Thursday, February 14, 2019

Jamie, Francessca Rego and Ivy


          Ivy sits back in Jamie's chair thinking about how much she'd enjoyed working with him all morning. He was an excellent doctor. He was caring and attentive. Giving each of his patients as much time as they needed. He took extra time to explain to them their various conditions and how he was going to treat them and how they could help themselves. He'd even treated some homeless guys dog's wound. He gave him the number of a local vet for a free follow up that he called and paid for ahead of time. He really loved his job and cared about each and every person who came through his door and his patients seemed to love him.
       He was smart, funny and seemed to be well liked by his peers and staff. She was also sure that being good looking, witty and utterly charming didn't hurt at all. She'd found him easy to confer with about patients and talk with casually. He was also a very  good listener. She'd found herself telling him things she really hadn't meant to. Luckily she'd caught herself before she'd told him anything too personal.
       She found him intriguing. That was it. He intrigued her more now in person then when she'd done her research on him and his clinic. His history had fascinated her. The more she found the more she wanted to learn. She'd started her search at the beginning high school or college if she remembered correctly to his affair with his brother JR's girlfriend causing his brother to leave town for a time. Then when his brother returned Jamie had a brief affair with his wife. Then came a custody battle over his brother's son. He'd been responsible for finding his imposter stepmother alive. Then off to doctors without borders for a few years before returning back to America and building this clinic. The last bit of it with the present wife and the new step brother read like something from one of her torrid romance novel her last roommate had teased her about.
          It would be fun watching all that drama play out in real time right before her eyes. The beautiful wife, the jilted lover , the jealous husband and beautiful new doctor? She mused while thinking back to their interactions over the course of the morning. There had been a little playful banter while treating a patient. If she didn't know better she could even call it flirting. Made her wonder where she fit in to it all.
         Francessca walks into the clinic stopping at the reception counter to say hello to the women behind it before heading back toward Jamie's office talking as she opens the door.
        "Hey honey! You don't have to pick up Logan from your Grandma Ruth's. Amanda said she'd drop him off to my grandmother on her way home" She finishes closing the door behind her startled when she turns and sees Ivy sitting in the chair behind Jaime's desk.
         "Hi! Francessca isn't it? Very nice to finally meet you! Jamie's talked about you so much I feel as if I already know you!"
           "Hi, I'm sorry you are?" Francessca looks back at her confused not sure who the woman in front of her was or why she acted as if they were old friends. 
           "Oh, sorry I'm Ivy McClellan. I'm the new physician here." She says with a laugh. 
           " Oh yeah," Francessca half smiles hesitating for moment not sure she was comfortable with Ivy's instantaneous familiarity. "Hi, I'm Francessca Martin but you already know that. How are you. How do you like Pine Valley so far?" Francessca asks.
           "It's a pretty little town a lot more active than I thought it would be. I was expecting sleepy little town tucked away among the pine trees." Ivy says making them both chuckle. 
          "How did the adjustment go for you? Jamie was saying you're from Las Vegas? Must have been a huge change for you." she said sounding slightly awestruck to Francessca's ears making her wonder exactly what she and Jaime had been talking about all morning.  
         "Wasn't that dramatic really, I went to college here in the North East so I was pretty much used to the climate." Francessca shrugs and smiles as Ivy nods in acknowledgement.  
          "I'm still getting a feel for it. I'm used to a little more of a night life." Ivy shrugs as she rises then sits on the edge of the desk in front of Francessca the later smiling back as she shakes her head. 
           "Pine Valley isn't as sleepy as you think. There's a couple of great bars in town."Confusion" can be cool then "McKays" and a couple of others. If you're really bored there's always "Llanview" the next town over things are always hopping over there." 
             "I'll have to check it out. But you know how it is single girl alone in a bar. It's just kind of weird going out by myself especially in a new town."
             "Yeah I understand. I was lucky enough to have some family already in town when I moved here." 
             "Oh yeah Jamie was telling me. You're Michael Cambius's daughter now Slater right? I read about the drug he finished for Dr. Hayward and the lung transplant where they used Dr. Hayward's new drug to slow your father's heart. Absolutely amazing." Ivy says sounding awestruck again but, who could blame her? It was pretty amazing even now and she was probably just new and nervous. Francessca could understand that. Still something about her. 
               "Yeah it was all pretty incredible. Jamie and I are both pretty busy in the next few weeks but maybe sometime when we go out you can come with." Francessca says cautiously.           
             " Oh thank you! That would be great. Jamie was telling me you have his brother's wedding and you're working on "Founder's Day" event. Plus your career and an infant. Your father in-law is in the hospital. You take turns taking care of Jamie's sisters. I don't know how you can juggle it all and find time for yourselves." 
              "It's tough but we manage and we always find time for what's important. Besides Jamie has a huge extended family so everyone pitches in. It also helps when your boss is your mother in-law." She says with a wink and then laughs.
               "Wow, that is really nice.Oh! speaking of extended family I saw you and Jamie's stepbrother on TV last night."
               "Oh yeah, you mean that impromptu promotion Rego and I got caught in yesterday. I'd almost forgotten about it." Francessca says with a laugh and a wave of her hand dismissing the entire thing.
             "Wow, you're just so blazaise at it all. If it were me I don't know if I could handle reporters constantly hounding me over my exploits with my ex-lover. I sure as heck wouldn't want my ex hanging around!" She says with a laugh her eyes wide with surprise. Her statement striking a sour note with Francessca.
            "Yeah well it's kind of hard when your ex is also your brother in-law. As they say haters gonna hate. Anyway, is Jamie with a patient?" Francessca asks dismissing the topic.
            " Oh, no he just stepped out a moment to grab us some lunch." So Jaime was now running her errands? What was she thinking. Of course he did she would have no way of knowing where to go.
            "Okay," Francessca's  patients with a Jamie's new hire worn just about has thin as the conversation between them' She checks her watch then reaches for the pen and sticky-note pad on the desktop and begins writing. She pulls the sheet off leaving it stuck to her finger her instincts telling her not to leave it on his desk.
           " Listen it was nice meeting you but I have a meeting to get to so I'll see you soon." Francessca smiles.
         "Nice meeting you too. Have a great day" Ivy waves as she leans back against Jamie's desk giving Francessca a feeling that she was being dismissed. She reaches for the door knob just as Jamie enters.
           "Oh! Hey Babe." Jaime says hugging his wife with his free hand and kissing her. Ivy watches the two from her vantage point at the the desk wondering if they were really as happy as they looked.
           "What are you doing here." Jamie asks as he places his bags down on the desktop.
           "I have the meeting about "Founders Day" with board of the "Miranda Center" and I wanted to tell you Amanda's going to take Logan to my Grandmother so you won't have to pick him up."
           "Oh great!"
           "Hello! Hello!" Rego calls from the door.
           "Hey Rego." Jamie says sounding friendlier than he felt as he stamped down his instant annoyance.
           "Dr. Ivy McClellan I'd like to introduce you to my step brother Rego Sherrigan. Rego, this is Dr. Ivy McClellan she our new resident physician."
           "Enchante Dr. McClellan pleasure to make your acquaintance."
           "The pleasure is all mine." Ivy practically gushes.
           " I hope you'll be happy here"
           " Oh I'm sure I will." She says looking over at Jamie then back to Rego.
           "Sorry if I interrupted your lunch." Rego says turning towards Jamie and Francessca. The later standing and watching with a slight twist of annoyance to her smile.
           "They're having lunch I'm on my way to the meeting."
            "Oh good a friendly face to break up the doldrums." He says making them both laugh and Jamie not Ivy observed.
            "Rego, what brings you by." Jamie interrupts his tone in direct contrast to the smile on his lips or the white knuckle grip he had on the desk. None of it escaping Ivy who watches the interaction between the three intently.
           "As I said before I was on my way to a meeting and thought I'd drop off the donation check." He say as he reaches in his billfold and hands him the check. "I included some extra money so you could replace that x ray machine of yours and maybe some extra tongue depressors." He says with a laugh.
          "Thanks." Jamie say then looks down at the amount and smiles in earnest.   "This is so generous of you thank you."
          "You're very welcome. Spend it on good health!" He jokes making them all laugh. "I'd better get going." Rego says as he moves toward the door as Francessca chimes in
          "Yeah me too, otherwise it will be just another thing I'm late for this week."
           "Come on I'll walk up with you." Rego smiles holding the door open.
           "Sure. Honey I'll meet you at home. Love you!" She say then kisses him quickly.
           "Love you too. Bye!" He says his brow furrowing as he watches his wife and brother laugh and talk as they exit. Ivy watches the entire interaction coming to the conclusion to her prior thought.
           "Your step brother is handsome, very generous and very charming ." She states casually watching the emotion roll across Jamie's face as he speaks.
            "He sure is. He's one of the most charming men I know." He says shredding through his sandwich with vehemence as he glared out the door. She takes the chair across from him unwrapping her sandwich as she speaks watching him covertly through her lashes.
             "I take it there's no love lost between you and your stepbrother?"
            "There's no love at all! Want a napkin?" Jamie grumbles slamming the drawers of his desk as he searches then slapping a small pile of napkins on the desktop. Ivy watches him filing the entire transaction away to be examined later. She quickly changes the subject bringing back the carefree Jaime she'd been enjoying all morning before the wife and her ex dropped in. Perhaps this little hamlet wasn't going to be as boring as she thought after all.

Jamie and Ivy
Jamie and Francessca

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles


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