Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ryan, Amanda and Annie   06/26/2012

Amanda and Annie walk back down the corridor together Amanda holding several folders Annie carrying a few less looking tired but happy at the same time.

Amanda: When he said he wanted us to learn everything he wasn’t kidding! My head is still spinning! (She says blowing a loose tendril of hair from her forehead)
Annie: Mine too. Hey after this last meeting with Devereaux you want to get some lunch?
Amanda: Can’t I have to swing by Tad’s were supposed to be having lunch with Tad’s new in-laws. Hey why don’t you come with me? Tad and Taylor would love to see you.
Annie: Sure, I think Aidan and Emma were going to that I thought I’d be a lot longer and told them to go ahead without me.
Amanda: Yeah this guy seems to run a very efficient ship. I think this is it (She stops and reads the sign slid into the plastic holder mounted on the wall and opens the door peeping in as she goes.
Ryan: Amanda, Annie come in please. (Amanda pushes the door opens wider allowing Annie to pass they shoot each other quickly quizzical look as she passes) Please ladies have a seat this won’t take long. I just want to be bought up to speed.
Annie: What happened to Mr. St Jacque?
Ryan: He had a meeting he sends his apologies. So do you two have everything you need to get started on Monday? Amanda you have training and Annie you and I have a meeting with R&D.
Annie: Yes I believe that’s at ten-thirty? (She scrolls through her palm-pilot quickly then places it back in her purse)
Ryan: I’ll have to check me schedule but I believe that is correct. Was there anything that I missed from this mornings meeting that you might want to go over? (He looks from one to the other)
Amanda: No I’m fine, but Mr. St Jacque wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted me to know everything. (She and Annie chuckle the look at Ryan who shows just the briefest of smiles before continuing)
Ryan: This campaign is extremely important to “Cambius” and our future. We need you both to be as informed as possible in order for this to be successful and we appreciate all the time and energy that you’ll be putting in to this. Annie do you have any questions?
Annie: Nothing right now. (Her enthusiasm dampened by Ryan’s stoic countenance)
Ryan: Okay, Then I’ll see you tomorrow Amanda and on Monday Annie. (Closing the folder on the table and rising)
Amanda: Thanks Ryan. (Smiling as she extends her hand towards him shaking it firmly)
Annie: Thank you see, and I’ll see you Monday. (Picking up her purse and folders preparing to leave)
Ryan: Annie, could I speak to you in private a moment.
Annie: Is there a problem? (Her heart skips a beat as she faces the moment she’d been dreading since last night)
Ryan: No, I promise I’ll only take a moment.
Amanda: Go ahead I’ll wait for you outside.
Annie: I’ll be right there. (Amanda closes the door behind her as Annie takes a deep breath then turns back to Ryan) How can I help you?
Ryan: I want to see Emma.
Annie: You what? (She slams her purse and folders down on the table and braces her self for battle)
Ryan: I want to see my daughter. I’m free now I received a full pardon and I want to see her. (He demands then realizes from her expression she wasn’t the same woman she was all those months ago. She was stronger and more confident then he’d remembered)
Annie: First off don’t think you can just push your way back into our lives and start bulling me again! And that’s if she wants to see you.
Ryan: If she wants to see me? (He spits his anger bubbling to the surface)  I’m her father of course she wants to see me!
Annie: Are you kidding Ryan? You were so bust exacting revenge on everyone you barely remembered Emma was alive before you went to prison and when you did it was just to use her as a weapon against me! You were nothing more than a shadow in her life. When she needed you were nowhere to be found you weren’t here for the nightmares and you were definitely gone when the bullying started. There’s a reason Emma never came to see you when you went to prison and it wasn’t because of me. She was a very angry little girl and that’s because of the things we’ve both done! She’s just now beginning to have some normalcy in her life and I’m not going to screw that up. (She finishes crossing her arms over her chest chin tilted defiantly)
Ryan: I know what I’ve done. (His voice sounding strained his words stilted) I’m just trying to make up for it.
Annie: Then I would suggest you start with a phone call to her therapist. (Her voice firm and controlled her exterior qualm never betraying the inner fury and fear she felt)
Ryan: So you’ve succeeded in brain washing my daughter against me.
Annie: I didn’t brain wash her Ryan! (She hollers then realizes she can’t let him see she shaken by his request she takes a deep breath to qualm herself before continuing)  Look, this isn’t about you and me this is about Emma. She not stupid! She knows a lot more about what’s going on than you give her credit for. She’s hurt and she’s angry! It’s not going to be that easy you can’t just walk back in to her life! You call her therapist I’ll give you permission to speak to her. When she says it’s okay then you can see her. Until then you stay away from her. Now if we’re done I have other appointments. (She picks up her folders and purse and heads for the door)
Ryan: Just one other thing. (He calls after her)
Annie: What Ryan? (She spins around to face bracing her self for what he was going to say next. She watches as he swallows his expression solemn) 
Ryan: I’m sorry. (He says his voice as solemn as his expression)
Annie: What? (She stares at him her expression incredulous)
Ryan: I just want you to know that I will be a part of my daughters life no matter how long it takes or what I have to do.
Annie: Is that it? (She says between clenched teeth)
Ryan: No, I also wanted to say I’m sorry for everything I put you, Emma and Aidan through.
Annie: Thank you. (She mumbles her mind reeling)
Ryan: I’ll call you for that phone number.
Annie: Okay. (She says still a little un-nerved as she pulls open the door and steps out in to the hall)
Amanda: You okay? (She frown noticing Annie’s confusion.  Annie mentally shakes off the encounter then smiles thinking perhaps Ryan had changed)
Annie: Yeah, I think so.
Amanda: You ready? (She slings her purse over shoulder then picks up the folders)
Annie: Yeah lets get going. (She grins weakly. Maybe this wouldn’t be as awful as she’d originally thought. She or maybe it would be gnawed the small warning voice)

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