Thursday, September 27, 2012

Krystal and Jesse

Krystal and Jesse  09/27/2012
Jesse walks into Krystal and Carmen’s walking directly to the counter where Krystal stands looking through receipts.
Jesse: Hey Krystal! (He swing his leg over the stool in front of her)
Krystal: Hey! What are you doing here?
Jesse: I had a couple of errands to run and I figured I’d stop in and pick up some lunch.
Krystal: Well you’re too late (Her grin filled with mischief) Carmen and Griff left here with a basket full of food for y’all.
Jesse: You didn’t have to do that.
Krystal: I know I didn’t I wanted too. What me to make you a sandwich or something?
Jesse: Naw, thanks I’m on my way back to the hospital any I’ll wait till I get there. I’ll take a cup of Coffee.
Krystal: Sure I just made a fresh pot. (She places two cups on the counter and pours coffee in each cup) How’s Randi doing? (She pushes a mug towards him)
Jesse: We don’t know yet. (He reaches for the sugar shaking down the pack before tearing it open and pouring it in to the liquid)  I’m just hoping no news is good news. (He sighs moving the spoon around the cup)
Krystal: Well I hope you’re all hungry. Griff and Carmen were cooking all morning. (She grins picking up the spoons and tossing them in the tub beneath) This thing’s get full. (She mumbles shoving it back underneath)
Jesse: Oh wow (His eyes wide as he smacks his lips in anticipation making Krystal laugh)
Krystal: Carmen said Griff had half the basket packed before she got here this morning.
Jesse: Yeah?
Krystal: Yeah, he’s been a Godsend. (She reaches for the coffee pot behind her pouring more into her cup)
Jesse: Really? (His ears perking up as his instincts jumping on the opportunity)
Krystal: He shows up everyday on time if not early he’s always working, most days I have to remind him to take a break. He actually has pride in his work that’s rare these days. (She says with a shake of her head looking at Jesse who nods in agreement) 
Jesse: You ain’t kidding there!
Krystal:  He’s kind, funny and caring .You know he walks Carmen and me to our cars every night? I don’t know how he ended up in prison but he’s a good man. (She moves around the counter preparing the coffee maker)
Jesse: I’m impressed. Does he ever talk about his family any bothers sisters wife anything like that.
Krystal: Not that I know of during the day we barley get to talk he spends most of his time in the kitchen with Carmen. Why?
Jesse: Just curious that’s all. (Using his suspicious cop voice) I like to know who’s hanging around my friends.
Krystal: That’s sweet but I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
Jesse: Just the cop in me sweet heart. (He grins sipping from his mug)
Krystal: Well you can stop worrying Griff’s a nice guy and he seems happy here at least I think he’s happy. (She twist her mouth in thought)
Jesse: What do you mean? (He coaches watching her over the brim of his cup)
Krystal: I don’t know he always seems a little sad to me. But who wouldn’t be after spending twenty some odd years of your life behind bars?
Jesse: You got that right. (He drains the contents of the cup placing it back down on the counter)
Krystal: You want some more coffee? I just made a fresh pot.
Jesse: No, I’d better get back to the hospital. (He stands)
Krystal: Do me a favor?
Jesse: Sure. (Reaching in his pocket and checking the contents)
Krystal: Call me latter and let me know how Randi is.
Jesse: Sure.
Griff: Hey!
Krystal: Hey Griff! (She waves as Jesse stands to greet him)
Griff: Jesse, how you doin? (He shakes his hand smiling a half grin)
Jesse: I’m good, I’m good thanks for preparing all that food for my family today.
Griff: It was my pleasure. Carmen’s been telling about what your Randi is going through I thought was the least I could do.
Jesse: Well I just want you to know I really appreciate it.
Griff: Your welcome.
Jesse: So how you been?
Griff: Can’t complain I have a job I love and I spend my days with two beautiful women what more could a man want. (He leans his elbow on the counter and winks at Jesse and chuckles)
Krystal: You keep talking like that and I’m going to have to give you a bonus! (She slides her cup into the tub under the counter then lifts the tub and places it on the top of the counter) Griff do me a favor?
Griff: Sure.
Krystal: Could you take this tub of glasses into the kitchen from please?
Griff: Yeah, sure. (He lifts the dripping tub from the counter and begins to walk in to the kitchen. As he walks his foot slides on the beads of water falling to the floor from the tub and slides dropping the tub and falls to the floor.)
Krystal: Oh, my God are you okay? Oh my look at hour hand you’re bleeding! (She takes some tissues off the counter and places them on top of his cut then pulls them back and looks at his cut tossing the tissues to the side) Jesse hand me that towel please?
Jesse: Here! (He says kneeling next to her shoving the towel at her quickly.  Krystal takes it from him and wraps it around his hand) We better get you to the hospital and have that checked out.
Krystal: Yeah it looks like your going to need a few stitches.
Griff: I’ll be fine I’ll wash it off but a Band-aid on it and I’ll be okay.
Krystal: Nothing doing buddy you’re going to have that looked at and that’s final. (She says tossing the glasses back into the tub standing and placing them on the counter as Jesse helps Griff to his feet picking up the bloody tissues and crumpling it in his fist) 
Griff: I can’t go now Carmen’s at the hospital that leaves no one in the kitchen I can’t leave you to handle this all by yourself. (As the two bicker back and forth Jesse turns his back to them slipping the blooded tissue into a small plastic bag and slips it into his pocket)
Krystal: I’ll be fine besides I have an entire staff to help me and I’m no stranger to the kitchen you go get yourself checked out. Jesse could you run him over to the hospital and have that hand looked at.
Jesse: Of course! Look man there’s no point in arguing in the end you’re going to end up going to the hospital anyway. (He grins devilishly as he shrugs)
Griff: Yeah you’re right. (He grins back)
Krystal: That’s right now get going! And I better not see you here tomorrow!
Griff: Yes ma’am. (He grins walking towards the door)
Jesse: Krystal I’ll call you as soon as I know something.
Krystal: You better! Take care of yourself Griff!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jesse and Cassandra

Jesse and Cassandra   09/20/2012
Cassandra sits in front of her Vanity table putting the finishing touches on her make up. It felt good to finally feel clean. It had taken almost an hour and a half for them to get back to the penthouse after sex in the car and no breakfast and Devereaux look more pleased with him self than usual. Could he know what she’d been up too? But how could he? She hadn’t told anyone not even Colby about her plan there was no way he could know. But there had been a couple of things in the past few days that he had seemed some how to know before she told him. It wasn’t anything he’d said just a knowing look on his face. He was having her watched she knew that even if she hadn’t seen them she felt them but this stuff couldn’t have been seen only heard and she was very careful not to take care of any of her business around him or in this penthouse. She hakes her head and sighs and continues to brush powder on her face. She was probably just being paranoid all things considered and the unexpected romp in the back of the limo this morning and thrown her completely off. It had come like a storm out of nowhere. Hopefully he had just wanted to slake his desires and he had used a condom, at least she thought he had she had seen the wrapper on the floor but not the condom there had been a balled up tissue but he had picked it up and stuffed in his pocket before she could check it. God, she hoped so what if she were pregnant as she planned but not with Rego’s child but Devereaux’s demon spawn! What would she do then? What she needed was a Sherrigan baby! She needed Rego’s baby! She’d never have another opportunity locked in the gilded cage with Devereaux as her keeper she was trapped. If only Rego hadn’t been in stupor last night and still half out of it this morning her plan would have worked. Now once again here she was trying to climb out of a bigger hole than she started in! How was she going to get out of this one? Maybe if the time came maybe she could convince Rego he was the father. After all the two of them had been together he did wake up in her bed this morning and he assumed something had happened between them. It wouldn’t be that hard to convince him of the possibility he could be. But what if they both wanted a DNA test what then? And now they could do them invetro, she could stall them both till after the baby was born by playing over protective mother but then what? She never thought she’d wish she were Francessca right now! She’d have Rego’s child in a few months not that he knew anything about it or she wanted him to know. Cassandra would give anything to be in that situation instead of the one she was in. She sighs tossing the make up brush on top of the table as Maurice taps on the door.
Maurice: Ms. Foster?
Cassandra: Yes Maurice?
Maurice: There’s a Mr. Jesse Hubbard to see you.
Cassandra: Thank you Maurice, tell Mr. Hubbard I’ll be there momentarily.  
Maurice: Yes miss. (He turns and exists the room as Cassandra rises from her chair and walks to the bed)
Scene Shift: Jesse stands in the living room admiring his surroundings)
Jesse: Well Cass your fall certainly had a soft landing. (He mumbles as he walks to the open doors and looks out over the roof top patio complete with never ending pool) Angie would love this! (He nods in approval turning his head back in to the room as the butler returns)
Maurice: Ms. Foster will be with you momentarily.
Jesse: Thank you.
Maurice: May I offer you a libation?
Jesse: No, thank you.
Maurice: Very good sir. If you’ll excuse me I have some things to attend to.
Jesse: Excuse me a moment? (He steps a few paces towards him as the butler turns back)
Maurice: Yes sir?
Jesse: How long have you worked with Mr. St. Jacque?
Maurice: Some twenty years sir.
Jesse: So you know him pretty well then?
Maurice: As well as any employee knows his employer.
Jesse: What kid of Guy would you say he is?
Maurice: I’m not sure what you mean sir.
Jesse: If you had to sum him up in one word what would you say?
Maurice: Shrewd.
Jesse: How so?
Maurice: I’ve never known Mr. Devereaux to not get what he wants.
Jesse: Interesting.
Maurice Mr. Devereaux is a very interesting man. (His mouth takes a slight grim turn that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jesse) Now if you’ll excuse me sir.
Jesse: Sure, His mind distracted as he files away the information) thank you.
Cassandra: Jesse, (She says with fake cheeriness as she floats in to the room) how nice of you to stop by.
Jesse: You’re look great. (He says examining her from head to toe)
Cassandra: Thank you.
Jesse: This place is something else!
Cassandra: Thanks (She walks to the window and looks out giving herself a moment to rebuild her amour) I love the view from up here.
Jesse: I was enjoying that myself your mom will die when she sees it! (He says smoothly and watches her shoulders relax as she turns to face him)
Cassandra: Is Mom with you? (Her mask slipping as she tries not to let him see her looking past him)
Jesse: No she’s at the hospital with Frankie. (His voice gentle not wanting to disturb the tentative peace that had fallen between them)
Cassandra: Is Randi okay?
Jesse: Randi went in to surgery today to remove the tumor. (Her expression reminded him so much of Natalia’s when she found out just how ill her mother really was. He wanted to reach out to her and comfort her but he knew better)
Cassandra: Is she going to be okay?
Jesse: Her doctor’s think she will be. (He watches her body relax a moment the cringe at the sound of his next words)  You know your mother and brother could really use your support today.
Cassandra: I’ll try to stop by later. (Her voice cold her defenses up. She walks over to the vase on the table absently rearranging the flowers) I have to confirm with Devereaux first.
Jesse: You have to get permission from your new boyfriend before you see your mother? (His face contorting as he instantly regretting the tone and words as soon as he spoke them)
Cassandra: No of course not! (She hisses defensively like a cat backed into a corner then cools just as quickly) its just I haven’t talked to him since this morning and I’m not sure what our plans are for this evening.
Jesse: Uhh Huh (He nods the butlers words ringing in his head. “I’ve never known Mr. Devereaux to not get what he wants.” He files that little moment of back peddling away then softens his tone again before continuing) I would really like it if you would do more than try. Your mother and your brother are really hurting and they need you right now.
Cassandra: And I said I would stop by later what else do you want from me? (She screeches her patients snapped)
Jesse: I want you to mean it! I want you to actually do it! Just once I’d like for you to think of your mother and if you can’t do for her at least do it for Frankie. Think about how they’re feeling right now. Maybe put somebody before yourself for a change! (He grinds out weary of their pretense of civility) 
Cassandra: So you really think calling me selfish is going to help you? (Laughing bitterly) That’s great coming from you! Considering you’re one of the most selfish men I know! You come back from the dead steal my mother from my father and me! You destroy my family without a second thought and you call me selfish? Oh that’s good! (She laughs again)
Jesse: Look you don’t have to like me (He growls between clenched teeth his eyes narrow lips tight) and honestly I don’t care if you do or you don’t, (He says placing his on his chest eyes wide) but whether you like it or not we are family and I love your mother more than life it self and when something or someone hurts her it hurts me. It does more than hurt me it makes me angry. When that happens I’m going to do what ever it takes and use everything in my power to make it stop.
Cassandra: So go do your thing. (Her hand on her hip eyes challenging her grin smug)
Jesse: That’s exactly why I’m here! (His voice tight his hand shaking in frustration. He walks a few paces away and takes a calming breath) She hurting Cassandra and you’re the reason. Your complete indifference to her to Frankie your sisters is what’s doing it! You act like what you say and what you do doesn’t matter. It’s your life your grown you can do what you want (He mocks hand on hip snapping his fingers and craning his neck) but it does, it matters to your mother you matter to her. She loves you. She done everything she can think of to let you know that. She’s done nothing but walk around thinking of what she can do to get you to at least acknowledge her. Maybe answer one of her phone calls! (His voice filled with pain and contempt) She keeps hoping that you’ll pick up next time she calls and every time you don’t I watch her die a little inside. She trying every time she reaches out to you, you smack her hand away! Couldn’t you just give her a chance? Couldn’t you just for today put whatever you have against her for whatever reason you have and just go to her? Please? You don’t have to do it for me.
Cassandra: Oh you got that right. (She snaps. Jesse stares at her a moment then sighs)
Jesse: If you won’t do it for her then do it for your brother. He needs his family right now.
Cassandra: Don’t use my brother as a weapon against me besides he’s got Mom, you and Natalia. (She offers weakly trying not to show him his words had an affect on her)
Jesse: He needs all his family and that includes his baby sister.
Devereaux: Hello darling! (He says smoothly breaking the tension hanging between them. He walks to Cassandra and kissing her check then turns towards Jesse)
Cassandra: Hi. (She smiles up at him her façade of “Lady of the Manor” in full affect. She seemed almost demure the affect his presences having on Cassandra causing the hair on the back of his neck to prickle)
Devereaux: Hello, I’m Devereaux St. Jacque. (He smiles extending his hand)
Cassandra: Devereaux this is my stepfather Jesse Hubbard.
Devereaux: Pleasure to meet you.
Jesse: Same here. (His expression revealing nothing of his thoughts) 
Devereaux: Would you like to join us for lunch?
Jesse: No, (He shakes his head) thank you I just stopped by to talk to Cassandra about some family stuff. (Moving closer towards the door as Maurice moves ahead of him to open it) Don’t forget to come by please? (He nods towards Cassandra then turns back to Devereaux) Nice to have met you!
Devereaux: You to. We’ll have to have you and your lovely wife for dinner one evening.
Jesse: That would be very nice she’d love to see this place!
Devereaux: I’ll have Cassandra call and set it up.
Jesse: That would be perfect! (He raises his eyebrow and smirks at Cassandra relishing her discomfort) Have a good day! Bye Cassandra I’ll tell your mother to expect you! (He calls over his shoulder as the door closes)
Devereaux: What was that all about? (He demands his illusion of politeness gone as he turns towards her)
Cassandra: He just came by to remind me my sister in-law’s surgery is today. (She shrugs keeping her voice even her breathing steady)
Devereaux: Hope it’s nothing serious? (He relaxes slightly his suspicions still tweaked)
Cassandra: She has cancer. (Her voice forlorn her nerves easing as her words and expression have the effect on him she’d hoped) I was going to go the hospital after lunch.
Devereaux: This is the brother’s wife? (He says sounding genuinely concerned)
Cassandra: Yes, Randi she’s having the tumor removed today he was passing by and decided to stop in and remind me. (She comes to him looping her arm through his)
Devereaux: Is that all? It seemed much more intense than that.
Cassandra: You know how I feel about him (She says with a laugh) we’re like oil and water. He just gets under my skin but I really should go down to the hospital to see her. (She could also if she planned it right get a chance to contact Rego, She smiles to herself leaning in to him. Maybe Jesse coming here had been a favor in disguise. After all a hospital was a public place and she couldn’t help who came and went)
Devereaux: Of course, I can have Maurice drive you if you like?
Cassandra: No I can drive my self (She tips up and kisses his cheek) Your always so sweet to me, (She smiles seductively) besides I don’t know how long I’ll be there. (She takes his hand and pulls him towards the dinning room) Shall we go in and sit down you must be famished. Considering we never did have breakfast. (She lets go of his hand and winks then glides towards the dinning room
Devereaux: Starving! (He pulls at his suddenly tight collar clears his throat and walks quickly behind her)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lenka, Colby and Devereaux  09/17/2012 

Lenka walks to the reception desk outside Devereaux’s office.
Lenka: Good morning we’re the Gregorian’s and we have an appointment with Mr. St. Jacque.
Receptionist: Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Gregorian I have it right here. Please, have a seat and I’ll let Mr. St. Jacque know you’re here.
Lenka: Thank you very much. (He walks to the small sofa just as Colby leans in close to whispers)
Colby: I’m going to run to the ladies room.
Lenka: Okay I’ll be right here. (Walking with her to the small entry hall his phone rings in his pocket he waits a moment while Colby slips into the restroom before taking his phone out and whispering hoarsely into the receiver) What’s going on?
Adrian: I could ask you the same question?
Lenka: I have a meeting this morning. (His tone low)
Adrian: Good, let me know how that goes. In the mean time I have an update on that other thing and I may have a plan to resolve your problem.
Lenka: If all works out today (He peers down the hall then listens to the motion in the bathroom before continuing) I may be able to help you with the first one.
Adrian: Excellent. (He smiles sounding pleased)
Lenka: So what’s going on with my thing? (Looking down the hall again as Ryan walks from his office into Devereaux’s)
Adrian: I’d rather not get in to either one over the phone. (Peering over his shoulder as giggling and running are heard outside the bedroom door)
Lenka: Maybe we can meet after my meeting here?
Adrian: Can’t I have to do something with my brother’s but we can meet afterwards. (Looking towards the door at the sound of Tad yelling down the hall at the girls who giggle and keep running)
Lenka: I have another meeting this afternoon what about tonight? (He says quickly watching as Ryan and Devereaux come down the hall Adrian looks towards the door as Tad’s steps stop and then knocks calling his name)
Adrian: Why don’t we make it after around ten? Yeah be right there!
Lenka: Call me. (He presses the release button and slides it in to his pocket as Colby comes out of the restroom just as Ryan and Devereaux arrive to greet them and walks to Lenka’s side. Devereaux extends his hand towards Lenka)
Devereaux: Mr. Gregorian, I’m Devereaux St. Jacque
Lenka:  Pleasure to meet you. This is my wife Ms. Colby Chandler-Gregorian.
Devereaux: Pleasure to see you again Ms. Chandler-Gregorian.
Colby: Please, call me Colby. Good to see you again Ryan.
Ryan: I can believe this is the same Colby that had mud fights with my daughter. How are you? (Eyes wide he hugs her then stands back a moment to admire the woman she had become)
Colby: I’m wonderful never been happier. (She blushes slightly) Ryan Lavery this is my husband Lenka Gregorian.
Lenka: Pleasure to meet you. (He smiles shaking Ryan’s hand firmly)
Devereaux: Ryan Lavery is “Cambius enterprises’” Vice-President.
Lenka: Mr. St. Jacque, Mr. Lavery thank you for meeting with me.
Devereaux: Lets go in to my office shall we? (He says leading them down the hall to his office then holds the chair for Colby as Ryan points Lenka to the other) it’s my pleasure. Sorry to have kept you waiting I’m off to a late start this morning. (He smiles taking the seat behind the desk Ryan sitting on the edge of his desk to the right)
Lenka: No apology needed.
Ryan: Devereaux and I took the red eye in from New York this morning.
Colby: We were out late our selves. (She smiles looking from Lenka then back to Devereaux)
Devereaux: We’ve read over the proposal you sent us and I have to say if the numbers are correct you stand to make quiet a tidy profit why would you want to include “Cambius”?
Colby: Our Company needs “Cambius’” capital. Right now the company doesn’t have enough liquid assets to make the purchase on our own.
Ryan: We understand that much but, why come to Cambius? Why not go to Slater-Cortlandt or to your wife’s fathers’ company?
Lenka: My wife prefers not to involve Chandler Enterprises in any of our ventures we’d prefer not to deal with Slater-Cortlandt again for personal reasons which if you keep up with the newspapers you are already well aware of, so we never considered them. (He shrugs) Our research leads us to Cambius as the best fit for what we had in mind. Cambius already has a contract with the export company that we need as well as their own dock in New York. It would cut down significantly on the cost giving us both a larger share of the profits.
Devereaux: I have to admit it does sound interesting (He looks to Ryan who nods in agreement then back to Lenka and Colby) when would we need to start?
Lenka: We have a week two-weeks top before we predict the market price will shift. (Ryan looks at Devereaux eyebrow raised then shakes his head)
Ryan: That’s cutting it a little close I don’t know if we can take that kind of risk and we’re talking about a lot of money.
Colby: I understand but we’re also talking about a lot of our money too. Mr. Lavery, Mr. Devereaux In two years we were able to become one of this countries newest fortune five hundred companies. We were named one of the most successful new companies again this year. Lenka and I didn’t get where we are by not taking risk. We are meticulous researchers we calculate the risk each step we take before we take it. And I’m telling you this is the chance of a lifetime and it would be an opportunity to put Cambius back in the black.  
Devereaux: You have given us a lot to think about and it does sound promising. What are your thoughts Ryan? (He turns to Ryan who smiles impishly as he slides off the desk as he speaks)
Ryan: Colby, you are true Chandler this proposal is shrewd and well researched I think that we may have one of those rare opportunities.
Colby: So do we have a deal gentlemen? (She looks from Ryan to Devereaux)
Ryan: I’d like to go over it one more time before we go any further.
Devereaux: And of course we’ll have our lawyers look over it before we can speak to our board. (He nods in agreement)
Lenka: Of course take your time but don’t wait too long. (He stands extending his hand to one then to the other)
Ryan: We’ll get back to you before the close of business day after tomorrow.
Colby: We look forward to hearing from you. (She hooks her purse on her shoulder then shakes Ryan then Devereaux’s hands)
Ryan: Colby it was really nice to see you again, Lenka nice to have met you I hope we’ll all being seeing each other soon.
Colby: Good to see you too Devereaux lovely seeing you. When you see Cassandra tell her to call me I haven’t heard from her all day!
Devereaux: I’m sure she’s been settling in to her new home I’ll be sure to mention it at lunch. (He smiles back her)
Colby: Make sure you do Bye! (She turns back and waves then closes the door behind her)
Devereaux: So what do you really think? (He says turning to Ryan)
Ryan: I meant what I said earlier I like it I just want to read over the material again as you said have the lawyers look it over. (He picks up the file again placing it face down on the table next to him)
Devereaux: You look over it tonight we’ll talk about it tomorrow. (He leans down and flips through the pages of his calendar)
Ryan: Sounds like a plan. Who’s up next?
Devereaux: Huh, we have JR Chandler and Rebeka Sherrigan.
Ryan: Whoa! You had them both here on the same day I’m surprised there are no fire works
Devereaux: Don’t worry I put a little space between them we have a brief meeting with our new Cambius girl and Anne Lavery then the Chandler-Sherrigan meeting. Oh, by the way how are things going with you and Ms. Lavery no problems thus far? (He says over his shoulder as he checks his tie in the mirror))
Ryan: So far so good. (He sighs crossing his arms across his chest)
Devereaux: Wonderful! (The buzzer on his desk rings) Yes?
Receptionist: Mr. St Jacque I have a message form Annie Lavery she says the designer was late to their meeting this morning she and Ms. Martin have been delayed.
Devereaux: Thank you Ingrid.
Receptionist: Oh, Sir Mr. Chandler and Ms. Sherrigan are already here.
Devereaux: Show them in please. (He walks to the door opens it in one smooth move walking towards JR and Rebeka Ryan walking behind brushing some imagined lint from his sleeve)
JR: Mr. Devereaux, good to meet you Ryan nice to see you. This is my partner Rebeka Sherrigan. (Ryan looks up his eyes bulbous with shock barley moving his voice caught in his throat as he stares at her)
Ryan: Gillian (He whispers his voice barley audible. Rebeka stares at him feeling his stare rake over her his reaction leaving her feeling cold and exposed)
Rebeka: Excuse me? (She looks at him confused she takes an unconscious stepping closer to JR) 
Ryan: I’m sorry you look like someone I knew a long time ago.
Devereaux: Shall we step in to my office?
JR: Yes we have a lot to show you (He allows Rebeka to pass in front of him then falls in step behind her. Ryan hangs back a moment trying to reign in his reeling thoughts but all he could think of was Gillian)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Frankie and David  09/05/2012

Frankie marches to the nurse’s station and slams the chart down on the top causing the nurse sitting behind it to jump in her seat.
Nurse: Is there a problem Dr. Hubbard? (She says looking up from the computer)
Frankie: Yes, I changed Mrs. DeCosta’s medication this morning and according to her chart she was just given a dose of her previous meds.
Nurse: That’s weird (She says standing and walking around the counter to peer over his shoulder) because I just reviewed her chart before distributing the medication and hers were the same.
Frankie: That’s impossible! I made the notation in her chart earlier! (He growls shoving the chart at her)
Nurse: It’s not on her chart. (She responds testily handing it back to him)
Frankie: What are you talking about? I put it there this morning! (He snarls handing the chart back to her)
Nurse: It’s not here Dr. Hubbard. Look for yourself! (She flips the page of the chart pointing to the blank section as she hands it to him) If you had put it there I would have done it doctor!
Frankie: It’s right there! (He says flipping back a page and handing it back to her) Maybe you should go back to school and pay so you can learn to pay attention!
Nurse: Are you kidding me? What is that doctor?
Frankie: It’s Mrs. DeCosta’s new medication! (She stares at it a moment mouth agape and then frowns as she reads it again)
Nurse: Well how was I supposed to know? I can barely read it and it’s not where it’s supposed to be and even if it was there’s no initial! (Her smile smug as she hands him back the chart)
Frankie: Are you telling me I don’t know how to fill out a chart?
Nurse: Obviously, because that is not where it goes!
Frankie: Let me ask you a question nurse did your…
David: Nurse, may I have that chart please? (She hands him the chart then folds her arms across her chest, David takes the chart over turns the page then looks up at Frankie) Is this the medication you ordered doctor?
Frankie: Yes! (David glares at him a moment takes out his pen makes the correction on the chart and hands it back to the nurse)
David: Thank you nurse.
Nurse: Thank You, Dr. Hayward! (She flashes Frankie a smug smile then flounces her way back behind the desk)
David: Dr. Hubbard may I speak with you a moment please. (He says leading Frankie to the side)
Frankie: What the hell do you want? (David glares at him his voice a controlled and even)
David: I’m going to let that slide because I understand what you’re going through but that’s no excuse for mistreating the nurses.
Frankie: Look I’m sorry I have a lot on my mind today I’ll apologize to the nurses.
David: Yes you will and when you’re done with that you’re going to clock out for the day and go be with your family.
Frankie: I’d really rather keep working I could use the distraction.
David: And the last thing any patient needs is a distracted doctor now go clock out and go be with your family. You’ll thank me later.
Michael: Hey David.
David: Michael! Congratulations all round Grandpa?
Michael: Oh so you heard?
David: Heard? Are you kidding?
Michael: Yeah, I forgot how fast news travels in this town. (He laughs) So how are you, how are Krystal and Darius?
David: Couldn’t be better. So what brings you to the hospital you’re okay anything bothering you?
Michael: No I’m fine just a check up I just figured while I was here I’d come see you to say hello. That was a nice thing you did for even though he doesn’t know it yet
David: Shhh! Don’t let it get around it would spoil my image. (He smiles)
Michael: You shouldn’t try to keep it a secret. (He wags his finger and they both laugh)
David: Believe it or not sometimes being the town pariah has its advantages.
Michael: One of theses days we’re going to have to spend some serious time together so you can tell me what those are.
David: Hopefully we will, have you had a chance to read over the information I sent you?
Michael:  I finished reading it over last night.
David: Don’t tell me the honeymoon is over already?
Michael: No, she was helping Taylor get ready for her wedding.
David: Oh, yeah I’d forgotten all about that.
Michael: I’ll tell you after this wedding is over I hope it’s a while before I even hear the word wedding.
David: Come on at least one of those worked out well for you at least.
Michael: Yeah it did but I could think of better ways of going about it. (They both laugh again)
David: You got me there! So what did you think are you interested?
Michael: Actually I’m very interested. (He nods in agreement smiling wide)
David: That’s great when can you start. (He sits back a moment sighing in relief
Michael: I need to discuss it with my wife and as soon as I can speak to Chuck Tyler to see if I can take a leave for this semester.
David: This is the best news I’ve had all day!
Michael: I still have a couple of questions though?
David: Go ahead shoot?
Michael: Some of the things you had in your proposal sounded a little pricey.
David: Don’t worry about the funding I already have a couple of investors lined up. In fact I have a meeting with one of them tomorrow.
Michael: Let me know how it turns out.
David: Why, do you have millions squirreled away somewhere?
Michael: Actually, I do I was thinking maybe you’d let me invest?
David: Look, I appreciate the offer but I don’t think your family would be interested.
Michael: I’m not talking about my families’ money I’m taking about my own. (David twist lips in a grimace not sure what to make of the offer or having Zach and Rhea involved) I have to be honest David, I need this as much as I love teaching, but I’m a research chemist. That’s what I had planned to do with my life until my father stole it from me! (He leans back in the chair and sighs) This could be my last chance.
David: Michael I’m not going to pretend to know how that must make you feel and I appreciate the offer but the quickest way to ruin a friendship is to add money to the equation.
Michael: It’s not like you’re asking I’m offering.
David: Michael, you are about the only friend that I have in this town and I don’t want to ruin that.
Michael: This has nothing to do with our friendship, with me investing you and I would be a real partnership. I wouldn’t be working for you I’d also be working for myself. I’ve wasted twenty-five years of my life locked away like some tragic figure in an Alexander Dumas novel! I want no, I need something of my own that’s not my wife’s or my brothers. And honestly you and I both know at my age I’m not going to get too many opportunities like this one I just want to build something of my own. 
David: It would be ours, and I get it let me meet with my investors and if it doesn’t work out then you and I can talk but either way you’re still with me?
Michael: Either way just think about!
David: You have my word. (He two shake hands Michael looks down at his watch)
Michael: Hey I better get going I’m supposed to meet my daughter for lunch.
David: Then you and I will talk tomorrow?
Michael: I’m looking forward to take care!
David: You too! (David glances at his own watch then smiles ruefully to his self. Adam still had another twenty-four hours the look on his face yesterday had been priceless. Although it was nice to know he could rely on Michael and he was sure if he needed more Michael could probably get Slater-Cortlandt to invest but it was always more fun to have Adam dangling on a hook)