Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Liza and Wellington 08/09/2017

          Liza stands at the bar counter waiting for the bartender to come back with her change. She looks over at the table and watches Francessca and Jamie talk and laugh with Chase and Erin as Preston chimes in and they all laugh. She then turns her head toward Wellington who waves then laughs at whatever inane thing one of them had said. She was glad she'd missed it. It would have been the seventh time in the past hour he'd had to explain something to her that was common knowledge among the rest of them. She'd had to control herself from rolling her eyes and just politely nodding of her head. Thank God this was just after work cocktails!
          She had to admit she felt just a little out of place with all of them. She was starting to think she was getting too old for all of this. Compared to her companions she was ancient. Well. not quite ancient she mentally protested. She turns toward the mirror catching an image of herself. She still looked great and had been able to hold on to her figure. Hell she'd been able to attract a man twenty plus years her junior she looked dam good! Seriously though what did she really expect? It was bound to happen at some point once she'd actually met his friends and family. After all over the past few months they'd been dating they'd only had to deal with her friends and family and let's face it no one was going to be non-supportive especially after what she'd gone through with Ryan.  She was also, over the past few days starting to feel a little left out and more surprising was it had taken her a week to feel it. It had only occurred to her this evening because she knew almost nothing about Wellington or his life before Pine Valley. Did that really matter? Yes it did it said a lot more about the depths of their relationship than she had wanted to admit. Although they liked each other a great deal they were not in love. She'd been in love and knew how that felt.
           No, what they had wasn't love it was healing and companionship. She from her wounds and he from his. Wellington had been good for her. He was what she needed at the time and she'd enjoyed what they had but it wasn't love. Not the kind of love they could build a real future on and not the kind of love he still had for Lesley Stockton. She'd realized that this evening when the topic had turned toward her He'd told her about her not all the juicy details she was sure but, enough. He'd always stopped just short of his feeling but he'd said enough that she was able to come to the conclusion that she'd been the love of his life and because of Lola he'd lost her. She just hadn't realized how deeply those feelings still ran.
        They'd all been reminiscing when her name had been mentioned. His face lit up as flames of love burned in his eyes and longing had come over his face she'd known for sure Lesley still was. Sadly it confirmed it was time for she and Wellington to end. She needed to end it now while they could still be friends because losing him as a friend would be unbearable.
           "Here you go" The bartender says handing her, her change.
            "Thank you" She says with a smile then walks back to the table thankful to have missed whatever silliness had caused the new burst of laughter.
           "What did I miss?" she asks keeping her polite smile plastered on her face as she resumes her seat.
           "Preston was just telling us about his adventures in Japan." Wellington chuckles.
            "Only you man!" He laughs shaking  his head.
            "And on that note we are going to have to go." Francessca says turning toward Jamie who nods in agreement.
            "We have to pick up the baby from my Mom's and that usually takes forever." He says with a roll of his eyes as he rises from the chair Chase and Erin nodding in agreement.
           "We're going to have to go soon too. I have rounds in the morning and Chase has a meeting over at Slater-Cortlandt." Wellington nods in agreement then turns back towards Liza.
            "Yeah, we still have some last minute details to finish up on our contracts." He says rising then holding Liza's chair for her as she does the same. She sticks out her hand toward Erin and then Chase shakes it.
         "It was really lovely finally meeting both of you and you Preston." She smiles giving Preston's hand a quick shake.
         "It was really great meeting you too. I hope we can do it again sometime." Erin smiles back.
         "Liza it was really good seeing you!" Francessca says as she gives Liza a hug and kiss.
          "Oh and you're taking lunch over to Tad tomorrow right?" She asks and Liza nods in agreement.
           "Yep, I promised him I'd stop by "The Serving Spoon" and pick him up quiche." She says with a laugh.
           "Good Night Liza and thanks." Jamie says as he leans in and kisses her cheek.
           "Anytime honey".  She smiles back as Jamie turns toward his friends.
            "He's going to be a million pounds by the time he gets out of there." Erin laughs and shakes her head.
           "Don't worry I'll check him out tomorrow before my rounds and I'll make sure his physical therapist starts really pushing him and I recommend to all of you to stop giving in to all his food whims he's really just bored trust me on this." She lightly chastises making Liza,Jamie and Francessca blush guiltily and all nodding in agreement.
           "You're right and I should know better. I think Liza's quiche is probably the healthiest thing he will have eaten in days. Hopefully his new room will keep him occupied." Jamie looks down at his watch then back to Preston, Erin and Chase.        
           "Since we have to pass that way, why don't you guys follow me and we'll drop you by the Pine Valley Inn on our way to my Mom's." They all nod in agreement and start walking toward the door leaving Wellington and Liza alone for the first time all evening.
            "So you ready to go?" He asks smiling happily. Liza smiles and nods walking toward the exit Wellington at her side chattering happily as they walked she lost in her own thoughts. Wellington still prattling not noticing her long silence until they were half way home.
           "Hey there, what are you thinking about?" He asks turning toward her as the car rolled to a halt at the traffic light.
           "I'm sorry what?" She says turning towards him as she stalls for time not wanting to reveal what was foremost on her mind she wanted to wait and talk with Tad first.
           "I was just thinking about the contract and tomorrow's meeting." She lies.
           "I was thinking it's still really early we could catch a late supper if you want?"
           "You know I'm really kind of tired and I still have some work to do on the Murphy Case. I was thinking we could call it a night and I'll meet you for breakfast before our meeting." She says with a smile in her voice hoping it was enough to convince him.
           "Sure honey anything you want." He says suspiciously unable to get a good look at her expression as the light changed.
            "Did I do something wrong?" He asks trying to get a good look at her as he drove. Liza smiles into the darkness and shakes her head.
            "You haven't done anything wrong you were great as always I just want to get it done before depositions tomorrow afternoon and since we won't have any time after the meeting tomorrow morning." Wellington nods in agreement back to smiling that same whimsical smile he'd had all evening as he turned into her street.
              "I'm glad you came." He says slowing down as they approach her house. Liza smiles back as she leans in and kisses him.
              "So am I. Goodnight I'll meet you at "Krystal and Carmen's" nine AM sharp." She says pulling away and reaching for the door handle and exiting the car. She leans down into the open window.
              "It was really nice meeting your friends. I think I learned more about you tonight than I have in months." Wellington laughs then winks.
               "Promise you won't hold it against me?" Liza laughs at the irony of his statement.
               "I would never. Besides Tad you're the best friend I have. Careful driving home okay." Wellington smiles back feeling flattered and somehow dismissed at the same time.
              "I will. I'll wait till you get inside."
              "Thanks again. Goodnight" She said standing and walking up the walk. Wellington watches her waiting until she reached the door and gone inside. He waited for her to walk to the front window and wave letting him know she was safe before pulling away. He looked in the mirror and watched her house fade into the darkness with an odd sense foreboding.  

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

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