Friday, August 4, 2017

Cassandra and Rego 08/04/2017


              Cassandra and Rego walk through the the living room onto the patio swiveling their heads till they spot Brooke and Oliver in the far corner sitting side by side quietly reading.      
               "I'm glad we found you together we have some news." Rego smiles proudly. Oliver looks from one to the other his worst nightmare confirmed before either opened their mouths. Cassandra looking more like the cat that swallowed the canary but something else glittered behind that smile and he knew exactly what it was.
               "We've just come back from the the doctors and she confirmed that the child Cassandra is carrying is ours. Her's and mine." He says firmly. Brooke rises from her seat and congratulates her stepson and Cassandra. Oliver rises from his chair his eyes never leaving Cassandra's face. She was still lying he didn't know how she'd done it or who helped her but that small glint of fear in her eye told him she was.
             "Nothing has changed my original decision still stands. As I told you before. I'll believe it when I can actually see it." Rego's eye fill with fury and from Oliver's vantage point Cassandra's shock and fear disguised as mock hurt.
            "What are you trying to say that somehow Cassandra was able to alter the results of the test?" Rego says his disbelief fueling his anger at his father's belligerence. Oliver nods then shrugs.
            " That's exactly what I think! I think she would pay the devil himself to get what she wants." Cassandra wraps her arms around Rego's waist her eyes well with tears. Oliver was impressed at how quickly she could conjure them.
             "You are absolutely unbelievable Father!" Rego growls his face twisted with hurt and rage. Oliver shrugs again unfazed by his show of emotion. He had an idea how she'd done it but couldn't prove it. Not now any way. Now he'd have to wait a few months till he had his proof but he'd never believe a word that came from her mouth, He thought his eyes boring into hers, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. Brooke looks from one to the other her fear mounting as the situation continues to deteriorate into chaos.
             "Please, the both of you need to stop before you both say things you can't take back." She shouts over them both ignoring her plea as Oliver snarls back at his son.
             "Why won't you believe it? I told you the my terms the day I threw this slut out of my house!
              "Oliver! That's enough!"  Brooke interjects aghast at the venom in Oliver's voice as he continues unimpeded as if she hadn't spoken his focus on Cassandra never wavering.
              "Again none of that has changed and until it has neither will my opinion of this common street walker you seem determined to pull out of the gutter! A man your age should have learned by now that whores are for the bedroom not the boardroom never mix the two? Or are you so blinded that you can no...." Oliver voice trails off his face red with rage as Rego cuts his tirade short mid sentence.
              "That's enough father!" Oliver looks at him as if seeing him for the first time.
               " You listen to me boy! This woman wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her! Have you forgotten what she did to your life before?" Rego eyes glitter with suppressed rage his,
               "There are two things you keep forgetting Cassandra is my wife and the mother of my child. I'm not going to allow you to speak that way about her ever again!"
              "You don't get the right to tell me how I can or can't speak it my own house! If you hadn't disobeyed and bought this prostituált back into my house after I distinctly told you not to you wouldn't have to hear it! As for you," he says turning to a cowering Cassandra starring back at him her eyes bright with triumph.
              "You may have won this round but the battle will be mine! Now get this, this mocskos kurva out of my sight!" He bellows his expression filled with disgust and loathing.
              You don't have to worry father! We won't darken your doorstep ever again! We shall be out of your house by morning!"
               "Good! Then I can have the red light taken down and the rooms cleaned and fumigated!"
               "What is going on? I could hear you both from the driveway!" Rebeka shouts over the foray pulling both of their attentions to her as JR comes in behind her.
                "Ask your idiot cousin and his concubine!" Oliver shouts as he stomps from the room.
               Cassandra watches Oliver storm off her mind screaming every obscenity she knew back at him the self righteous pompous ass! Any other time she would have said it all to his face but playing hurt and demour played more to her favor and had since they'd left the doctor's office. She could feel Rego softening. Good! That was something she would have to work on. She was sure that before long she'd have him completely and thoroughly wrapped around her finger. She'd have to watch herself around Oliver he was definitely going to demand another test when the child came. Perhaps by then with the way Rego had stood up for her she wouldn't need it. She'd make sure of it! For now she had time, she was out of Devereaux's crosshairs and she could breath for a while in the shelter of Rego's very plush very willing arms and there was nothing Oliver could do about it.
 Oliver walks into the nursery and pick up Logan from his crib hugging him closely then kissing his neck making the child gurgle happily.
             "How's Nagyapa boy today?" He chuckles as they sit down in the rocking chair.
             "That's right you are really Nagyapa boy. I knew it the day you were born when I saw that little birth mark on the back of your neck. I almost missed it because of all that hair of yours." He says smoothing the tendrils on his forehead then kissing the top of his head.
              "Just like your Poppa and your Nagyapa and his Poppa and every Sherrigan male for as long as there have been Sherrigan men. Between you and me your Poppa's woman can say whatever she wants. I won't believe that child is a Sherrigan until I can see it with my own eyes." He says giving Logan a little hug before settling back in the rocking chair cradling his grandson.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017 

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