Monday, July 9, 2018


         Rego smiles to himself as he traverses the halls of the hospital and heads for the elevators. It had been a productive morning. He'd met with Miriam Colby earlier and had toured his new home then had bought and paid for it. Cassandra wasn't happy he could tell by the expression on her face as they'd toured it but she'd been contrite and mostly silent. A pleasant change from the shrew she'd been the past few weeks. Perhaps they were on the road to understanding or maybe she'd matured with the reality of being a mother or she could be just biding time while her next scheme took form whispered the always nagging voice.
          Maybe it had to do with the moment they'd shared last night when they'd felt their child kick for the first time. The moment had seemed to mellow her, her features had softened and there was a look of awe as she'd reached down to touch her belly. The look of pure joy in her expression highlighted the beauty of her face as he'd kicked again. The moment had changed the tone between them.  As they'd stood in wonder he was able to see the soft vulnerable side of her. The part she normally kept hidden and buried deep inside and she hadn't tried to hide it from him. For the first time in as long as he could remember they'd had a pleasant dinner together. Then they'd sat on the sofa and talked. They'd talked about everything and nothing at all they'd even laughed a couple of times. They'd talked into the wee hours of the morning Until she'd fallen asleep with her head tipped against his shoulder her arm thrown carelessly across his lap his arms wrapped around her. He'd sat holding her and thinking about their evening,their past and their future with their son. Quietly sitting with her he'd felt a closeness that hadn't been there before and he'd be lying to himself if he said it didn't frighten him a little. But, it was better than distance and animosity. For the moment he'd take whatever he could get he thought. Whatever was happening between them or whatever had caused it he was just happy for the momentary truce that had fallen between them.
         All in all it had been a productive and relatively pleasant morning and for a change, he was actually looking forward to going home. He thought smiling to himself as he turned the corner into the main lobby. He walked toward the large glass doors as Francessca pushing Logan's stroller walks through one into the lobby. He grins broadly and waves as he walks towards them receiving same warm greeting from both.
       "Good morning you two! What brings you to hospital on this crisp Pine Valley Morning? No one's sick I hope?" He asks sounding suddenly concerned. Francessca smiles and shakes her head as Rego reaches for Logan lifting him from the stroller.
      "No, we're all fine. I was taking him to see Tad and Jamie so I could go to the "Founders Day" planning meeting in the cafeteria." She says smiling as Logan prattles up at Rego.
      "Visiting Grandpa today huh? Well I happen to know that your Grandmother Brooke left an entire batch of cookies from cook this morning make sure you eat them all." He teases kissing Logan's neck making him giggle.
      "Are you okay?" Francessca ask as she shrugs out her jacket and lays it on top of the stroller.
       "I'm fine and before you ask Cassandra is fine as well."
       "I wasn't going to ask." She says making them both laugh.
       " I had a board meeting and now I'm on my way back to the office." He sighs holding Logan in front of him and blowing on his exposed belly making him giggle.
        "I'd much rather spend my day playing with this little guy." Francessca smiles.
        "I hear you there. He's a lot more fun that's for sure." She says as Logan claps then laughs making them both laugh.
       "Mr. and Mrs. Sherrigan!" A voice calls from behind them as a WRCW camera crew descend on them like vultures to a carcass.
           "Hi Mrs and Mr Sherrigan and hey little guy!" The reporter says smiling and waving to a curious Logan.
           "I'm Mrs. Martin not Sherrigan." Francessca says her voice a little sharper than she'd intended making Rego smother a laugh at the reporters startled expression.
           "I'm sorry Mrs. Martin, could we do a short interview with you? Our viewers would love to see how you're all doing since the birth. I promise no embarrassing questions strictly human interest. Just catching our audience up." She asks her voice slightly pleading. Rego and Francessca look at each other and shrug.
           "What could it hurt and it would be so much better than the usual baseless gossip you normally run." Rego says turning toward Francessca and winking making them both chuckle as the reporter begins to interview them.
          "Hello Pine Valley! This is Kathleen Rogers with "AM Pine Valley" We're here with Rego and Francessca Sherrigan..."
         "Martin" Francessca says again her smile tight making the reporter blush slightly as she prattles on ignoring her.
         " I'm sure everyone will remember this little miracle." She says turning the camera toward bouncing and chatty Logan.
           "The Sherrigan family were headline news eight months ago when his mother became trapped in one of Pine Valley Hospital's elevators and went into labor. Luckily for them both they had help from none other than Mr. Rego Sherrigan Vice President of Sherrigan Global Enterprises. So I'd like to thank you for speaking with us today." She says turning to Francessca and Rego who both smile.
            " Thank you for having us." Rego says as Logan claps and laughs as he bounces in Rego's arms making them all laugh.
            " We can see this little guy is no worse for the experience. What was it like for the two of you that day?" The reporter asks turning the microphone toward Francessca.
           "It was pretty intense at times but I can't think of anyone I'd want to go through something like that with."  Francessca says with a laugh as the reporter turns toward Rego.
            "What was it like for you Mr.Sherrigan? Were you scared?" She asks pointing the microphone toward Rego.
            "I've never been so frightened or experienced anything so wondrous in my life. And according to the patient I was the best attending she could have had." He teases jiggling Logan as he talks the later humming a nonsensical tune as he does. The reporter smiles and nods in agreement then turns toward Francessca.
           "Would you agree with that?"
           "Rego was great. He was definitely a calm port in a raging storm. I thank God he was with us everyday. I don't think we would have survived without him. Right sweet pea?" Francessca smiles and tickels her son chest. He giggles and pulls up on Rego.
          "No, Dada, Dada" He squeals hiding his face in Rego's lapel garnering a collective "Aww" from the small crowd that had gathered.
          "So what brings you both to the Hospital this morning?" The reporter asks looking expectantly from one to the other.
          "In celebration our town three hundred and thirty fifth anniversary. We're here to help finalize the plans for this years "Founders Day" Celebration. As you know the celebration is being co-sponsored by Slater-Courtlandt and Sherrigan Global Enterprises." She blurts out quickly before Rego could say the real reason. She wanted to avoid the topic of Tad and having to go through that history too.
          "Can you give us all a hint on what we can expect this year?"
          "We don't want to give anything away right now do we love?" Rego finishes then turns to Francessca.
         "You're all going to have to wait and see"
         "Can you give us a just a little hint?" Kathleen pleads for the camera.
         "But I can tell you we're hoping to make this year's event the most spectacular you've ever seen." Francessca says with a laugh.
         "Think winter carnival Sherrigan Global sponsored a few year ago only bigger!" Rego grins and winks.
         "That's fantastic! I can tell you my family looks forward to it every year!"
         "Rego and I and our families hope to see everyone there."
        "I know my family can't wait! Well That's going to do it for me. For  "AM Pine Valley" We'd like to thank Mr and Mrs Sherrigan and their beautiful little boy for joining us this morning! And we all hope to see you at this years "Founders Day" celebration!"  The reporter finishes with a flourish before the lights and camera go off.
        "Thank you both for doing the interview with me. You all have a great day." She says to the three of them.
         "The pleasure was all ours. You have a good day as well." Rego says unable to keep the dismissive tone from his voice as he waves. 
          "That should hold her viewers for awhile." He says with a laugh as he hands her the baby.
          "I doubt it but it's whatever you can only keep them at bay for so long. Thanks for helping out I appreciate it."
           "As I said before it was my pleasure." He says smiling broadly as he tickles Logan behind the ear making him giggle then quickly kissing Francessca's cheek.
           "Have a great day see you soon. Say bye Uncle Rego!" Francessca says as she and Logan both wave making him smile broadly.
          "I'll see you both really soon." He says picking up his briefcase and walking out the door. Francessca watches him a moment waving again when he turned back then places Logan in his stroller and walks toward the elevator smiling happily as Jamie watches her burning with anger from above and Cassandra rages at the television screen in an empty room.

 *Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

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