Thursday, June 6, 2019

Kendall, Zach and Erica


         Kendall stares up at the stage checking the set against her design and putting on the final touches. Tomorrow would be the first taping of "New Beginnings" premiere episode and she needed to complete it today so she could start the construction of the permanent stage at the studio. She was looking forward to the quiet of the studio after spending the past week trapped at the casino with her mother and her castmates. It had been the week from hell and she was looking forward to handing her referee whistle back to Corbin and Gavin. Five more hours she thought as Erica shrieked her name from the back of the theater.
           "Kendall!" Erica yelled as she came down the aisle towards her daughter. She needed to speak to someone about her evening with a Gavin and talking to Opal was completely out of the question. If she didn't feel so disturbed by the encounter she'd keep it to herself but she needed to confide in someone.
            "Good Morning Mother." She says over her shoulder as she continues to review her work.
            "Kendall I must speak with you."
            "Can't it wait Mother? I really need to finish this."
            "No it can't wait I need to speak with you now, please?" Erica says her voice becoming shrill with the effort grabbing Kendall's full attention.
             "Mom are you okay?" she asks true concern edging her voice.
             "No, I'm not alright! I'm not sure if I'll ever be all right again!"
             "My God Mother! What happened?"
             "Just everything is all!" Erica hisses shaking her chestnut tresses back from her face.
             "Come here a second and sit down." Kendall says calmly as she leads her mother over to a row of empty seats.
            "Now, what's going on and what do you mean by "Everything"?"
            "Exactly what I said Kendall! Am I not speaking english?"
            "No need to snap at me Mother! I'm just trying to help you."
            "I'm sorry honey really. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just haven't been myself since the other night when I was out to dinner with with Corbin."
             "Did something happen with Corbin?"
             "Oh Kendall please keep up it hasn't anything to do with Corbin at all and everything to do with one Jackson Montgomery and his sudden interest in that viper Tea DelGado! You should have seen it. They were all over each other like cats in heat! He doesn't even know I'm alive anymore!"
              "Face it Mom he hasn't known you were alive for sometime now."
              "Well  thank you Kendall for your support!"
              "Mom, I'm not trying to be cruel at all but I really think it's time for you to just move on."
              "Just move on? You think I should just move on? Tell me Kendall how do you move on from your soulmate? If it were Zach would you just "move on"? In fact if I remember correctly you fought like a wild cat to hold on to Zach!"
              "Yes I did Mother but unlike you I didn't have a string of "true loves" while proclaiming Zach was my soulmate!"
               "Kendall I never realized a child of mine could be heartless and cruel."
               "Well if your expecting me to apologize I'm not! You had everything you said you ever wanted with Jack and you decided the lifestyle wasn't for you. Jack didn't leave you! You left him remember? What did you expect him to do? Sit around waiting for you decided you want him this month because there wasn't anyone else? Jack wanted someone with hm that wanted the same things he wanted. A home a wife a family. The same domestic doldrum you ran from. Face it you don't really want Jack you don't want anyone else to have him. You really should be tired of this game you play with yourself. It can't possibly be healthY. That's why I think you should move on."
             "Well thank you Dr. Kendall for your unsolicited advice. I'll be sure not to make an appointment in the future!"
              "Mom!..... Mom!.... Don't ru.....I didn't mean....." She calls after her Mother's retreating back.
              "Ugh!" She groans wishing she wasn't so tired and her patients weren't so short. She also wished she'd kept her thoughts to herself. She knew better than to be logical when her mother was in one of theses moods. She just couldn't help herself Jack had always been good to her and it hurt her to see him alone and defeated for so long he deserved to be happy. If this Tea DelGado made him happy then she was glad even if it meant for the moment her mother would be unhappy she supposed. Judging by what she was witnessing between her Gavin and Corbin, she thought as she smiled to herself knowing her mother it wouldn't be for long.
         "Hey! What's going on? I just saw Erica come flying out of here like the place was on fire." Zach chuckles as he comes towards his wife and embraces her.
          "Ugh! She's annoyed with me I'll tell you about it later. What's up?" She asks as Zach shrugs.
          "Nothing really. I just had a rough afternoon I never got to eat lunch and thought if you weren't busy you'd like to join me?"
          "Lunch? What time is it?"
          "One o'clock"
          "I Would love to!" She says before turning and yelling at the stage. " Frank let's break. Have everyone back by two and ready to tape!"
           "You got it Mrs.S! That's break everyone two o'clock be ready to shine!" He calls walking towards the back of the stage as the other men follow.
           "I'll take that as yes?" He says pulling her to him and nuzzling her neck making her giggle.
           "You betcha! Let's get out of here I could really use some fresh air."
           "Come on I know just the spot!" He smiles pulling gently on her arm and leading her up the aisle.
            "Hey! Kendall I'm glad I Caught you! Hey Uncle Zach!" Francessca says tipping up and quickly kissing his cheek.
            "Hey! Why don't you join us?"
            "I Can't I have to get over to the hospital to see Tad. I just wanted to tell you the photos for the cast are complete for 'Tempo" I'll send Gavin an email in the morning with the proofs. I gotta go. I'll see you both later." She say trotting back up the aisle.
            "Oh and don't forget I'm picking up my boys friday after school."She calls behind her.
            "As if they'd let us forget!" Kendall yells back making Zach laugh.
            " That's all they've talked about all week!"
            "Well it will be nice you and me an entire weekend alone in an empty house." He says wriggling his brow.
             "Yeah an entire weekend alone. with nothing but you and me and time on our hands."
             "What do you think we should do with all our free time." He says pulling her into his arms and nuzzling her neck.
              "I think you and I should get a bottle of wine," she murmurs as she nibbles gently on his ear.
"Mm Hmm." He groans as she continues her assault on his senses.
              "Order dinner from the chateau..." She says kissing him.
              "Mmm hmm." He moans in between kisses.
             " And when were all done we finally clean out that hall closet." She laughs running half heartedly up the aisle as Zach pursues her catching up to her quickly and pulling her into his arms.
          "I have a better idea come on." He grins seductively as they walk arm and arm out the theater.
          All of their playful banter playing out in front of their unseen visitor. Much to his amusement. Although he'd learned one thing. The big man was going to be away for the weekend. That meant this weekend would be the best time for him to make as much money as he could. He'd need it if he was going to put the rest of his plan in motion. He thought rising from his secluded spot and heading toward his room. He needed to rest up before he went to work this evening.

* Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2019*

Erica and Corbin - Jack and Tea
Erica and Corbin
Erica and Gavin


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