Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Francessca and Jamie    03/15/2012

Francessca lies on her bed hoping her sudden bout of nausea would pass soon. And she was so tired! She was secretly happy when her Grandmother had said to just drive home she loved her cousin but she was exhausted the idea of sitting around an emergency room waiting area was tiring. She used to love working in the store but lately all she really wanted to do was hang around the store for the company and not actually do work. But, she couldn’t do that if she was going to stay with her grandmother she needed to pay her back for the privilege of staying with her and they could always use help at the store. Her stomach burbles again and she closes her eyes. She was probably hungry she had slid the lasagna in to the oven on her way up stairs it should be hot in a moment. Her stomach growled in agreement although how that was possible was beyond her she reaches for the ream of crackers sitting on the nightstand and eats one and then another. It felt like all she did was eat! She thought shoving three more in her mouth. Eat and think. Going over and over in her head what she was going to do and coming up with nothing! What she wanted was to go home! She missed her family her friends Jamie especially. But going home meant dealing with Rego and she still wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with him. Or tell him about the baby if she told him. If she went home there would be no hiding it she could barley hide it now. It was just lucky she’d packed her leggings and sweaters but she had maybe another two weeks if that before the weather broke for good and she’d have to come out of those sweaters. She was going to need real maternity clothes and getting low on cash she could always get Zach to send her some so she wouldn’t have to use her debit or credit cards that way Rego couldn’t trace her. The idea became better and better she could pick it up at “Aqueduct”, Uncle Zach had a friend there then she wouldn’t have to sign for it either. But really how long could she hide out in Brooklyn? She needed to go home clean up her life and move on. But did she really have to go home? She could actually go anywhere world if she wanted but that would mean starting all over again and she liked Pine Valley the rolling hills the picturesque village complete with bandstand that was actually used every Memorial Day. That was something else she’d miss Memorial Day and The Forth of July! She loved the entire town gathering in the park for the picnic it was like one of those old movies she watched with her Grandmother what was it? Oh that Carey Grant movie “The Bachelor and the Bobbie Sockers” or that other one “Peyton Place” they always looked like so much fun! And it was she and Jamie had basically spent the day together while Rego was who knows where and they had spent the evenings fireworks and after stretched out on the grass starring up at the stars laughing and talking. She should have listened to him and her heart then and she wouldn’t be where she was now. Well that wasn’t going to help! Thinking about what if wasn’t going to solve the here and now. And neither was thinking about Jamie! And that also seemed to be all she did! She start out thinking about her life and her thoughts always turned to him. Lying there eating crackers and mulling over the past was definitely getting her nowhere fast. She needed to get up and eat something then maybe she could think of a plan to get her self out of the mess she was in. She rises from the bed and walks towards her door to head downstairs.
Scene shift: Sophia opens the oven door an inhales the mouth watering aroma coming from it she closes the door and turns the oven off just as Nicky, Tony and Jamie come through the door.
Sophia: Oh you’re back! What did the doctor say? How’s your arm? (She says rushing towards as Jamie and Tony help him to the chair she pulled out for him)
Jamie: He’s going to be okay. The doctors took a look at it he’s got first and second degree burns like I said.
Sophia: First and second what does that mean?
Jamie: It means in some spots he burned the first layer of skin like when you touch a hot pot or pan and in some places he has second degree the kind that blister they’re red and painful. They put some medicine on wrapped it up and he’s got a follow up visit Tuesday.
Sophia: Oh good. You okay Nick? (She hugs him then pushes his shoulder) You scared the hell out of me! (He laughs)
Nicky: I’m okay Aunt Phee. (He sighs his lids getting heavy)
Tony: I’m hungry! (He rubs his belly looking towards the stove)
Nicky: When aren’t you hungry?
Sophia: Good! The lasagna is ready the bread is hot go get washed up.
Nicky: I’m tired Ant Phee you think it would be okay if I ate something later?
Sophia: Sure honey go up and lie down I’ll come up later to check on you okay?
Nicky: Okay, see ya later (He says rising slowly from the chair) Jamie, thanks man.
Jamie: No problem. Take care of your self.
Nicky: I will (He mumbles staggering a little on his feet as he heads for the steps)
Sophia: Tony help your bother upstairs.
Tony: Okay I’ll be right back. (He grasps his brother’s arm and guides him out of the kitchen. Sophia watches the two of them walk out and shakes her head her brow knitted)
Sophia: He’s going to be okay right? I mean it’s never like Nicky to turn down food.
Jamie: He’ll be fine the doctor gave him a painkiller before he left the hospital he’s probably a little sleepy.
Sophia: Oh thank God! If anything happened to the boy his mother grandmother would kill me! You hungry?
Jamie: I really should get going.
Sophia: Hey sit down! You take my nephew to the hospital the least I can do is feed you!
Jamie: No really it’s okay. Besides helping people is my job.
Sophia: You’re going to argue with an old woman? You’ll eat and then you can go. Now go upstairs and wash up!
Jamie: Yes ma’am! (He grins going out the door and out in to the hall stopping for a moment as Sophia’s voice calls from the kitchen)
Sophia: Up the stair second door on the right! (She grins to herself opening the refrigerator and placing the salad on the table) I hope he doesn’t have to go to the bathroom. (Then chuckles aloud. Jamie walks up the steps taking them two at a time passing the first door then opening the second and stopping his mouth agape his eyes wide)
Jamie: Francessca? (He whisper not sure if she was real or figment of his imagination)
Francessca: Jamie! (She stares back at him shocked) What…what are you doing here?  (She steps towards him a moment then hesitates)
Jamie: What the hell? (He says filling the space between them in three easy strides)
Francessca: Jamie I want to…(She starts her words silenced with his hungry consuming kiss shaking her to her core stifling any argument or lingering doubt she may have had) 

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