Saturday, August 8, 2020

Francessca, Jaime and Rego


        Francessca sits cross legged on the floor of the hospital lobby holding her son in her lap as she checked through photos on her laptop. She was waiting for her Grandmother to come back down from her appointment and Jaime to come from his office so they could go to lunch. She'd thought she could get some work done but Logan's restlessness was making that near to impossible since the majority of her time had been spent trying to keep him in her lap. Instead she closed the program and exchanged it for one of Logan's hoping he'd settle down but he was even more restless so she'd closed it and instead they'd played games "peek-a-boo" and ultimately "chase the baby". She chuckled as he took off again crawling at lighting speed toward the potted plant. He wanted to explore and she couldn't blame him. It had been an active morning and he'd been trapped in the car or his stroller through most of it. They were both just glad to be out of the car and for the momentary activity. Before they got back in the car and she dropped him at his Great-Grandmother home and started running all over again.
           So far she'd made both parent-teacher meetings for her sister in-laws on Tad and Krystal's behalf. A chore that had been re-assigned to her when at the last minute, neither Jamie or JR or anyone else for that matter could make it. With Opal and Krystal both filming "New Beginning's" and Joe and Ruth visiting Tara this week it had left just her. As it was with School Luncheon she'd had to cook for and the cupcakes she'd baked for the Bake Sale. Two other things either Jamie or Jr had been in-charge of that she'd ended up completing for them. She understood Jr, time was getting shorter as the wedding crept closer and the boys to keep track of and at least he acted appreciative. Lately Jaime just assumed she'd be available and as of this morning he'd yet to thank her for dropping everything she was doing to pickup Kathy from soccer practice yesterday. All of it made her wonder again if Jamie realized exactly how much of the load she was carrying since his Father had been in the hospital or the extra weight he'd put upon her?   
         It wasn't like she didn't love Jaime or her extended family but lately when it came to the care of his sisters Jaime took it for granted that she'd drop what she was doing and take care of whatever it was. She understood that he was restructuring the clinic, was training new help and his time was limited but so was hers. Today, was just another chore he'd palmed off on her. All without any real signs of appreciation or gratitude just a "Great!" click with the assumption she'd handle it! Didn't matter she had a baby to care for, a home and her career. Not to mention her parents and Grandmother. Her time was just as precious as his and lately she'd been giving more of it and Jaime was no where to be seen. Instead he ignored the schedules they both agreed upon he'd rearranged them for his convenience at the drop of a hat. This morning was a perfect example of his devaluing her time. First he was supposed to take her grandmother for her appointment then all meet for lunch instead he'd announced on his way through the kitchen as he went out the door he had to be in early and couldn't take the time. Then he'd called in between her taking care of the brakes and oil change on her car and dropping off Brooke's photos for the article she was writing to tell her about the conferences. So of course that had been added to her list. All with Logan in tow and Nonnie to supervise thank God. That was a talent that she always appreciated. Nonnie had a way with people that always got things going quickly and efficiently with her no nonsense attitude they'd made great time. Even with Nonnie's help today and every day for that matter she still needed Jaime to pitch in more than he had been in the past few weeks. With her along at least the additional tacked on errands had gone quickly. That was for the exception of her appointment it seemed to be taking forever. She sighed aloud. She'd been hopeful that since he'd hired his "Ivy" he'd have more free time not less but nope. 
            That was another thing. Ivy! She didn't like her. She'd only met her a couple of times but she didn't like her. There was something about her besides the smugness and arrogance coupled with that fake mid-west nice. She was perpetually combative every time they met. Why she wasn't sure.Yet she could hear the underlying envy perhaps even jealousy in her words and tone. Everything about her made a voice inside her scream "beware". Jaime on the other hand thought she was great she on the other hand thought she needed therapy.  She thought checking her watch then checking the passengers as they existed the elevator.
       Rego pushes the button for the elevator then steps back to allow others to exist before entering.
       "Mr. Sherrigan nice to see you again!" Came Sophia's voice from behind him. It had been awhile since he'd seen her but there was no forgetting her ever.
       "Very nice to see you Mrs.Logan. I hope all is well."
       "Never better! Just got my clean bill of health!" She smiles hands in prayer then crosses herself making Rego smile. 
       "Well I'm very glad to hear that."
       "Yeah me too! So how are you? How's married life treating you?"
       " Married life Mrs. Logan is going splendidly." He smiles happily remembering the past few weeks with Cassandra and the strange yet happy routine they'd gotten into. 
        "Mrs. Logan is my mother in-law, God rest her soul. Sophia, please. How's the bambino?"
        "The bambino is perfect and life so far is wonderful." He smiles proudly remembering the moment he'd felt his son kick for the first time the joy and anticipation he still felt at his birth. 
        "That's great glad to hear it!" She says patting him on the back as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. Rego reaches out his arm holding the door as others stepped off then giving Sophia's sleeve a gentle tug to catch her attention as the other existed. 
        "Sophia, may I ask you a question?"
        "Sure go right ahead." She shrugs slowing her pace as she he speaks his voice low but earnest she noted.
        "Why are you being so nice to me?" He asks staring back at her looking perplexed making Sophia chuckle as she takes his hand in hers and holds in gently.
        "You're the one that bought my great grandson into this world. For that you'll always have a special place in my heart. Besides, " She shrugs. "Logan adores you and he's a pretty good judge of character." She finishes as they both snap their heads at the sound of Logan's voice. 
         "Go-Go!" Logan squeals as he grabs the base of the potted fern pulling himself up on it then stands. He walks gingerly toward Rego as Sophia digs in her pocket for her phone recording his few steps before he falls to his knees and crawls last foot. He pulls up on Rego's pant leg causing all present to let out a unanimous "Ahh" as Rego picks him up.
         "Go-go!" He yelps wrapping his arms around Rego's neck the later holding him tight enjoying the closeness he always felt when he held him.
         "Oh my goodness look at you! Next time I see you, you'll be running at full sprint!" He says with a surprised laugh as he looks from Logan to Francessca.
           "Holy crap! That is the very first time he's done that." Francessca laughs with shock and surprise kissing her son's head as he laughs and claps along with his grandmother.
           " That's Nonnie's boy! And I got it right here on this fancy- smashee phone your Grandmother gave me!" Sophia laughs waving it in front of Logan as she kisses his forehead.
           "That was unbelievable! Is that really the first time?" Rego looks from Francessca to Sophia both nodding as Francessca wipes a tear from her eyes her face beaming with joy and pride.
          Jaime looks down into the lobby from the mezzanine his temper barely contained. His son walks for the first time and of course that jackass was there to experience it! There they were gathered together laughing and holding each other once again! Just another moment that he and his wife would share! Just another moment that would bring them closer together! Just another incident where he was the outsider looking in. When the hell would this end? Why the hell was he always there at every turn usurping all the moments that should be his and Francessca's to share? He thought punching the button for the elevator as he paces back and forth in front of it.
         "You my little man are absolutely incredible!" Rego smiles hugging Logan to him the latter grabs Rego's face with both hands and kisses his cheek then giggles.
         "So what's going on here?" Jaime asks looking from Rego to Francessca his smile not quite reaching his eyes.  Francessca could see by the glint in them that the anger burning behind them was barely contained.
       "You just missed it Jamie! Your brilliant boy here just took his first step." Rego says bouncing Logan in his arms.
       "You should have seen it! Nonnie was getting off the elevator and Logan saw them and just started walking!" Francessca adds hoping to elevate some of the tension that now filled the air.
        "And I have it all on video! I Can't wait to show it to your mother and father!" Sophia chimes in she too trying to break the tension that was quickly forming around them.
        "Great! I'll have to watch it later. You ladies ready for lunch?" Jamie asks quickly snatching Logan from Rego's arms much to the dismay of the infant who yelps in protest and begins to whine.
         "Shhh" He whispers to Logan patting him on his back the latter laying his head on Jamie's shoulder as he reaches out for Rego's hand.
         "We'd better get going." Jamie scowls moving closer to Francessca and Logan out of Rego's reach. Rego smirks knowing exactly what Jamie was doing and almost laughs at his lingering jealousy as he clears his throat.
         "Well if you'll excuse me I have a meeting to get to. As always it's been a pleasure to see you both and especially my favorite confident." Rego says leaning over and kissing Logan's head. "You all have a wonderful afternoon enjoy your lunch. " He finishes before walking toward the exist.
         "Bye Rego. See you next week!" Francessca calls to Rego's retreating back before turning her attention back to her husband.
         "What do you two have planned for next week?" Jamie snarls out his anger beginning to seep through the cracks in his smile making his question sound more like an accusation to his wife's ears.
          " We have the JR and Rebeka's "rehearsal dinner" or did you forget because you were too busy acting like an idiot?"
          "I'm acting like an idiot? I'm not the one standing in the middle of the hospital fawning all over my ex-lover!" Francessca inhales quickly her eyes becoming slits her lips becoming a thin line signaling to Jaime he should have held that back.
          "Nonnie could you take Logan to the car for me please? I'll meet you there in a second. I need to speak with Jaime." She snaps as Sophia looks from one to the other. Knowing from her granddaughter's expression things were going to get ugly. 
           "Yeah, No problem." She say talking Logan from Jamie's arms talking to the child as she places him in his stroller. "Come on Logan why don't you and I go for a little walk down to Grandma Krystal's. I don't know about you but I'm hungry. " Andiamo! Lasceremo discutere le teste di maiale! Ho fame! E tu?"
      "Non sono un maiale!" Francessca mumbles back at her Grandmother making her laugh as she pushes Logan toward the exit.
      "Ha! Sure and Pope's not Catholic!" Sophia laughs as she wheels Logan through the doors.
      "I thought we were going to lunch?" Jamie peers down at her sarcasm dripping from his voice. 
      "First we need to get something straight once and for all." She says keeping her voice low but no less furious. " I love you. I'm married to you Jamie. WE, you and I have a son together. I don't know what's crawled up your butt lately but you need to stop with this ridiculous jealous and antagonistic attitude of your's before it blows up in both our faces." She finishes her arms crossed over her chest.
       "I've told you I'm not jealous! I just don't like him constantly hanging around! Every time I look up there he is!" He growls back as Francessca sighs in frustration. 
       "It's a small town Jamie for one thing and he's family for another! He's always going to be around!" 
       "Well I think it's intentional! I think he wants you back!" He spits back as his wife stares back incredulous. 
       "That's ridiculous! He's happy with his life and devoted to Cassandra! They're expecting a baby. And, even if he did it wouldn't work. I don't want him Jamie I love you. Maybe instead of worrying about Rego you should start trusting in that."
          "I do it's just that when I see him with you and Logan... I don't know. I just don't trust him."
       "I'm not asking you to trust him I'm telling you to trust me. The only one that doesn't is you! You're basically saying I'm too weak to not succumb to his seduction." She huffs knowing by his expression her words had hit home.  
       "That's not what I'm saying at all!" He grinds desperately trying to keep his voice and temper in check as his wife's temper begins to simmer. 
        "Really? Because that's exactly how you make me feel!"
        "Well you sure as hell don't make it easy lady! Every time I find you together lately you're practically all over each other!" He retorts. 
        "What are you talking about?" She rears back arms akimbo as she struggles with the meaning of his statement. 
        "Oh like I didn't catch you two together the other night?" He states then smiles triumphantly. 
        "Are you kidding me?" 
        "No, I'm serious as cancer baby! The other night then again today right here in this lobby!" He states then smiles triumphantly the satisfaction lasting only seconds as the firer in her eyes ignites into an inferno. 
       "You know what Jamie forget lunch. I don't know who the hell you are but hopefully I'll see my husband at home later!" She turns away and picks up her purse and coat then turns back "Oh and don't ever use our son as a weapon to hurt someone again!" She finishes then walks toward the door without another word or looking back.
       "Francessca come on!" He calls after her as she keeps moving. "Cess!" He yells after her as he watches her storm out the sliding glass door and down the sidewalk then turns back toward the elevator his thoughts and emotions a tangled mass of confusion.
      Ivy watches from above unable to hear the confrontation between the two but knowing by their faces and gesticulations it was heated the entire scene peeking her curiosity about her new employer and his wife. Was their marriage really the stuff of "Fairy tales" the way all the media portrayed or was it more like one of her trash novels where the heroine longed for the forbidden fruit and the hero, for the temptress?

Jamie and Ivy

Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles ©2020