Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Natalia and Brot


        Natalia lies on the couch flicking through the stations on the television and watching nothing at all. Her mind was too cluttered with thoughts of Preston and the kiss they'd shared.  She presses button on the remote again hoping to find something to distract her mind. She was exhausted after her jog with Francessca when she'd gotten back and her body had screamed for rest. They'd both pushed themselves more than they usually did running the last mile at full force.
        Their jog had been much quieter than normal. They had both seemed to have some personal issues to sort so their jog had been relatively quiet and had been mostly general things they usually chatted about. She hadn't wanted to discuss with Cess what had happened between her and Preston before she'd gotten there. She still needed to sort that out for herself first and was hoping a nap would help settle her mind. Only each time she closed her eyes she was in Preston's arms and he was kissing her making her feel as if something in her had been sound asleep and suddenly awakened. The feeling made her heart pound and filled her with both longing and fear. Fear that the love she'd claim to have lost was still burning within her. Fear that her relationship with Brot wasn't as deep as she'd thought nor her love for him as intense as she believed. How could it be when she had all these feelings for Preston? But she loved Brot she knew she did. Up until a few days ago she had never once doubted their love now she felt nothing but confusion.
        She pushes the afghan from her lap stands then stretches before walking to the window. She leans her palms on the sill and stares out into the darkness watching the car tail lights flicker up the mountain and into the darkness like all her thoughts. She loved Brot she knew she did but could she still say "with all her heart"?
           "Oh God help me." She mumbles as the sound of keys rattles in the door lock.
           'Hey!," Brot calls tentatively from the doorway pushing a bouquet of roses in front of him. "Is it safe to come in." Natalia smiles pushing her thoughts of Preston to the side and concentrating on the here and now.
          "Yes, come in but I'm still mad at you!" She says taking the flowers from him and placing them on the table.
          "I know, I know and I'm sorry. I would have called if I could but I was on assignment and I couldn't risk breaking cover." He pleads following behind as Natalia turns towards him her brows drawn together the lips he longed to kiss contorted with anger.
          "What the hell are you working on that you can't even take five seconds to let me know that you're alright?"
           "All I can tell you is that I was undercover." She looks at him arms crossed over chest her eyes stretched in disbelief.
           "Undercover? Who are you infiltrating?" She scoffs.
           "It's a special assignment and I can't talk about it with anyone but the Chief." He says his voice sounding official and authoritative to her ears.
          "I haven't seen or heard anything about it." She retorts her tone rich with skepticism as Brot sighs in frustration.
          "I just said It's a special assignment and I can't talk about it with anyone but the Chief.
          "So are you going to tell me about what you're doing?"
          "What part of I can't talk about it didn't you understand?" The tedium of the question along with her persistence giving him pause.
          "Come on I'm not just your girlfriend I'm also a cop!" She pushes.
          "All the more reason I can't tell you! Why are we talking about work anyway? You've been blowing up my phone since yesterday we're finally together and you want to argue about work?What's going on with you?" He blurts out his weariness with the argument coloring his tone so that it scratched at her guilt making it itch harder.
           "Nothing! You've been gone for almost two days and I hadn't really heard from you I was worried is all." She shrugs as Brot smirks back at her.
           "What did you think? I'd taken you up on your text?"
           "What text?" She lies knowing exactly what text he was referring to.
           "You know which one the one where you told me not to come back! What's up with that?" He asks looking at her squarely. Natalia meets his stare her voice sharper than she'd meant as she allows her annoyance to take hold.
           "I was disappointed and mad when once again you were a no show! You didn't show up for dinner the night before. I didn't see you most of the next day. Then you don't show up again last night. No call, no text explanation. Nothing." Brot sighs conceding her point for the moment but still confused by her attitude she was an officer she should understand the nature of  their job.
           "I'm sorry okay? It all just came up suddenly I didn't have time to prepare."
           "I mean it's not the first time it's happened." She says pushing the point rather than deal with what was really gnawing at her as Brot annoyance and confusion intensifies.
           "What the hell Natalia! You're a cop you know how it all works! Why are we having this stupid argument in the first place?" He groans as he reaches out for her. Natalia steps away from his grasp walking towards the window needing to put space between them. She didn't want him to touch not yet. Especially when her body still burned from Preston's touch.
            "Because you can't just waltz in here with a bouquet of roses and think everything is just fine and dandy!" She says as Brot comes towards trapping her between the window casing and his arms leaving her no place to run.
            " Okay Natalia this is silly! Tell me why we're really having this fight right now?" She couldn't explain why. Not to him because then she'd have to explain it to herself.
            "I don't know maybe I was just hurt and maybe a little scared. I'm sorry." She half lies knowing deep down she was arguing with him just for argument sake. She was avoiding the real reason nagging at the back of her mind.
          "Good," he says pulling her into his arms. "I can think of better things we could be doing in the next five hour before I have to go back to my assignment." His lust deepening his voice before kissing her. His desire increasing as Natalia relaxes in his arms and returns his kisses. She forces her thoughts quiet and throws herself fully into the moment with Brot. In flaming them both by surpassing his passion as Preston finally slips from her thoughts.
          "Wow!" Brot says as he releases her. "What was that for?" He asks surprised by the intensity of her kiss.
           "I told you I missed you." She smiles up at him.
            "Well why don't we go in the bedroom and I can show you just how much I missed you." He grins as he grasps her hand leading her toward the bedroom. Natalia follows behind him smiling as he closes the door behind them and pulls her into his arms. He kisses her feeling her body arch against his as he trails kisses down her neck. Natalia relaxes in his arms allowing herself to enjoy the moment blocking her nagging thoughts.
        Brot pulls the strap of her camisole from her shoulder following its path as it slips from her shoulder toward her breast. Natalia pulls him closer and closes her eyes images of Preston flow across her mind. She opens them again as his name almost escapes her lips as Preston's face is suddenly replaced by Brot's.
             "I'm going to be sick!" She yelps as she pushes away from Brot and runs to toward the bathroom slamming the door behind her as she leans against it. Tears stream down her cheeks as she dry heaves over the sink. 

Natalia and Preston
Natalia and Brot

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles 2018


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