now. He'd died before Victor Jr. was born and it had been that long since she'd been with anyone. Not that men hadn't tried they had. She'd even dated a couple she just wasn't interested enough to pursue the relationship further. She'd kept hoping beyond hope that some how some way Victor would come back to her and their family. 
         Eventually she'd finally come to the decision he wasn't coming back ever. Even if he did he wouldn't be the same Victor that left and she wouldn't be the same Tea. The entire "waiting" thing was pointless and unproductive she'd concluded. Putting her life in a holding pattern while she waited was ridiculous for both herself and her family. They needed to move on. She needed to move on. That's why she jumped on the chance to make a change in her life when Jack had called. She'd packed them up said her good byes and come to Pine Valley. She'd promised Vicky and Carlotta they'd be able to spend time with her children and so far it was working. It was close enough she could still keep in contact with her old life and far enough away to start a new one and so far that choice had been good for all of them in more ways than not. Victor was happy, Dani was happier than she'd seen her in years and for once she was enjoying life and at the moment more than just life. She thought glancing over at a sleeping Jack. 
       Not that she had planned on sleeping with her boss when she'd taken the job. Although over the years she'd be lying if she said the thought hadn't crossed her mind in one fleeting moment or another. Who wouldn't? He was gorgeous, smart, kind, thoughtful, funny a good father slash uncle and one of the sexiest men she knew. Now she could add excellent lover to the list. No wonder Erica was throwing a hissy-fit every time she saw them. But, it was way more than just great sex correction really, really great sex they had a strong connection. One she hadn't felt with anyone else for a very long time. Despite the head game they'd been playing with Erica she liked that he was honest. Oh boy did she love the honest part! It was nice to be with a man that didn't say he loved her because he had a hidden agenda. A girl could get used to that. No she liked Jackson Montgomery and it didn't scare her to think that she could possibly be falling in love with him.      
      She turns her head and looks at a sleeping Jack his expression relaxed with a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. She wondered what he was dreaming about if he was dreaming at all. She on the other hand knew she couldn't and shouldn't fall back asleep even though she has happily exhausted. She gently rolls over and sits up and carefully slides her legs off the bed. Then reaches down to feel along the side for her dress. 
        Jack smiles to himself as he lets himself float in that twilight sleep. He could feel Tea rustling beside him but he was too stated to move at the moment. When he'd asked her to come to Pine Valley never in his imagination did he imagine what was happening between them at least what he hoped was happening between them. 
      Sure over the years he'd the thought had crossed his mind. Only she'd been involved with Todd or was he Victor now? Who knew they were both peculiar men to say the least. He never agreed with her taste in men at least not till now. He did however agree in their taste in her. Who wouldn't? She was smart beautiful, a great Mom and to top it off sexy. She was one of the sexiest women he'd ever met. There was just something about her just smoldering under the surface waiting for the the tiniest bit of kindling to become a flame and tonight was a bonfire. He wished she could stay but he knew she needed to get home to her children. Yet, the thought of waking up in the morning and not finding her there beside him gave him a decided pang of disappointment. He liked waking up in between their love making and finding her there. He liked listening to the sound of her breathing softly beside him. He loved the feel of her against his skin and the intoxicating scent of her. The taste of her lips on his. He wanted her to stay and not just tonight but every night. He watched her body silhouetted by the streetlight coming through the crack in the curtain his desire growing by the moment. Right now he just wanted her 
        "Going somewhere DelGado?" Jack growls sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her back down on the sheets. He begins to nuzzle her neck making her decision to leave even more difficult as she fought her bodies instinct to succumb. 
        "You told me Dani is home with the baby right." He says in between assaults on her sense.
        "Ah huh" She mutters as her protest is smothered by his kiss.
        "And she'll call you if she needs you right" He says then kisses her again. 
        "Yeah." She purrs as she tries to persuade her body to listen to her minds commands. 
        "Yes she will but I have a son that's going to want his Momma bright eyed and bushy tailed and not dragging around like the living dead. If I do what my heart wants then he's going to have zombie Mom." She huffs as Jackson continues his assault on her senses and begins to trail kisses down her neck. 
          "Okay, I'll let you go this time next time bring him here. I've got the room." He smiles down at her before rolling to the side and sitting up.
          "What makes you so sure there's going to be a next time?" She tease as she reaches for the lamp on the table and flips it on then stands. Jack smiles slyly at  her as he watches her move around the room as she dresses. 
          "Because I think I know you well enough to know you're a thoughtful person and there's nothing casual in what you do especially if it's going to affect your children. So if you're here with me now it's because you're just as serious about you and I, as I am." Tea looks back at him his words stopping her dressing.
         "You're serious?" She asks as Jack's expression becomes as serious as his words.
          "I've never been more serious. Do you think I'd risk our careers on just a casual fling?" He says as Tea comes to sit beside him on the bed. 
          "You really mean that?" She asks sounding more vulnerable than she'd meant to. 
           "Honey of course I do. I want to be with you and I mean more than just sex." He stumbles for a moment when Tea eye's widen at his words.
           "You know what I mean. Look, I know this all started as a rues but some where a long the line it became real to me. I don't know where this is going yet but I just wanted you to know that a least for me this isn't a game anymore. I'm hoping it's not for you either." Tea smiles as she reaches for Jack and whispers.
        "It's not and I'm not even sure it ever was." She says before kissing him as she pushes him back on the bed.                                                                                                                                            *Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018                                                                               

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