Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Anna, Devereaux and Barbara 08/02/2017


           Deveraux looks down at his watch she was late and that gave her one strike against her but she was relatively new at this, still new or not punctuality was extremely important in his business. According to Broderick she was supposed to be here at seven-thirty sharp and it was already seven-thirty three he'd give her another minute and then he'd leave and contact Broderick about his poor choice for a courier. He wasn't looking forward to tonight's performance. The lead soprano was replaced with her understudy tonight and there was nothing he hated more than second best. Not unlike the woman Broderick had chosen for tonight's errand.
            He'd done a background check on her once he'd been given her name. She was smart, beautiful and a wild card at the very least. The last few years of her life was filled with media attracting scandal and according to his contacts was only recently sober. All in all a worrisome combinations. Although, there had been signs of clear thinking she'd been able to pay her debt and squirrel away quite a large sum of money recently. Whatever she owed Broderick must be huge he wouldn't trust her, not at this point in time anyway. He wouldn't be dealing with her now if he had a choice. He looks down at his watch and another minute had passed. He leaned forward to tap on the glass to signal Maurice his departure at the same moment Maurice lowered it to speak.
         " I believe the person you had been expecting has arrived sir." Maurice states flatly before returning the signal and rolling up the divider. Devereaux reaches for the door handle and exist the car then walks to the slow moving line through the entrance of the theater altering his pace so that Barbara would be directly in front of him as it crept along.          
         "Good evening Ms. Montgomery don't turn around just proceed casually to your seat." He purrs behind her as he nods to casual acquaintances enter the lobby.
         Barbara jumps startled by the voice behind her. She been frightened on the drive here and now, now she was scared to death. She had no idea what the information was on the zip drive she was carrying, what it's importance or what she was expected to take back. She nods her head quickly then makes her way up the stairs to her seat. She looks around the theater then to the empty seat beside her. She looks around the room again wondering which one had been the cold emotionless whisper behind her. She sits back in the seat and flips through the program trying to appear less nervous than she felt the hair prickling on the back of her neck at the memory of the cold emotionless voice upon it. She looked up mildly startled from her thoughts by the blinking lights signaling the beginning of the performance. She looks around the auditorium again then settles back in seat and waits for the performance to begin and it wasn't until the lights completely dimmed and the first chords of the overture playing that the seat next to her became occupied. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and a cold shiver down her spine as the same voice came from beside her.
            "Do you have my property?" Deveraux whispers inbetween the booming of the overture. Barbara nods as fear grips her throat she swallows down her rising fear then whispers back.
             "Yes" Devereaux smiles the dim light glittering in his eyes and off his perfect white teeth giving him a serpent like quality and just as mesmerizing.
              "Good. I want you to place your bag on  your lap as if you're looking for something. I want you to then drop the bag to the floor We will both reach for it. In that moment you will hand it to me. Do you understand?" Devereaux says as Barbara smiles and nods in agreement doing exactly as directed handing him the flash drive as he bends down to retrieve her bag he handing her back her purse which felt oddly heavier as he rises. Barbara smiles thanking him politely then opens it to check the contents spotting the bulky envelope tucked inside.
            "Enjoy your evening Mrs. Montgomery." He says with a nod ending any further communication between them. As the curtain rises Barbara smiles into the darkness she finally had what she needed and could get back to her life and the hell out of Pine Valley. She could check out of the Inn spend a little time at the casino have a few drinks and some fun for a change. Like they said get her groove back. Better yet as soon as she got back to Pine Valley pack her bags and catch the first flight out. There wasn't anything holding her in there. Molly wanted nothing to do with her she'd made that abundantly clear so what was the point of sticking around that hell hole? She could be some place with a cool drink a pair of hot dice in her hand and an even hotter man at her side. Something like the one her daughter had been with this afternoon. Now there was something she could literally sink her teeth into. No! That was what had gotten her in this spot in the first place she couldn't let that happen again. She wouldn't let that happen again she vowed. She couldn't leave without at least trying to see Molly and set things right. No she wasn't leaving she wasn't going to the casino or touching a drink. She was going to stay strong attend a meeting and fix things with her daughter.  
       Anna sits back in her seat and smiles to herself. She'd seen the entire transaction from her angle and the camera had caught it all. They had exchanged something. That satisfied grin on Barbara's face when she'd opened her purse said it all. What that something was she wasn't sure but it was small obviously important she thought perhaps a drive? That would make her an information courier for things they didn't dare transmit over the net. This wasn't going to turn the tide but it got them one step closer and maybe they could use Barbara to do it. They were going to need Lenka and Sergei for this one.
       From the look on her face Barbara wasn't going to be hard to turn. Her fear was almost palatable but that also made her unpredictable. She looks down at her watch then reaches into her purse for her phone and send Aidan a quick text before settling in for the opening of the performance she'd slip out sometime in the middle of it before the intermission and before Brot recognized her.
         She'd seen him come in after Barbara sitting a few rows up and to the left of Devereaux neither had noticed him in the slightest but then he'd stepped in just before the lights dimmed and both had been involved in conversation. Tea and Jack would have to be very careful how they played it since now they had a wild card to deal with. One thing was for sure they were only a few smalls steps in front of Jesse and somehow they needed to figure out how to sprint to the finish.      

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 

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