Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frankie and Randi    02/27/2012

Randi laying in the hospital bed her eyes appearing larger because of her shrunken face smiling at the picture of Spencer and Sydney sitting on the nightstand

Randi: I hope they have a good time at the opening with your mom and Carmen. (She turns her head smiling at Frankie)
Frankie: I’m sure they’re having a great time! There’s all kinds of stuff in there to play on and they’re with my Mom and Carmen so you know they’re being spoiled rotten.
Randi: Between the two of them feeding them constantly when I finally get home I’ll have these two little butterballs!
Frankie: That’s what Natalia said so she’s been coming over everyday to take them to the park. (He grins sitting on the edge of the bed reaching out to hold Randi’s hand)
Randi: That’s really sweet! (She smiles picturing Natalia chasing the twins around the sand box)
Frankie: Yeah my Dad came by the other night to help me get them settled in for the night. Everyone has been pitching in. (Randi follows his eye as his voice trails off his face becoming sad when he glances at the photo of all of them from the first thanksgiving that Cassandra came home)
Randi: Have you seen Cassandra since the wedding?
Frankie: I’ve tried to call her a couple of times left messages for her but she hasn’t called me back. (He instinctively glances down at his phone checking for messages)
Randi: She will, you’ll see.
Frankie: I hope so honey. I just don’t understand what’s going on with her. I just wish she would talk to me. I could help her if she would just tell me what’s going on inside that head of hers.
Randi: I’m sure she’ll come to you sooner or later just give her some time.
Frankie: For my Mom’s sake I just hope it’s sooner.
Randi: She will, how’s your Mom doing?
Frankie: You know you see her when she comes in.
Randi: I know she’s worried too.
Frankie: And she’s scared. Hell! I’m scared?
Randi: I don’t understand why are you all so scared Cassandra is acting out a little kids her age always do look at Colby and they’re best friends.
Frankie: No, baby it’s more than that.
Randi: More than what? What haven’t you been telling me?
Frankie: The night of the wedding Mom found out that Cassandra has been working as some kind of paid escort.
Randi: She a prostitute?
Frankie: I don’t think so at least she says she wasn’t.
Randi: She could be telling the truth there’re a lot of college girls out there working as arm candy for rich guys photo opp’s so it may not be sex but it’s the first step the longer you’re in the closer those step become.
Frankie: I still don’t understand why? Why would she do it?
Randi: There’s hundreds of reasons why just something almost drives you there I can’t explain it.
Frankie: Look I’m sorry I didn’t mean to dredge all that up.
Randi: No, honey it’s okay. It’s strange but nice to talk about something other than my illness.
Frankie: Okay, if you’re sure?
Randi: Positive go ahead.
Frankie: It’s not just that, Mom said her money lust was what scared her. She said all Cass could talk about how she wanted money and how she’s going to get it. Mom still hasn’t made up her mind whether Cass loves Rego or his money or a combination of the two.
Randi: Do you want me to talk to her? Maybe I can help? I could give her a call see how’s she’s doing maybe feel her out a little.
Frankie: If you want to try I would appreciate it.
Randi: I’ll give it a shot.
Frankie: Thanks honey!
Lola: Knock! Knock! Hey how are you? How are you feeling?
Randi: I’m okay I guess tired.
Lola: Yeah, that’s what I expected. I just got back your latest lab results.
Frankie: How were they?
Lola: Your platelet count is still dropping lower than we’d like to see I’m going to order a transfusion for you.
Frankie: What else?
Lola: Randi’s blood type is very rare and there’s a shortage in the hospital.
Randi: Oh no!
Frankie: So what is the hospital doing?
Lola: I put a call into Center City, Llanview, and Corinth Hospital’s and if need be I’ll call the National Blood Bank. I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about. I have two pints here that the nurse will hang in a few minutes but I’m concerned with once we get your stabilized I want to go in an remove the tumor and I want to make sure we have enough on hand.
Frankie: You’ll let us know.
Lola: Of course I’ll be back in a little bit.

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