Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Frankie and David  09/05/2012

Frankie marches to the nurse’s station and slams the chart down on the top causing the nurse sitting behind it to jump in her seat.
Nurse: Is there a problem Dr. Hubbard? (She says looking up from the computer)
Frankie: Yes, I changed Mrs. DeCosta’s medication this morning and according to her chart she was just given a dose of her previous meds.
Nurse: That’s weird (She says standing and walking around the counter to peer over his shoulder) because I just reviewed her chart before distributing the medication and hers were the same.
Frankie: That’s impossible! I made the notation in her chart earlier! (He growls shoving the chart at her)
Nurse: It’s not on her chart. (She responds testily handing it back to him)
Frankie: What are you talking about? I put it there this morning! (He snarls handing the chart back to her)
Nurse: It’s not here Dr. Hubbard. Look for yourself! (She flips the page of the chart pointing to the blank section as she hands it to him) If you had put it there I would have done it doctor!
Frankie: It’s right there! (He says flipping back a page and handing it back to her) Maybe you should go back to school and pay so you can learn to pay attention!
Nurse: Are you kidding me? What is that doctor?
Frankie: It’s Mrs. DeCosta’s new medication! (She stares at it a moment mouth agape and then frowns as she reads it again)
Nurse: Well how was I supposed to know? I can barely read it and it’s not where it’s supposed to be and even if it was there’s no initial! (Her smile smug as she hands him back the chart)
Frankie: Are you telling me I don’t know how to fill out a chart?
Nurse: Obviously, because that is not where it goes!
Frankie: Let me ask you a question nurse did your…
David: Nurse, may I have that chart please? (She hands him the chart then folds her arms across her chest, David takes the chart over turns the page then looks up at Frankie) Is this the medication you ordered doctor?
Frankie: Yes! (David glares at him a moment takes out his pen makes the correction on the chart and hands it back to the nurse)
David: Thank you nurse.
Nurse: Thank You, Dr. Hayward! (She flashes Frankie a smug smile then flounces her way back behind the desk)
David: Dr. Hubbard may I speak with you a moment please. (He says leading Frankie to the side)
Frankie: What the hell do you want? (David glares at him his voice a controlled and even)
David: I’m going to let that slide because I understand what you’re going through but that’s no excuse for mistreating the nurses.
Frankie: Look I’m sorry I have a lot on my mind today I’ll apologize to the nurses.
David: Yes you will and when you’re done with that you’re going to clock out for the day and go be with your family.
Frankie: I’d really rather keep working I could use the distraction.
David: And the last thing any patient needs is a distracted doctor now go clock out and go be with your family. You’ll thank me later.
Michael: Hey David.
David: Michael! Congratulations all round Grandpa?
Michael: Oh so you heard?
David: Heard? Are you kidding?
Michael: Yeah, I forgot how fast news travels in this town. (He laughs) So how are you, how are Krystal and Darius?
David: Couldn’t be better. So what brings you to the hospital you’re okay anything bothering you?
Michael: No I’m fine just a check up I just figured while I was here I’d come see you to say hello. That was a nice thing you did for even though he doesn’t know it yet
David: Shhh! Don’t let it get around it would spoil my image. (He smiles)
Michael: You shouldn’t try to keep it a secret. (He wags his finger and they both laugh)
David: Believe it or not sometimes being the town pariah has its advantages.
Michael: One of theses days we’re going to have to spend some serious time together so you can tell me what those are.
David: Hopefully we will, have you had a chance to read over the information I sent you?
Michael:  I finished reading it over last night.
David: Don’t tell me the honeymoon is over already?
Michael: No, she was helping Taylor get ready for her wedding.
David: Oh, yeah I’d forgotten all about that.
Michael: I’ll tell you after this wedding is over I hope it’s a while before I even hear the word wedding.
David: Come on at least one of those worked out well for you at least.
Michael: Yeah it did but I could think of better ways of going about it. (They both laugh again)
David: You got me there! So what did you think are you interested?
Michael: Actually I’m very interested. (He nods in agreement smiling wide)
David: That’s great when can you start. (He sits back a moment sighing in relief
Michael: I need to discuss it with my wife and as soon as I can speak to Chuck Tyler to see if I can take a leave for this semester.
David: This is the best news I’ve had all day!
Michael: I still have a couple of questions though?
David: Go ahead shoot?
Michael: Some of the things you had in your proposal sounded a little pricey.
David: Don’t worry about the funding I already have a couple of investors lined up. In fact I have a meeting with one of them tomorrow.
Michael: Let me know how it turns out.
David: Why, do you have millions squirreled away somewhere?
Michael: Actually, I do I was thinking maybe you’d let me invest?
David: Look, I appreciate the offer but I don’t think your family would be interested.
Michael: I’m not talking about my families’ money I’m taking about my own. (David twist lips in a grimace not sure what to make of the offer or having Zach and Rhea involved) I have to be honest David, I need this as much as I love teaching, but I’m a research chemist. That’s what I had planned to do with my life until my father stole it from me! (He leans back in the chair and sighs) This could be my last chance.
David: Michael I’m not going to pretend to know how that must make you feel and I appreciate the offer but the quickest way to ruin a friendship is to add money to the equation.
Michael: It’s not like you’re asking I’m offering.
David: Michael, you are about the only friend that I have in this town and I don’t want to ruin that.
Michael: This has nothing to do with our friendship, with me investing you and I would be a real partnership. I wouldn’t be working for you I’d also be working for myself. I’ve wasted twenty-five years of my life locked away like some tragic figure in an Alexander Dumas novel! I want no, I need something of my own that’s not my wife’s or my brothers. And honestly you and I both know at my age I’m not going to get too many opportunities like this one I just want to build something of my own. 
David: It would be ours, and I get it let me meet with my investors and if it doesn’t work out then you and I can talk but either way you’re still with me?
Michael: Either way just think about!
David: You have my word. (He two shake hands Michael looks down at his watch)
Michael: Hey I better get going I’m supposed to meet my daughter for lunch.
David: Then you and I will talk tomorrow?
Michael: I’m looking forward to take care!
David: You too! (David glances at his own watch then smiles ruefully to his self. Adam still had another twenty-four hours the look on his face yesterday had been priceless. Although it was nice to know he could rely on Michael and he was sure if he needed more Michael could probably get Slater-Cortlandt to invest but it was always more fun to have Adam dangling on a hook) 

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