Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cassandra and Colby  06/28/2012

Cassandra places the last of her most personal possessions into the box then sit’s on the sofa starring at the half empty shelves. Tonight would be her last night of freedom. After this evening she would be locked inside Devereaux’s gilded cage a virtual prisoner. Well at least she had this evening to look forward to that was if she could get rid of Devereaux. That was going to be next to impossible to do. Maybe she could get him out of town for the evening or something or like or something his new found “Family Values” would keep him right here in Pine Valley! Or, would it? Leopards never change spots and Devereaux was still about the all mighty dollar. If meeting someone in the evening meant deal or no deal he’d meet them. His greed wouldn’t allow him not to she smiles to herself. All she had to do was wait but that wouldn’t help her with tonight! She thought her brow creasing in to a frown for a moment before the sound of the doorbell draws her out of her reserve. She walks to the door looks through the peephole before flinging the door open throwing her arms around Colby and hugs her)
Cassandra: Hey what are you doing here?
Colby: I stopped by the office and your assistant said you were moving! (She steps further in to the living room looking around quickly at the empty shelves)
Cassandra: Yeah sorry, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you.
Colby: You don’t have to tell me your moving in with that hottie from France I saw you with the other morning! (She flops down on the sofa resting her elbow propped on the back facing Cassandra smiling conspiratorially)
Cassandra: I should have called you it just all happened so quickly.
Colby: Don’t worry about it! Who am I to judge look at Lenka and me. So tell me more where are you moving too?
Cassandra: The new Cambius Condo’s. (Flashing a cheeky grin then both scream and giggle)
Colby: Shut…up! That place is beautiful but so expensive!
Cassandra: And we have the entire top floor!
Colby: You go girl! I’m really happy for you. (Giving her a high five)
Cassandra: Thanks Colby. You’re the only one I’ve told. I haven’t even told my family yet. (her voice becoming somber)
Colby: Do you think they’re going to be even madder?
Cassandra: Probably, my Mom is going to freak (she says with a roll of her eyes and click of her tongue) but eventually they’ll be all right.
Colby: What about Rego? I mean after everything you two have been through I was kind of thinking that you two would end up together.
Cassandra: He’s still hung up on Francessca.  (She sighs)
Colby: Are you sure? (She stares at her quizzically)
Cassandra: Well (She pauses dramatically) maybe not as much as before since she and Jamie are married.
Colby: What they got married? Shut up! (Eyes wide mouth agape)
Cassandra: Yeah that’s what I said! He was still upset about it hence the no Cassandra and Rego. (Phone rings) Hold on a second. (She says reaching for the receiver of the phone) Hello?
Devereaux: Hello darling. (Comes Devereaux’s smooth voice making Cassandra inwardly cringe)
Cassandra: Hi how are you? (She turns back towards Colby mouthing his name then turns her back to her)
Devereaux: Splendid darling now that I’m speaking with you. (He leans back in his chair stares out the window feeling tingling of arousal he always felt whenever h spoke to hr or was near hr)
Cassandra: I finished packing up the last of my things to bring over to our new place. (She turns back towards Colby and winks)
Devereaux: Wonderful! (He says sitting up even more annoyed by what he had to tell her. This was not how he had planned to spend his evening)
Cassandra: So should I be ready when you pick me up later or are we going to have cocktails at home first).
Devereaux: That’s why I’m calling I’m afraid I’m going to have to break our date for this evening I have a meeting in New York.
Cassandra: Oh, that is disappointing (She says sadly turning towards Colby holding her thumb up) I was looking so forward o it. (Sounding even more disappointed than before)
Devereaux: I’m sorry it can’t be helped. (Feeling as disappointed as she sounded)
Cassandra: I guess I’ll see you later then? (She squeezes her eyes shut hoping beyond hope shed gt a reprieve for just one more night)
Devereaux: I’m not sure how long this is going to be I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast at that little dinner you like on fifth? (She turns back to Colby grinning from ear to ear with both thumbs up)
Cassandra: Sure I’ll miss you. (Purring like a kitten milking her part for all it’s worth she could almost hear Devereaux squirming in his seat)
Devereaux: Ahh (He says clearing his throat as he adjusts him self uncomfortably in his seat) So what are you going to do this evening?
Cassandra: Well, Colby is here we were going to drop the rest of my things off and I was going to show her around and then wait for you but since you’ll be out all night I was thinking maybe she and I would go out?
Devereaux: That would be perfect! I hated the thought of you wandering around the house alone all night.
Colby: Don’t worry I’ll take good care of her! (She calls out making Cassandra giggle and Devereaux smile)
Devereaux: Tell her she’d better! (He says with a laugh) So I’ll see you tomorrow morning nine o’clock at the dinner?
Cassandra: I’ll be there. (She says warmly) I’ll miss you. (She says seductively chuckling to herself at hearing him actually squirm as he rushes her off the phone)
Devereaux: See you then. (He says clicking the receiver terminating the call Cassandra smiles ruefully to herself then turn towards Colby)
Cassandra: So what do you say you me Lenka and Rego go out and have some fun? (She flouncing on to the sofa)
Colby: Rego? Wait a minute (She say eyeing suspiciously) didn’t you just say you were done with him?
Cassandra: We’re just going out as friends silly. (She giggles swinging Colby’s hand in hers)
Colby: Friends huh? So if you’re just friends why bring Lenka and I as body guards if there’s nothing going on between you two? (Still not convinced)
Cassandra: Nothing! I just thought it would be easier to explain to Devereaux if there were other people with us. You know, no guy wants you hanging around with your ex no matter how platonic you say it is. Besides I don’t hate the guy where still friends and he’s in pretty bad place right now he could use some fun. So please? (She begs put on her best pouty face)
Colby: Okay where are we going and what time? (She sighs rolling her eyes)
Cassandra:  Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Anything I can do to return the favor just let me know! (She says hugging her smiling happily) 
Colby: You could start by showing me your new digs the view must be fantastic!
Cassandra: Sure we can go and drop this box off and I’ll show you around. (She picks up the box grabbing her purse and keys as she walks to the door)
Colby: Very cool! Then maybe you and me can go hit the spa maybe do a little shopping? (She says walking through the door and heading in to the hall)
Cassandra: Oh yeah! (She closes the door behind them locking it thinking happily as she walked towards the elevator. There were definitely some perks that came with being the on again off again now on “Companion” of Devereaux St. Jacque and she may as well enjoy them if she had to put up with him at least for now)

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