Thursday, February 7, 2019

Jesse and Griff, Cassandra and Angie


         Jesse closes the door firmly behind him as he walks into Frankie and Randy's home. It had been a long day and he was glad it was over. Spending the day with the crazies running up and down the streets of Pine Valley and the idiots they vote into office constantly calling him him to bitch and moan about one thing or the other can ware a man down. When it wasn't his beloved citizenry then it was the district attorney or his annoying new assistant district attorney breathing down his neck. What he needed right now was his grandkids and some good news.
      "Hey anyone home?" He calls out as he walks into the living room and hears Griff call out to him.
       "Yo! Jesse back here!" He says calling him back into the family room.
       "There they are! This is what Pop-Pop was waiting for!" He growls making the babies giggle as he scoops up one in each arm cooing and snuggling both then putting them down.
       "Rough day?" Griff asks watching Jesse grimace as he eases himself down into the chair.
       "Yeah brother and then some." He sighs leaning his head back against the cushions.
       " You want a beer?" Griff asks rising from the sofa and walking towards the kitchen as he talks.
       "Nah, watching my grand babies is all I need. Besides I have to drive home from here and the way I'm feeling today one ain't going to cut it!" Jesse says with a laugh as he reaches down and pulls his granddaughter into his lap.
       "Yeah all Pop-Pop needs is his family and everything's good!" He's says snuggling her close then putting her down as Griff comes back in the room.
        "Yeah these two make it all better don't they?" He laughs stepping around the twins as they laugh and play.
        "I never thought I'd have this. Beautiful daughter, two beautiful grand kids wonderful son in-law. Sometimes it all feels so unreal. Nah, I never saw this day." He smiles the joy of the moment lighting his face as he watched the children play. Jesse smiles knowing the feeling well.
        "I feel you bro, I feel you. So how are Krystal and Carmen?" Griff laughs and shrugs.
        " I wish I knew. Ever since they started this TV show thing I only catch them on the fly." He says with a chuckle. "Been kind of nice though quiet." He says making them both laugh. "One other nice thing with both of them gone so much I've been promoted to manager with a nice fat raise!"
       "Well all right now! That's what I'm talking about! Congratulations man!" Jesse whoops as stands and shakes Griff's hand.
       'Yeah boy! I can finally get out of Ryan's." Griff sighs happily. Jesse looks at him brows knitted in concern.
       "Something wrong there?" Jesse asks. Griff shakes his head.
       " No, things have been great. I just need a place of my own. Some place where the Grandkids can play maybe have a social life other than work and home."  Jesse nods in agreement.
       "Can't blame you there. Where are you thinking about moving to?" Jesse asks as he reaches out and grabs the hair brush from Spencer's hand as he passes and places it on the shelf behind him.
        " Not sure yet some place close." He says turning his head at the sound of the door rattling then squeaking open.
       "We're home!" Randi calls as she and Frankie walk into the den to the squeals of their children running towards her. Both children grasping at her knees as she walks in.
        "Hey sweet-peas!" She says kneeling down and kissing them both as Frankie walks to his father and hugs him.
        "Hey! What's up Dad?"
        "Nothing really Pop-pop just needed his fix."
        "Aren't you two lucky both your Grandpa's are here. How are you Jesse?" She says turning toward Jesse.
         "I'm okay how are you what did the doctor say?" Griff asks unable to wait any longer.
         "The doctor said I'm fine the cancer is still in remission." She says proudly as the men in the room cheer.
          "Does your mother know?" Jesse asks knowing it had been weighing on her mind the last few days. Frankie smiles lifting the look of concern from his father's face as he speaks.
          "We made sure to tell her before we left the hospital. We figured with everything else going on she could really use some good news."
          "That she can son, that she can."
         Angie walks towards the doctors locker room to shower and change. She wanted to get home to Jesse and the kids to celebrate their good news. She'd already ordered dinner from the "Serving Spoon" and if she hurried she could get to Frankie's about the same time it arrived. She turns down the hall taking the shortcut through the Providers offices passing one as the door opens and Cassandra steps directly in her path.
         "Oh excuse me." She says before looking up and seeing her mother in front of her the smile on her face becoming an instant frown.
         "Cassandra! Hi baby." Angie says reaching out and hugging a stiff Cassandra her swollen belly brushing against Angie.  "Oh my looks at you! You're absolutely beautiful! I guess the baby will be coming soon? You and Rego must be so excited!"
         "Yes Mother we are but we have a few more months before the big day." Cassandra retorts wishing the entire ordeal was over as her mother stares back at her confused.
         "From the look of you sweetie I'd say another two or so." Angie smiles feeling Cassandra's tummy the later swiping at her hand.
         "Perhaps you need your eyes checked." Cassandra snipes back ignoring the hurt expression on her mother's face. The last thing she needed was her mother digging around she could be more harm than hurt feelings. Angie looks back at her daughter inspecting her expression and knew instantly she was hiding something.
         "Cassandra what is going on? What aren't you telling me?" Cassandra narrows her eyes instantly on the defensive.
          "Why do I have to always be up to something Mother? Rego and I are married, we just bought a beautiful new home and were expecting a baby in a few months! Why can't any of you just be happy for me? Why do you always think I have some scheme going?" Angie stares back at her mouth a gape unable to fathom what she had said or done to evoke such a venom filled response.
           "I am happy for you honey! Really I am."
           'I really have to go!" Cassandra states flatly turning and walking away leaving Angie to stare after her bewildered. What had she done to make Cassandra so angry? She thought absently rubbing the pain in her left arm.
       Cassandra walks to the elevator thoughts of her mother's words "I'd say two or so." She'd almost forgotten about the time frame. She'd need to solidify her plan as far as that was concerned.
      "What to do, what to do?" She murmured. Her thoughts now distracting her from all else as she steps toward the back of the car absorbed in them. It stops at the mezzanine as a few passengers disembark leaving her with just the two interns in front of her as it descend.
         "Excuse me please!" She says attempting to move in front of the interns to exit. Neither moving both blocking her exist as the door opens and quickly closes.
       "Sorry." One murmurs and shrugs smiling shyly as he continues to talk to his companion.
       "Idiots!" She yelps pushing past them to the front and pressing the lobby button again. Then gasping in horror as the doors open and she is pushed out only to be caught in Deveraux's arms.
      "You and I have a few things to discuss."

Lola and Adam, Devereaux and Joe
Cassandra and Rego


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