Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Erica and Corbin, Jack and Tea 08/01/2017


              Erica looks up from the script in front of her watching the sun slip behind the "Cambius Tower" and sighs heavily. They had been at this for hours and had still made no headway and never would not on this portion of the story. She was not about to change her mind no matter what Corbin wanted not on this. Not ever!
            "You do understand this isn't an exact replica of your life? This is fictitious remember? In fact you're the one that wanted to make sure people understood that?" Corbin says his eyes wide his tone rich with sarcasm. Erica stares back at him her tone as cold as her glare.
             "You also said it would be my opportunity to clear up fan misconceptions." She spits back she was not going to back down on this ever.
              "The only misconception..." Corbin shouts back glaring down at her continuing to speak as if he hadn't heard a word she'd said forcing her to shout over him till he silenced.
             " What you are proposing to do will do exactly that! I don't want anyone to have any misconceptions about what happened that night or what happened afterwards!" Corbin shakes his head grinning maniacally.
               "This is a deviation the audience will recognize immediately and we don't have to change anything that happened afterwards! We could do like that cable show did write it so there just a little question in the audience's mind!" He says his face brightening as he looks from Gavin then back to Erica the later face white with shock.
              "There was no seduction!' She roars "My father used me as a bartering chip! It was rape! Neither myself or the character was some kind of fourteen year old slut running around seducing forty year old men!" She yells back then takes a deep breath to calm her racing heart and anger. He was still the most exasperating man she'd ever met her hand itched to slap the smug smile from his face but instead steadies her raging anger and continues as her voice calm and steady.
          "Look Corbin, what you want to do has future ramification for this character. You may see it as her doing whatever it takes to get what she wants other people are going to see her as a fourteen year old slut. That's not the image I want portrayed and I honestly feel it won't be a lasting character or show that way. Leaving the truth  in this particular story will lead to empathy and understanding of her future actions. You have to be able to see that can't you?" Her words sharp and succinct her last cutting. Corban's jaw flexes his eyes narrowed as he rises leaning across the table towards her.
          "And you have to see we are building toward a future powerhouse we can save the actual rape for the future where we can use it as a humbling of sorts in a future storyline." He shouts back his face flushed with suppressed rage. Gavin looks from one to the other knowing if he let it go any further it may come to blows. If he were a betting man his money would be on Erica for this round.
           "Alright enough! This nonsense could go on all night and that is time I don't have to spare! So, I'm going to make the decision! Erica's right Corbin she's fourteen and still a child she not this power house yet we have to build towards that and at the same time build in empathy for the character not instant hate and loathing." Gavin interjects silencing them both. He was tried of the hours of back and forth he thought pushing the script away from him and massaging his temple. Separately the two were a headache together they were a splitting migraine and he could feel one coming if he had to listen to this same argument any longer.
           "We'll tell they story using it's original premise point to Erica let's move on!" He commands pulling the script back to him ignoring Erica's satisfied smile and Corbin's grimace then contrition.
           "Alright! Alright! What the hell else am I going to do it's two against one!" He grumbles running his hand through his hair as he speaks then retakes his seat. Gavin looks from one to the other before pulling his script back in front of him.
           "Good, now that, that has been decided can we move on to the next story arch please? And, is possible for us to get through it in less than three hours this time? Matter of fact what the hell time is it?" He asks aloud then looks down at his watch grumbling as he stands.
      "Jesus, Mary and Joseph I have ten minutes to get to another meeting. You two keep working I'll be back in an hour. I know this because I'll be meeting with adults! Hopefully you two have made some progress by the time I get back!" Gavin says then walks hastily out the conference room door leaving Erica and Corbin alone something they had both been dreading.
        "You think he's annoyed with the two of us?" Erica asks with a laugh as she stands and stretches then walks to the coffee urn.
         "I think he's pissed" He says following behind her making them both laugh as she hands him a mug then walks back to the table and sits. She sips from the cup the bitter taste of the coffee burning her tongue making her grimace.
         "That bad huh?" He asks taking the seat across from her.
         "Worse!" she states pushing the cup away from her and reaching for the bottle of water. Cobin looks down at his cup then does the same.
        "Shall we keep going? Erica asks Corbin nods his head in agreement as he places his hand on his grumbling stomach.
          "Hey, what time is it?" Erica looks down at her watch ignoring the tightening of her own stomach. It had been hours since lunch and she couldn't eat another one of those pastries if she wanted too.
            Six-thirty" She says turning the page as another loud grumbling noise comes from across the table.
            "What do say you and I go have some dinner instead?" Corbin asks. Erica looks back at him her mind leary of his request. Corbin recognize her expression he'd gotten very used to it over the past few days.
             "I promise nothing untoward just dinner. Come on?" Erica thinks a moment on one hand she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. On the other she was hungry and getting him alone could work to her advantage. She still knew little to nothing about Gavin maybe Corbin had some useful information all she needed to do was play this just right.
             'Do you think we should. He seemed pretty adamant we continue working." She says with just enough tremble in her voice to sound sincere instantly getting the reaction she wanted.
             "If Gavin says anything I'll take all the responsibility. Look we'll even take our scripts with us." He goads playfully.
              "Well all right if you think it will be okay?" Erica nods in agreement as she rises looping her purse over her shoulder as she walks through the door Corbin held for her.
              "If Gavin asks tell him we'll be back in an hour." Corbin says to Gavin's assistant as they pass.  
          Jack hands the folder back to Tea and shakes his head. He'd read through the file twice and still found it all hard to digest.
            "This is unbelievable! It's like a bad movie of the week!" He says still in shock. He reaches for his wine glass and takes a gulp then lets out a heavy sigh. Tea nods her head in agreement.
          "Just imagine if your brother hadn't had the forethought to protect his children's assets." Jack nods in agreement finishing the sentence for her.
          "She'd have wiped them out too. I thought what Molly had told me was bad enough this is just...." His voice trails off again as he tries to digest everything Tea had shown him.
          "I really didn't want to be the one to tell you all of this but after what we witnessed the other night. I don't know, it just kept gnawing at me. That poor kids been through the wringer the last thing she needs right now is more mama drama." Jack nods in agreement.
         "You couldn't be more right. As shocked as I am by all of it, what really concerns me right now is her involvement with these "Calisco" People. How that could possibly affect Molly if what we suspect her of doing comes to light." He sighs heavily then sips his drink as Tea nods in agreement.
         "I have faith in Molly she's a strong girl I think she can handle whatever is thrown at her."
         "Yeah, it's how she'll handle it that concerns me."
         "I'm hoping we can stop this before it becomes a real problem. That's why the first thing I did was get Jesse involved. Between the two of us I'm positive we can come up with a plan. I still have faith in Molly. Besides this time around we already know the truth she has nothing to hide. She has good friends that love and care about her and that will stand by her. But, most of all she has you. You've been there for her no matter what she did. She knows she can trust you. In my opinion she couldn't ask for a better than that." She finishes with a smile and salutes him with her glass before sipping it making him smile bashfully.
           " I couldn't ask for better either Del Gado." He says reaching over and grasping her hand in his then raising it to his lips and kissing it sending a warm shiver up her arm. Tea smiles back at him enjoying the close moment between them and she could tell by his whimsical smile that he was feeling the same.
   "What do you say you and I put business aside for a moment."
   "What do you have in mind?"
   " I know a little place on the Northside of town I think you'll love."
   "So this dinner your offering it's strictly non business?"
   " Wouldn't have it any other way. Come on let's get out of here." He says rising from the table then offering her his hand. Tea grasp it and stands then reaches down to retrieve her purse. The movement catches the heel of her shoe on the carpets brocade causing her to stumble against him to keep from falling. Jack reaches out to stop her fall pulling her against him. Tea's body melts into his of it's own accord as if it was naturally meant to fit there. Like a puzzle piece locking perfectly into place. Her eyes lock with his the flame of desire dancing within them bring hers to a furious boil.
         Erica walks through the door he arm looped in Corben's. She surveys the room quickly as Coben speaks briefly to the Maitre'd catching Jack and Tea staring hungrily at each other as they embrace just moments before they devour each other in a kiss so heated it sends a chill up Erica's spine. This was no Mary like dalliance for Jack.  This was a real threat of the highest priority! The moment she'd witnessed between them signaled it would be be a bloody battle she thought. Her eyes riveted on them as hard as she tried she couldn't force herself to look away. She felt herself physically shake as another frosty chill slithered it way up her spine when she realised. For the first time in a very long time she feared it would be her blood spilt on the battlefield.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017



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