Monday, December 31, 2018

Jamie and Ivy


        Jamie walks into the clinic and directly to the reception desk checking the clock on the wall as he walks.
          "Hey is my interview here yet?" The receptionist smiles then laugh's.
          "Not yet you lucked out. She just called to say she was running late.You have about five minutes." She calls after him with a laugh as he sprints into his office. He close the door behind him pulling off his jacket as he goes and tossing it on the back of his chair. He reaches for his office jacket and slips into it switching on his computer as he slides into his chair. He pulls the the mirror from his desk drawer and quickly checks his appearance and brushes the hair back from his face. Satisfied he places it back in the drawer before typing his password into the computer as he reaches for the small box of mints in the jar on the desk and pops it into his mouth with one hand as he types on the keyboard with the other. He waits for the file to load then clicks through it quickly to refresh his memory.
       "Lets see Ivy McClellan..." He mutters to himself as he clicks through the parts of her resume he'd highlighted finishing just as the office phone buzzes.
        "Hello Dr. Martin, Dr. McClellan is here would you like me to walk her back?" Elizabeth say over the intercom using her professional voice that always made him chuckle when she used it.
         "No I'll come up front and walk her back myself. Thank you." He says as he rises and comes around the desk and walks out to the reception desk.
       Ivy looks around the office admiring the brightly painted reception area with all the hand painted characters adorning the walls. It was pleasant giving the room a warm friendly feel. It was very different from the clinic in Chicago that she'd just left behind. There she'd had to practically purchase the supplies they need out of her own pocket sometimes she had. This was a far cry from that and she was glad. Here she could concentrate on healing not trying to hold it all together. That was one of the things that had attracted her. This clinic was well funded and be free to do the work she wanted to do. Hopefully in her time here she could learn some of Jamie's trick to pass on to her colleagues back home. She was sure it also didn't hurt to inherit a fortune and having a rich wife with even richer relatives. They definitely could have used this kind of funding back home she thought walking toward the the long glass panes separating the clinic from the rest of the "Miranda Center" and all the activity going on there.
          "Dr. McClellan thank you so much for coming. I'm Dr. James Martin." He' says taking her extended hand in his and shaking it.
           "Dr.Martin very nice to meet you. Beautiful facility you have here." She says smiling brightly. He was taller than she'd imagined his eyes were kinder in person and his smile even warmer.
           "Why don't I give you the tour and then we can talk in in my office, If that's okay with you?"
           "That's fine I would love to see more!" She says following along beside him as he takes her through the exam rooms and office spaces chatting amiably as they go. Finishing their tour back at Jamie's office.
           "Please have a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee." Ivy smiles shaking her head negatively as she sits in the chair across from him.
            "No, thanks if I have another cup I'll never get to sleep." She says making them both laugh. "Is this your family?" She says picking up the picture of Francessca and Logan from the desk. "What a cutie! He looks like a really happy baby." Jamie blushes proudly looking at the photo a moment and smiling.
            "Thank you. Yeah he is. I've never seen anyone wake up as happy as he does every morning. He does even cry. We can hear him over the monitor playing and kind of singing to himself." He says preening proudly.
             "Ahhh aren't you the proud Poppa." She teases making Jamie laugh.
             "None prouder." He says placing the photo back down on the desk.
             "and your wife is stunning and an absolutely brilliant photographer. I was looking at her photos in "Tempo" on the flight here."
              "Thank you. I'll tell her she has another fan next time I see her." Ivy laugh's thinking what life as Mrs. Jamie Martin must be like as she allowed hers imagination to slip into his wife place for a moment. From what she'd read their courtship was something you'd read in a romance novel. She'd enjoyed the momentary image she'd created a little too much she though. Her voice sound slightly whist full as she spoke to her ears hopefully it was missed by his.
              "I think all new parents sing that same song." Jamie laugh's nodding in agreement her tone completely missed to her relief.
               "Yeah, it's just been doubly hectic since my Dad's been in the hospital. I think the only thing either of us haven't been to tired to do lately is sleep." He says with a laugh then takes a quick look at his watch his mind telling him he needed to wrap this up or he was going to start falling behind.  Although she was interesting and easy to talk to. He could honestly say he was looking forward to working with her. 
             "So do you have any question?" Jamie asks hoping if she did have any they weren't to long or complicated. He needed to get back to the hospital and check on one of his patients before going home showering then stepping out again to pick up his sisters and take them over to JR's for their fittings. At least he'd have a few minutes to spend with his brother before picking up Logan's from his Mom's and heading home to spend five minutes with his wife before they both passed out.
             "The only one I can think of is what time do you want me to get here in the mornings?" She teases noting the look of relief on Jamie's face.
              "I usually get her around seven then do my rounds at the hospital around ten so lets say about nine forty five? If that's okay with you of course?"
              "That's perfect! I prefer to do my hospital rounds early. So I guess I'll see you at nine forty-five sharp tomorrow." She says with a smile shaking Jamie's hand firmly as she rises.
             "You'll have to excuse me but I really have to go. I have an appointment with my realtor in like ten minutes." She says looking down at her watch as Jamie begins to shrug out of his jacket.
               "Not at all I have to get going myself I have like a million things to do today. Come on I'll walk you out." He says picking up his sports jacket from the back of the chair as he walks toward the door.
              "I'm really glad you're going to join us." He says as he holds the door for her to pass before shutting it behind him. He turns down the hall leading them both out the back into the parking lot.
               " I'm really looking forward to working with you too. I'll see you in the morning." She says smiling up at him. The afternoon sun lending her eyes an inviting twinkle Jamie noted.
               "See you tomorrow." He smiles back. He watches her a minute as she walks away waving to her as she climbs into her car before turning and entering his own.

Jamie and Zach
Jaime and Cassandra

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018

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