Tuesday, August 7, 2012

JR and Rebeka   05/15/2012

Rebeka plops down in an exhausted heap as JR calls up the steps.

JR: No more fooling around up there you two had better be sleeping! I don’t make me come back up there! 
Rebeka: Do you really think those two are going to sleep? (She smiles moving closer to him JR wrap his arm around her shoulder holding her to him)
JR: They better! (They both giggle)
Rebeka: Sure they will, I bet if we were to go up there right now those two are playing with their race cars.
JR: No, no I took the cars and put them in our room.
Rebeka: Did I ever tell you how much I love it when you say “our room”
JR: You mean today? (She slaps his chest playfully making him laugh harder)
Rebeka: I haven’t been this happy in a long time and it’s all thanks to you.
JR: Neither have I and that’s because of you. (He leans in and kisses her then kisses her again)
Rebeka: Hey! (She says turning towards him then curls her leg up under the other) do you think we have time to maybe take the boys on vacation?
JR: I don’t know honey we have Tad and Taylors rehearsal tomorrow night then that meeting with the guys from England on Tuesday and then we have that meeting with “Cambius” on Thursday.
Rebeka: You know I was thinking about the thing with “Cambius” I’m not sure I want to do business with them. (She looks down at her lap twisting her fingers in her lap and then back at him)
JR: Why. (He leans forward taking her hands in his) we’ve been putting this deal together for months now, what’s bothering you?
Rebeka: I don’t know just… I don’t want to sound shallow but I’m not sure I want to do business with a company that would hire back a felon regardless of whether he did something heroic while he was in prison. Besides some of the other things I’ve heard. (She finishes looking at JR glad she finally voiced what was gnawing at her for the past few days)
JR: I know it sounds terrible and I’ll admit he’s done some awful things but I’ve know Ryan a while now and except when he went nuts after Greenlee died he’s been a pretty okay guy. (He shrugs his defense of this Ryan giving her no assurances)
Rebeka: I read about his fiancée’s death on line and then went to the library and looked up the newspaper clippings. Did he really do all those things? (She shakes her head her face contorted in disbelief)
JR: Yeah most of them are true.
Rebeka: See that’s what I mean! It doesn’t (She pauses a moment) how do you say (She stands walking a few pace then turning back towards him)
…give me the warm fuzzes!
JR: Look, (He stands walking towards her reaching out for her hand he takes it in his he brings it to his lips and kisses it) I understand how you feel but at this point we don’t have much of a choice. We’ve invested so much time and money if we pull out now we’ll loose money, a lot of money.
Rebeka: I know I’m just being silly. (She sighs allowing JR to lead her back to the couch and sit facing each other JR still holding her hand in his)
JR: No, your not being silly, I thought the same thing should we be doing this now? Can we afford to wait? Do I want to do business with “Cambius” right now? But in the end it has the potential to be big we just can’t not do it and our company needs this. (His eyes pleading)
Rebeka: Of course you’re right. (She concedes knowing he was right on a business aspect they couldn’t afford to turn back now but some how on a personal level she still felt disconcerted) But promise me that as soon as this is done we all get away for a little while?
JR: I promise. All you have to do decide where you want to go?
Rebeka: I don’t know I was thinking maybe California? Endre has never been there and he’s dying to go to San Francisco and go down that road that is all twisty! Oh and the San Diego Zoo!
JR: He knows those are two completely different place right? (He grins excited by her excitement)
Rebeka: I know! (She giggles) I thought we could go to San Francisco for about six days and San Diego for six. So we could maybe go to the Naval Base.
JR: That would be cool I could probably get us in see if my old credentials still hold up. (He smile mentally reminiscing)
Rebeka: You were in the Navy?
JR: Yeah I was stationed in San Diego for a while that’s where I met Babe.
Rebeka: I’m sorry I didn’t realize. (Some of the excitement disappearing from her voice) We can go someplace else if you want it’s fine.
JR: No San Diego sounds great! I would love to go back and show you around. You guys will love it! (HE shakes his head smiling happily)
Rebeka: But…that was… (Her voice sounding disappointed and tinged with sudden concern and feelings of insecurity was he was covering up his feelings or did it really didn’t bother him)
JR: Look honey, (Recognizing her expression for what it was) it’s fine it doesn’t bother me. I can’t just stop going places where I’ve been with Babe besides that’s a lot of places! We’d never be able to leave this house! (They both laugh) It was a very special time for me sure, and I will always remember it as one of the best times in my life. But Babe’s been gone a while now and that part of my life is in the past you and me AJ and Endre, that’s the present and my future. I loved Babe but I’m in love with you. (He kisses her pushing her back against the cushions as she kisses him back wrapping her arms around his neck the moment They both part hungry and ready for more when the moment is interrupted by a huge thud on the ceiling above them they both look up and chuckle)
JR: What do you say you and I pick this up right here in about an hour and a half?
Rebeka: You have to remember exactly where we were.
JR: I promise. (He kisses her again as another loud “Thud” rattles through the ceiling)
Rebeka: We had better go get them before they come crashing through!
JR: Come on (He says standing then offering her his out stretched hand she takes it pulling her to her feet)
Rebeka: Good cop bad cop?
JR: No, I think what we need is bad cop worse cop. (They both laugh then compose themselves and head up the steps JR bellowing as he goes they smother a laugh at the sound of feet scampering and bed springs creaking then compose themselves again as they reach the top and head down the hall)

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