Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Randi and Dr. Colgate     07/11/2012

Randi sits on her bed flipping through a magazine distractedly trying not to think about tomorrow as the door creaks open and Lola sticks her head through the crack.

Lola: Hi Randi how are you doing?
Randi: I don’t know I guess a little nervous maybe. (She looks up from her magazine closing it and pushing it to the side)
Lola: Don’t worry everything is going to be fine. (She says coming towards the bed)
Randi: Is it Dr. Colgate? (She looks at her eyes questioning) I mean what are my chances after you remove the tumor?
Lola: Well as I explained (She nods her head towards the bed and Randi nods giving her permission to sit) to you if all goes well you’ll start your chemo you’ll get well enough to go home. (She smiles Randi smiles back at her weakly her eyes still questioning)
Randi: What if it doesn’t go well?
Lola: I have no reason to think it won’t the last reports I have its mass is holding steady. I don’t think its spread any further. (Randi stares back at her expression skeptical) Do you think I’m not telling you everything?
Randi: Well you know Frankie he’s a good man he means well but sometimes I think you’re all trying to protect me by not telling me everything.
Lola: I promise you I haven’t told Frankie anything I haven’t told you (Her brow drawn together her tone gentle but serious) and I haven’t left anything out. I wouldn’t let you make decision about your health without all the information that wouldn’t be fair.
Randi: Thank you Dr. Colgate. (She smiles looking a little relieved)
Lola: Do you have any other questions?
Randi: How sick am I going to be after?
Lola: I have to be honest sometimes the cure can feel worse than the disease. Depending on what we find you could either be treated with Chemotherapy alone or with combination of Chemo and Radiation Therapy you may be more tired there could be vomiting or diarrhea you can experience loss of appetite. You could also have dry mouth or swelling, weight loss, you could lose your hair. (She takes her hand and places it over Randi’s giving it a reassuring pat) But each person is different so everyone’s reaction is different.
Randi: What are my chances of surviving this Dr. Colgate?
Lola: Oddly as cancers go you’re lucky Hodgkins lymphoma is the most treatable of all the cancers more than ninety percent of people with your stage of cancer survive and live healthy productive lives.
Randi: What if it’s spread more than you thought what then?
Lola: Right now I’m not as concerned with the spread of the cancer as I am from complications from the treatment if the cancer has spread.
Randi: What do you mean?
Lola: The longer we have you on Chemo or radiation therapy the more of a chance for complications with other organs like you lungs or your heart or even bone marrow disease. Not that I think that is going to happen it all depends on how your body responds to treatment.
Randi: Thanks for being honest with me Dr. Colgate. When I ask Frankie he tells me not to worry everything’s going to be fine but I know he’s worried and as scared as I am how could he not be?
Lola: What you and Frankie are facing is scary if you weren’t scared I’d think there was something wrong with you. But I promise I will take good care of you and do everything within my power to make you well okay?
Randi: Okay.
Lola: You let me do the worrying that’s my job. You just concentrate on getting better. (She smiles then stands)
Randi: I will.
Carmen: Knock! Knock! (She peeks her head around the door)
Randi: Hey! (She shouts happily)
Carmen: Am I interrupting I can Come back?
Lola: No I think we’re okay? (She looks back at Randi who smiles back at her)
Randi: I’m fine thank you Dr. Colgate.
Lola: Your welcome, (She moves towards holding it as Carmen comes through with a large basket) if you need me have the nurse page me.
Randi: I will.
Lola: See you later! (She winks as Carmen sets the basket down and begins to pull plastic dishes from it setting them down on the bed-table) Oh and no food or drink after eight okay? (She chides the two of them who laugh)
Randi: Okay! (She calls back as Lola leaves closing the door behind her) What are you doing here?
Carmen: Frankie got called in tonight so I decided you and I could have a pajama party! And I bought you favorite dessert! (She holds up the basket shakes it a moment then laughs running over and lying down on the bed with her)
Randi: What about the kids? (She pops up with a start looking down at Carmen props head up on her palm then reaches over and holds Randi’s hand)
Carmen: Don’t worry about the babies! They’re fine Mammie! Stop worrying about everyone else we have it all under control Angie has them tonight Frannie is going to pick them up in the morning and bring them by. And you and me are going to watch this video that Ponchita made for you (She shakes the CD Francessca made for Randi in the air grinning) look at pictures, watch a movie eat what’s in this basket before eight o’clock and what ever else you want to do!
Randi: Did I ever tell you are THE best sister EVER? (She throws her arms around Carmen rocking back and forth)
Carmen: Yeah and I don’t mind you telling me again! (They both laugh)

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