Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cassandra and Devereaux   03/30/2012

Cassandra sits at her table starring down in to her cup the dark liquid matching her mood. Nothing had gone the way she’d planned. She still hadn’t gotten what she wanted, what she so desperately needed. She’d tried calling Rego this morning no answer she’d even called his office and his secretary said he’d be out of town for the next few days at a meeting. She wasn’t too sure what that meant since she’d attend a few of Rego’s “meetings” herself. Maybe that was a good thing at least he wasn’t lying around the house drunk! For whatever that was worth! Where ever he was she hoped he’d pulled it together enough at least to work her plan and she needed it to work now more than ever! She needed the money, power and protection that the Sherrigan family afforded and she needed now.      Devereaux was here in Pine Valley! She’d seen it on the TV this morning while she was getting dressed all she could do was stand there and stare at the set. His face plastered across the screen Entrepreneur, Philanthropist Handsome billionaire playboy they forgot Sadistic murdering Sociopath now CEO Of Cambius Enterprises. He was here there was no more “when” it was now. She needed to find Rego before Devereaux found her. She reaches in her purse dialing Rego’s cell phone again and waits then tosses it back in her purse as the call goes straight to voice mail.  She thought about calling the house again but that was futile as well, neither Brooke or Oliver would tell her anything when she’d called the house earlier Oliver had hung up the phone the minute she’d said her name. What the hell was she going to do? It was just a matter of time before he found her. She pushes the cup away from her slouching back in the chair and sighs.
Devereaux: Why so glum Mon petite?
Cassandra: Devereaux! (An instant chill going through her as “His” voice erupts through her thoughts Her head snaps towards him fear draining the blood from her face)
Devereaux: Don’t look so surprised I’m sure you saw the news this morning. (He sides in the chair in front of her)
Cassandra: How…how have you been? (She stutters nervously)
Devereaux: I’m fabulous and I have to say you’re looking ravishing no worse for ware.
Cassandra: Thank you.
Devereaux:  You’ve done quiet well for yourself a job at an up and coming company a deluxe apartment in the Pine Valley towers, corporate car. You’ve come some distance from the escort I knew. (He glares at her with a mocking smile arms crossed over each other leaning back in the chair)
Cassandra: How did you find me? (Reaching for her cup and sipping it trying to give the outward appearance of qualm as her mind races)
Devereaux: If you didn’t want me to find you then you should really stop making front-page news. (He leans forward as the waitress pour him a cup of coffee places it on the table smiles then walks away)
Cassandra: What do you want from me? (Trying to sound bored but the slight rise in her voice betraying her true emotions to him)
Devereaux: My money (He shrugs then reaches for the creamer his hand brushing hers she instantly recoils from his touch he drops a little in the cup then places it back on the table she silently thanks God that he hadn’t seemed to notice) you know you didn’t have to steal it I would have just given it to you had you just asked.
Cassandra: I…
Devereaux: My question for you is (He says thoughtfully as he stirs the cup tap of the droplets from it’s tip then placing it on the napkin then starring back at her his eyes looking on hers chilling her to the bone at the coldness in them) how are you going to pay me back?
Cassandra: I have an excellent job I’ll pay you back I swear. (She smiles brightly hoping the money would be the end of it her hopes and smile fade as he shakes his head smiling a knowing smile)  
Devereaux: I don’t want money.
Cassandra: What more do you want? (Knowing before he’d even asked exactly what he wanted)
Devereaux: I want you and I to resume our relationship just as if nothing happened. And in return I can make this nightmare go way.
Cassandra: Please why can’t you understand I can’t do this anymore?
Devereaux: Well then we have be a problem don’t we? I’m sure your parents would love to hear about your escapades in France. I can see it all now sitting around the table you mother talking about the patient she saved your stepfather bragging about the arrest he made and you regaling them with your tales of being a paid escort and a whore.
Cassandra: You’re too late I’ve already told them.
Devereaux: Must have been quiet a bonding moment. I hope you didn’t forget to tell them about the trouble you’re in with the French police?
Cassandra: I wouldn’t be in trouble if you hadn’t set me up!
Devereaux: That wouldn’t have been at all necessary if you hadn’t chosen to run away and steal from me.
Cassandra: You were smothering me.
Devereaux: And that’s why I gave your space. Give you some to get it all out of your system.
Cassandra: I just needed some time to think. (She smiles weakly)
Devereaux: Tell me what exactly were you thinking about when you practically walk off the plane straight in to Sherrigan’s bed? What was it a yes “Confusion” the second or was it third night you were night you were here? Night out with the girls was it? (He smile triumphantly as stares him moth partly agape her expression frozen) Don’t looks so shock Mon belle fleur! I’ve known where you were. And seriously love (He laughs bitterly) there wasn’t much thought in that was there? I mean if your hiding why call attention to yourself by having a torrid love affair with the son of one of the riches men in the worlds son? (He clucks his tongue shakes his head, then sips his cup then places it down) If you needed some time away to think about things all you had to do was ask. I would have flown you anywhere in the world you wanted to go. Instead, you sneak off in the middle of the night with out a word and without a trace.
Cassandra: With you by my side every step of the way!
Devereaux: Of course darling, (He says holding her hand and kissing it then places his other hand over top as he holds it he squeezes until he see’s her wince) you see what happens when I don’t. That’s why I’m never going to let you out of sight ever again my pet.
Cassandra: You’re hurting me.  (He kisses her hand again releasing his grip some but still holding it as it rests on the table)
Devereaux: You and I are one in the same you we are apart of each other and no matter where you go or what you do I will always be apart of you that little voice in your head. I know what you think I know what your going to do before you do it you can’t ever escape me you will never escape me we’re in each other blood you and I.
Cassandra: Please Devereaux I don’t. …(He continues to talk cutting her off mid sentence)
Devereaux: Now as I was saying you and I are going to pick up exactly where we left off unless of course you want to spend the rest of your life in a French prison? Do we understand each other?
Cassandra: You can’t do this.
Devereaux: Come now you know me so much better than that. (He grins truly amused) We do understand each other don’t we?
Cassandra: Yes Devereaux. (She whispers)
Colby: Cassandra Hey!
Cassandra: Colby hi, what are you doing here? (She smiles up at her as Devereaux lets go over her hand she dies it under the table laying in her lap rubbing it gently with the other)
Colby: I was passing by on the way to the office and I saw you through the window so I came in. I thought maybe we could chill before we started work. (She smiles looking from Cassandra to her companion then back obviously itching for an introduction)
Devereaux: Cassandra, have you forgotten your manners? (Says smoothly looking amused)
Cassandra: Sorry, Colby Chandler this is Devereaux St. Jacque, Devereaux Colby Chandler.
Devereaux: Enchante.
Colby: I read about you in this morning’s paper you’re the new head of Cambius. Congratulations.
Devereaux: Enchante! (He says lifting her land to his lips and kissing it his public charm in full force making Cassandra feel physically ill as she watched the exchange)  Colby Chandler the name sounds very familiar? Ah yes you’re married to Lenka Gregorian you’re the owners of that new firm that’s the talk of Wall Street.
Colby: You’ve heard of us. (She too using her winning business acumen flattery and sex appeal with just a hint of dumb blond which had made she and her husband millions)
Devereaux: Of course one has to keep up with the competition to stay a head of the game.
Colby: I’m flattered but were just starting we are in no way ready to compete with Cambius (She pauses slightly before adding)…yet.  (They both laugh)
Devereaux: The accomplishments your company has made have been nothing short of astounding.
Colby: Thank you. (She blushes with pride)
Devereaux: Cambius had better stay on its toes with you nipping at our heels. Speaking of which I’d had better get going. It was a pleasure to meet you. Cassandra, (He says leaning in and kissing both her cheeks Cassandra swallows the bile rising her throat managing a smile as he pulls away) I speak with you later we have a lot of catching up to do. I’ll send my car around to pick you up after work, say around five?
Cassandra: That will be wonderful (she smiles brightly as if she didn’t have a care in the world sigh inside when he smiles back pleased)
Devereaux: Good I’ll see you then. Nice to have met (He turns told Colby raising her hand and kissing her hand causing Colby to blushes) I hope so see you again. (He says smoothly then walks out. Colby quickly takes the vacated chair pulling it in to the table and leaning in closer.
Colby: Oh my God! How do you know him?
Cassandra: He was my boss when I lived in France.
Colby: Wow, and you left a rich handsome man and working for his corporation to come back to Pine Valley? You’re crazy girl!
Cassandra: Yeah, what was I thinking? (She smiles weakly keeping her fears masked)
Colby: You have to tell me all about it! (She says waving to the waitress as Cassandra inwardly cringes) 

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