Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Erica and Corbin, Jack and Tea 08/23/2017


               Corbin turns from the Matire'd and follows Erica's line of sight catching one of the steamiest kisses he'd never catch on camera. Then looks at the expression on Erica's face and swallows hard happy he wasn't on the receiving end of her murderous glare.
               "It will be just a moment." He say snapping Erica's attention back to him. Erica shakes her hair back from her face and squares her shoulder plastering a broad smile on her face.
            "Wonderful I'm starved." She says taking hold of his arm as they're lead to their table. She steals another glance at Jack and Tea as they stand enamored of each other in the middle of the restaurant. Oblivious to anything else but each other as Erica takes the offered seat across from Corbin her fury barely contained.
              Jackson gently releases Tea from his arms knowing if he held her any longer he wouldn't be able to stop himself. The kiss had lit a fire in him he'd thought long ago extinguished. It was like eating and suddenly realising how hungry you are and can't eat fast enough. Tea's eye lock with his the mad hunger in his eyes matching the one threatening to erupt from her. She pulls away needing the fiery current between them to end by breaking his touch and allowing her to think.
            "Ummm, ah...yeah are we a still going to the a...." She stumbles over her words as she feels the color rising up from her chest to stain her cheeks.
            " sure lead the way." He stutters back allowing her to walk in front of him as they head toward the exist. Neither noticing Erica or her companion.  
            "Wasn't that Jackson Montgomery?" Corbin asks noting the long stare at the two of them over the top of her menu.
             "Was it?" She asks laying down her menu and looking around the restaurant then back to her menu.
             "I must have missed them." She say scrolling intently through her menu. Corbin forces down a laugh.
              "Yeah I don't think anyone could have missed that!" He says desperately trying to smother his laughter. Erica ignores his remark keeping her voice cool and aloof.
              "I'm not sure what you are talking about. Are you ready to order?" She lays her menu to the side and signals to the waiter terminating the subject.
               "Yeah sure." He says distractedly his eyes still following the pair. He wasn't sure what he'd witnessed or what to do with the information he had but knowing it would be somehow useful in the future.
               Erica watches the wheels turn in Corbin's head she'd given away too much. She hadn't meant for it to happen but the shock of seeing the two of them was overwhelming the most infuriating part was he hadn't even noticed her. All of it left her feeling angry and somewhat defeated. Not defeated, not yet! She still had weapons in her arsenal and she was going to use every one. If it was war this DelGado woman wanted then it was going to be a fight to the death. As far as Corbin was concerned he really didn't have anything useful to use against her if anything he had shown her his weakness. One she planned to exploit.
            "So, going back to the scripts. Since we've changed the premise back to the way it should be how soon can your typing chimps have those changes available?" She smirks drawing Corbin's attention back to her and away from Jack and Tea.
            "I'm sorry what?" He says snapping his attention back to her.
            "I said, " She continues hiding her amusement. "How quickly can your writing staff have the revisions?" Corbin looks back her confused. Just moments before she was was seething with rage and jealousy now she was the picture of poise and confidence leaving him feeling just a little off balance.
             "Umm they should be able to have them ready in about a day or two depending on whatever other changes we make."
              "So you're planning other changes?" She asks sounding innocent and conversational as she shakes out her napkin and places it on her lap. Corbin shakes his head.
              "Well, I do want to definitely accentuate the jealousy between Jerica and Sara and I would like to make the fight over Peter to be just a little more vicious." Erica raises one brow reminding herself to remain calm and see where he was going with his new concept.
               "How so?" Corbin clears his throat  as he looks around the room. Then props his elbow on the table resting his head in his palm and leans towards he as he whispers.
               "I'd like to include some notes I got from Tara Martin when I was researching Sara. You know a couple of pranks you pulled on her in high school you didn't include in your book. I think when Jerica finally does get Peter and loses the baby it will show just how long and how much in love she was with Peter and how devastating the loss of that child and eventually Peter truly was to Jerica. I really think it will make the audience really empathetic." He finishes as Erica eyes flash angrily her voice cool and steady.
           "You spoke to Tara Jefferson?" Corbin nods
           "Of course I did. It was all apart of the research. You didn't think I left that up to just anyone? I'm the head writer and producer. I need to know my subjects inside and out. I've spoken to every person in your life the characters represent on the show. I wanted to make sure they were more than just two dimensional. I found it very enlightening. I think I know more about you than even Jackson Montgomery." He says grinning from ear to ear.
           "So you think." Erica laughs back inside her stomach dropping. Her evening had just gone from worse to catastrophic! It wasn't enough she would have to contend with that Tea DelGado and figure out a way to get her out of Jackson's life without ruining his career. Now she had to deal with an arrogant know it all who thought he knew her! Just wait and see Corbin! Tea DelGado was a problem but there wasn't a man born that she didn't know how to deal with! Especially obnoxious arrogant men who thought they "Knew her"    

Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

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