Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jesse and Angie 08/30/2012

Jesse sits on the couch in the waiting-room reading over the files he pulled from the office. HE glances over at Angie pacing in front of the window intermittently stopping to stare out vacantly. He glances back down at the file holding it up with a post it over the name so she wouldn’t see it. He had to go all the way down to the archives to even find the file. The department hadn’t finished switching all the files over to computers his year was one of them. It had taken him almost an hour to find it. So far all he’d found out was that Griffin Morgan had been arrested for armed robbery, involuntary manslaughter and accessory to murder. He’d spent the last twenty-five in the penitentiary. Noting about a wife or a child so far. He flips through the files looking for the officer’s notes and interviews. There had to be something he could use Frankie was counting on him and Randi’s life may depend on. He flips through another page then glances up as Angie finally sits down and begins flipping through the television station stopping momentarily rolling her eyes as a bell rings and two women begin to swing at each other then fall to the ground exposing their nether regions as they pull out hands full of each other’s hair sighs loudly, shakes her head then flips the channel. He grins to himself turning back to his paperwork. His eyes scan the paper quickly then stop mid way through at an entry.
“10:am Went to suspects home 1425 Willow Street spoke to land lady of suspect Florence Parker woman stated suspects wife was working. Asked what time said wife returned from work told 6:pm. Asked if she knew the name of said spouses employer? Answered no. Will return later to speak with said spouse.”
Jesse: Sloppy! Just straight up sloppy police work! She’s the landlord and you didn’t even mention asking the “said spouses” name! Idiot! (He says shaking his head flipping to the next page.) I hope your dumbass went back! (He murmurs to his self as he scans the next page. Then glances up at Angie again who was starring out the window her face twisted in worry. He’d seen that look so often now he knew when she was thinking about that girl by just looking at her, her face had what he called her “Cassandra” expression. Her brow was woven tighter than a shrunken wool sweater. After the night she’d made her confession to her mother then stormed out he’d taken sometime and looked into her past in France unbeknownst to Angie if she knew she’d kill him if Angie knew even half of what he knew it would kill her. Cassandra and her newest or should he say oldest boy friend Devereaux St. Jacques. That guy was a piece of work and straight up dangerous! From his sources Cassandra was right in the middle of it or according to a couple the cause of it. According to his friend at Interpol there were at least three incidents where she had been directly or indirectly the cause of at least two beatings and a shooting. From what he’d been told the man was obsessed with her and for a while she with him. They’d met through the “Shop” she’d worked for one evening and they’d been together ever since. That was until she’d shown up on their doorstep bag and baggage. Her stories about working for some ultra elite shop had been true enough she had worked there but it wasn’t the trendy fashions customers were buying. Cass had been more than just “Arm Candy” which is what he had suspected all along but what he’d found out had even shocked him drug dealing prostitution money laundering just to name a few of her more minor crimes. The two of them had been linked some truly nefarious activities unfortunately neither one had ever been convicted St. Jacques money helped justice become deaf, dumb and blind that, and the fact that his legitimate businesses were impeccable. No one had ever been able to link him or any of his businesses to any of the illegal dealings he’d been accused of in fact with all the attention he’d become sort of an Anti-hero in his country because of it. Between Randi’s illness, Cassandra and looking in to Griffin it made him feel as if he was sitting on top of a powder keg roasting over a slow fire. As far as Cass was concerned there was nothing he could do he would have to take a wait and see stance. With Randi they would know more after her surgery but he could do something for Frankie. He pushes his glasses back up on his nose and scans through several more pages then stops when he comes back to the previous detectives notes.
“6:07 pm Returned to suspects residences still unable to make contact with suspects wife.” He flips through the pages quickly looking for more info but there was nothing more.
Jesse: Gawd! Just plain lazy! (He growls under his breath tossing the folder down on the seat next to him) The only way I’m going to get answers is at the source. (He stands and stretches as he walks over to where Angie’s sitting bends and kisses the top of her head) You okay baby?
Angie: I’m okay. (She sighs heavily with a shake of her head)
Jesse: No you’re not now, what’s going on? (He sits on the chair beside her)
Angie: I was just thinking about everything’s that’s been going on lately Frankie and Randi…(Her voice trails off as she stares down at her hands)
Jesse: Cassandra (He finishes for as she looks up at him here eyes filling with unshed tears)
Angie: I don’t know what to do about her Jesse.
Jesse: There’s really isn’t anything you can do.
Angie: There has to be something Jesse! I can’t just stand back and watch her life unravel.
Jesse: Okay what do you want to do?
Angie: Bring her home talk some sense in to her! (Her voice becoming tight with the force of her emotions)
Jesse: Baby we tried that. (He wraps his arm around her shoulders)
Angie: I know, I just don’t know what else to do! (Her eyes brimming with tears) I’m just so worried for her.
Jesse: You want me to try and talk to her?
Angie: Do you think it would help? (She looks up him a small glimmer of hope shinning in her eyes)
Jesse: I don’t think it would do anymore harm I can try. (He says with a nod not wanting to dull the light in her eyes)
Angie: Oh baby, please I’m just so scared for her.
Jesse: I’ll tell you what, why don’t I go and have a talk with her right now and on the way back I pick us up some lunch from the Krystal & Carmen’s?
Angie: Honey, thank you so much. (She says flashing him the first smile he’d seen all day)
Jesse: I’ll be right back (He walks back to the sofa and picks up his jacket and folder) I have my cell so call me if anything happens okay? (Jesse walks towards brushing his cheek with her hand then kisses his lips lightly)
Angie: I love you Jesse Hubbard.
Jesse: And I love you Angela Hubbard. (He hugs her tight then releases her) I’ll be right back.
Angie: Okay. (Jesse smiles back at her then heads down the hall way towards the elevators. He could kill two birds with one stone. First he’d go over and have what he knew would be a fruitless chat with his stepdaughter. He had to do it for Angie’s sake and for Cassandra because although Angie didn’t know all of it she should be worried. Then he’d go see Griffin see if he could ferret out some information from him hopefully he’d fair better with him than the latter)

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