Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cassandra and Devereaux     04/18/2012

Cassandra and Devereaux at the “Chateau”

Devereaux: Darling, you haven’t touched your meal.
Cassandra: I’m really not hungry. (She says pushing the plate away)
Devereaux: The food isn’t bad actually it’s quiet good not as good as “La Marmite” but it is good.
Cassandra: It’s not the food I had a big lunch.
Devereaux: Sweetness you knew we were going out this evening don’t let it go to waste a least try something.
Cassandra: Really. I’ve had enough.
Devereaux: Perhaps you’d prefer an espresso? Garcon! (He says to the passing waiter) Please take this away and bring Madame an espresso please.
Waiter: Certainly Monsieur.
Devereaux: So what would you like to do after dinner?
Cassandra: It’s been a long day and I have work in the morning I should just go home and get some rest.
Devereaux: Cassandra, I’m disappointed what happened to that fun loving party girl I knew in Europe?
Cassandra: She grew up.
Devereaux: Well I hope not too much what do you say you and I go over to what is it called “Fusion” I’ve been told it’s one of Pine Valley’s most popular hot spots.
Cassandra: I’m not sure I’m up to it tonight.
Devereaux: Well you had better get up to it!
Cassandra: I’m sorry I’m just really tired.
Devereaux: This was supposed to be a celebration of you and I reaffirming our commitment to each other.
Cassandra: I know and I’m sorry I’m so grumpy it’s just we were so busy today I was swamped with work it just completely wore me out.
Devereaux: If you would prefer to go home I can have my driver take us back to my place.
Cassandra: No, I’ll be fine I’m sure the espresso will perk me right up and then we can go.
Devereaux: Are you sure my darling we could just as easily go back to my place.
Cassandra: No, I’m sure I’ll be fine.
Devereaux: Only if you’re sure?
Cassandra: I’m positive I’ll be fine.
Devereaux: Good, I’ll have the driver bring the car around. Garcon, check please.
Waiter: Certainly sir.
Scene Shift to “Fusion” Brot and Natalia sit at a table laughing and talking.

Brot: So you heard from Cess?
Natalia: Yes she did.
Brot: Sooo, what’s going on with her?
Natalia: She and Jamie got married today.
Brot: They what?
Natalia: She and Jamie got married today.
Brot: Well it’s about dam time!
Natalia: She sounded really happy.
Brot: I’m really glad that girl could use some happiness.
Natalia: No joke. You know I’m still angry about what happened.
Brot: Yeah I know this is like the fifth time you’ve mentioned it.
Natalia: I’m sorry. It’s just that after everything thing Cassandra did to here she feels absolutely no remorse what so ever. She even acted like she was proud of it.
Brot: Come on Nat, shoe couldn’t have been that bad.
Natalia: Baby you didn’t hear her she acted like for some reason only she knows she was entitled to do what she did.
Brot: But why?
Natalia: I don’t know but the one thing I do know I’m not going to let here or ruin the first evening out we’ve had in months!
Brot: I hope you can keep that promise (He say nodding his head towards the door as Cassandra and Devereaux walk into the club. Natalia swivels her head to look towards the door as Cassandra and Devereaux walk in her eyes opening wide)
Natalia: Unbelievable! (Her face contorted in disgust)
Brot: What?
Natalia: Do you know who that is?
Brot: No.
Natalia: That’s Devereaux St. Jacque the new CEO of Cambius.
Brot: So.
Natalia: So not than less than a day ago she was proclaiming how she was going to get Rego back now she’s here with this guy it makes no sense to me.
Scene shifts to Cassandra and Devereaux who stand just inside the doorway.
Devereaux: Hmm, not bad shall we find a table?
Cassandra: Sure.
Devereaux: There’s one over there (He nods his head towards and empty table not far from where Brot and Cassandra and sit down) Care for a drink?
Cassandra: Sure.
Devereaux: Two martini’s dry.
Waiter: Right away sir.
Devereaux: Looks like my information was right looks like they do a nice business here.
Cassandra: as you said it quiet popular this is a slow night normally you can’t find a table. (Devereaux phone rings he reaches in his pocket and begins to speak as Cassandra looks around catching Natalia’s hate filled glare)
Brot: You want to get out of here go someplace else.
Natalia: Sure.
Brot: Okay, I’m going to run to the men’s room really quick and then we can go.
Natalia: Okay.
Brot: Try not to loose your cool before I get back please?
Natalia: I’ll try. (Brot leans in kisses Natalia lightly then heads towards the back of the bar)
Devereaux: Hold on a moment I’m having trouble hearing you. Excuse me a moment darling I need t take this. I’m going to step outside a moment I’ll be right back.
Cassandra: That’s fine. (She smiles as he stands ad walks towards the exit. She stares down in to her glass wondering how she was going to get away from him for good as a shadow falls across the table and she looks up)
Natalia: So I guess you’ve moved on from Rego now that you’ve ruined the lives of two people.
Cassandra:  Where I go, who I’m with and what I do is none of your business.
Natalia: Well I’m making it my business!
Cassandra: Why don’t you go get a life?
Natalia: What ever Cassandra. Let me ask you something how long do you think it will take for this guy to realize you’re nothing but a lying cheating gold digging tramp? I hope it’s faster than Rego did! (She says snidely as Devereaux walks up beside her)
Devereaux: All finished my love. (Natalia grows suddenly quiet an odd expression cross her face at Dereveraux’s reappearance)  Hello I’m Devereaux St. Jacque. (He says smoothly glancing at Cassandra over her shoulder as she fidgets with the napkin on the table)
Natalia: Natalia Fowler Cassandra’s stepsister. (She extends her hand towards him he lifts it to his lips and kisses it)
Devereaux: Enchante.
Natalia: How do you two know each other? (She turns back towards Cassandra who’s demeanor taking a sudden change at Devereaux’s arrival subdued almost fearful)
Devereaux: Cassandra and I are old friends we met in France sometime ago.
Brot: Ready to go? (He walks up behind Natalia placing his hand on her shoulder)
Natalia: Brot Monroe, Devereaux St. Jacque.
Brot: Nice to meet you. (He extends his hand shaking his firmly)
Devereaux: You as well.
Brot: Come on we’d better get going. You have a good evening folks. (He takes Natalia’s hand leading her towards the exit)
Devereaux: Have a good evening. (He waves then sits down next to Cassandra. Natalia and Brot walk towards the door and Natalia stops for a moment looking back at Cassandra and Devereaux then turns to Brot)
Natalia: Did Cassandra seem a little weird to you?
Brot: No weirder than usual. (He shrugs)
Natalia: No really she seemed nervous to me almost scarred.
Brot: She seemed okay to me besides whatever the problem is she can handle it.
Natalia: I guess you’re right.
Brot: Come on lets go back to the house it’s not often we get the place all to ourselves. Come on I’ll race you to the car.
Natalia: Okay! (She smiles then glances back at Cassandra concern still gnawing at her then shrugs and follows Brot out the door) 

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