Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Carmen and Griff       04/17/2012

Griff stands at the butcher block chopping celery as Carmen walks is singing happily.

Carmen: Buenos Diaz! (She smiles happily spinning around and placing grocery bags on the butcher block)
Griff: Good morning you’re happy this morning.
Carmen: I am so, so happy! (She snaps her fingers and then does a little salsa move making Griff laugh)
Griff: So what’s got you all jazzed today?
Carmen: I went by the hospital this morning to see my sister and she’s doing so much better! (She sings pulling the contents from the bags and placing them on the counter)
Griff: Yeah? (He says picking up the containers she put on the counter and placing them on the shelf)
Carmen: Yeah someone came in last night and donated the blood she needed and the blood bank located more sent over more this morning! (She does a quick two-step then reaches for her apron and ties it around her waist)
Griff: So what happens now? (He picks up the bag of potatoes emptying them into the sink and begins to scrub them then places them in the pot)
Carmen: Well according to Frankie once they get her stabilized then they can remove the tumor. (She reaches for an onion and removes the outer skin then peals another) I mean she still has a way to go but this is really good news!
Griff: I’m really happy for you and your family. (He says over his shoulder smiling to himself as her works)
Carmen: Thank you Griff. (She reaches for a knife and begins dicing the onions as she talks) You know one of these days you should come over to the hospital with me so you can meet her.
Griff: Maybe. (He frowns as he places the washed potatoes into the pot)
Carmen: No maybe! (She wags the knife at him then laughs and continues chopping) I want you two to meet. You’ll love her she smart and beautiful and funny. I think you two would really hit it off.  She kind of reminds me of you.
Griff: I don’t think that’s a good idea. 
Carmen: Why not? (She stops her chopping for a moment and stares at his back then begins again)
Griff: Maybe after she gets better no one wants to meet new people when they’re sick. (He excuses feeling more uncomfortable by the moment hoping his what he said would put and end to the subject) 
Carmen: Yeah you’re probably right. (She nods in agreement then resumes her chore) But as soon as she’s well I want us all to get together.
Griff: Sounds good I’m looking forward to it. (He smiles relived) 
Carmen: Me too! (She stops chopping again) You know we’ve been friends for a while now and you’ve never told me anything about your family.
Griff: Well that’s because I don’t have one. (He says bluntly throwing the last of the potatoes in the pot then wiping his hands on a towel)
Carmen: No brothers or sisters? (She asks scarping the onions in to a bowl)
Griff: Nope (He says turning back to the sink and running water into the pot)
Carmen: No wife or kids somewhere? (She picks up another onion and begins chopping)
Griff: I had a wife a long time ago. (He says shutting the water off as his mind drifts back in time a sadness coming over him)
Carmen: What happened to her?
Griff: She died a couple of years after I went to prison. (Feeling a little embarrassed by her own intrusive questioning)
Carmen: Oh, I’m sorry. (She says softly wishing she hadn’t broached the subject)
Griff: So am I. (He lifts the heavy potato filled pot and places it on the stove turning his back to Carmen affectively ending the conversation)

Scene Shifts to Jesse at the hospital walking in to the blood lab.

Jesse: Hi, I’m Chief Hubbard Pine Valley police. (He opens his jacket and flashes his badge)
Technician: Hi nice to meet you. (He smiles politely)
Jesse: Could you tell me who was working last night? (Using his most affective cop voice)
Technician: Sure let me check the roster. (He taps on the keyboard) Is something wrong? (He glances up still typing)
Jesse: No not really I just wanted to ask them a couple of questions.
Technician: Lets see that would be Peterson.
Jesse: Is he in yet?
Technician: No, sorry Chief he won’t be in again till tomorrow. Is there something I can help you with?
Jesse: Yeah, maybe can you give me a list of all the people that donated yesterday?
Technician: Gee, I’d love to help you out but HIPPA regulations prevent me from releasing that kind of information to you. Not without a warrant or something. (He smiles then shrugs)
Jesse: Not a problem thanks anyway. (He starts to walk away then turns back around) Do know how long the hospital holds on to security footage?
Technician: I’m not sure I think it’s seventy-two hours but you’d have to check with hospital security.
Jesse: Okay, thanks a lot.
Technician: No problem Chief sorry I couldn’t have been more help.
Jesse: Oh, you’ve been a lot of help thanks. (He walks down the hall and heads to the security office. He pulls open the door and walks to the desk he pulls his jacket back revealing the badge clipped to his belt)
Jesse: Hey! Chief Jesse Hubbard Pine Valley Police.
Security Sergeant: Yes, chief Hubbard what can I do you for?
Jesse: There’s not enough money in the world!
Security Sergeant: I beg your pardon?
Jesse: Never mind, I was wondering if I could take a look at your security videos from last night?
Security Sergeant: Is something wrong Chief? I run a pretty tight ship here.
Jesse: No nothing wrong I just want to check something.
Security Chief: Sure any specific ones?
Jesse: Yeah, I was wondering if I could take a look at the ones from the blood lab.
Security Sergeant: Certainly I have them right here.
Jesse: Thanks’.
Security Sergeant: Your lucky if you’d come tomorrow they’d be long gone.
Jesse: So I heard. Mind if I take these with me.
Security Sergeant: No, not at all just do me a favor bring them back.
Jesse: Sure but I thought you said they’d be gone by tomorrow?
Security Sergeant: Yeah we just erase them we re-use the tapes hospitals way of cutting down costs.
Jesse: Sure I’ll bring them back as soon as I’m done.
Sergeant: You looking for anything in particular?
Jesse: No, someone reported some vandalism.
Sergeant: No one said anything to me about it.
Jesse: Yeah, probably just some kids. I’ll make sure I get these back to you.
Sergeant: Sure thing take your time.
Jesse: Thanks. I’ll make sure I get them back to you as soon as I’m done. (He picks up the tapes and heads back to the station)

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