Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cassandra and Rego    08/22/2012

Cassandra glances over at her bed at a sleeping Rego her mouth twisted in anger and disappointment. What a complete waste of time it had been bring him back here last night! He’d passed out before that had, had an opportunity to consummate their evenings activities a fact that had her a little confused considering how much alcohol she’d seen him consume on other occasions and had never passed out or hampered his ability to perform. It had completely ruined her plan and she wasn’t sure if she would get another chance!
          After their encounter with always annoying Francessca and he even more annoying spouse Jamie. She’d watched Rego’s reaction to Francessca’s announcement. He’d gone the gambit of emotions from shock to happy to fury all in a split second and in that moment an idea had taken hold and began to grow and the conversation more of a monologue they had, had while driving back to her place solidified her plan. Just listening to him go on and on about how she had betrayed him blah, blah, blah! She’d only been half listening to his rambling and slurred diatribe all the while she’d been thinking she needed to get pregnant with Rego’s baby! If she could convince him that she was carrying his child he would want to protect her and their child and after the brat was born she’d have a fleet of nannies to take care of it and best of all she could finally get away from Devereaux! She’d be under the protection of a family that had more money and more power than he did. She would finally be safe. She’d closed her eyes and said a little prayer it could work! It would work if she were right about her cycle she should be in her ovulation cycle. When they’d stopped at the light she’d quickly checked the calendar on her phone. Perfect! If she could get him in to bed in the next few days she could make it happen if she could have gotten him to perform last night it would have been even better.
 Things had been going pretty well he was drunk but that had never hindered his performance before but last night he’d barley made it to the bedroom he’d only gotten one leg out of his pants before he’d passed out. She sat on the side of the bed and thought a moment his passing out had completely ruined her plan at least for tonight her plan was ruined but maybe not so fast. She could make him think they had already had slept together and maybe convince him to go for round two when he awoke in the morning. She’d immediately undressed him completely then had climbed in naked beside him and gone to sleep. Then when she’d awakened this morning and was putting her alternate plan in to action, lets just say he’d awakened happy to see her the circus had arrived this morning, the big top was up and the ringmaster was calling her name to but no sooner had she gotten in to her seat him the spell had broken the mood had flown away faster than a child’s balloon on windy day. Now what? By tonight she’d be ensconced in Devereaux’s layer and there’d be no escaping from him and she may not get another chance. And if she didn’t hurry she’d be late for their breakfast. The last thing she needed was Devereaux coming to her place and finding Rego there. She turned back towards the mirror and finished applying her makeup just as Rego began to awaken.
Rego: Good morning. (He says turning towards her and rubbing his eyes sleepily)
Cassandra: Good morning.
Rego: God, how much did we have to drink last night my head feels like I was hit with a sledgehammer.
Cassandra: Maybe it’s not how much but what.
Rego: I had the same thing I always had.
Cassandra: Maybe you had more than you thought you were kind of upset last night.
Rego: I don’t want to talk about last night (He scowls for a moment the scene from last night flashing through his mind like a comet he shakes it from his mind calling himself back to the present) besides, from the look of things (He says raising the covers the placing the them back down wriggling his brows mischievously) we managed to end the evening off with a bang.
Cassandra: As always lover. (She purrs coming to the bed and kissing him deeply secretly congratulating herself on her ingenuity)
Rego: Just wish I could remember. Hey why don’t you get back in bed we could pick up where we left off?
Cassandra: I wish I could but I’m meeting a friend for breakfast.
Rego: Come on stay? You can have breakfast anytime.
Cassandra: Darling I can’t I have to go.
Rego: Okay, okay what about tonight?
Cassandra: Okay, I’ll call you later.
Rego: Don’t forget.
Cassandra: Do me a favor and lock up for me when you leave?
Rego: Sure, as soon as I can pull myself out of this fog I’m in (He says flopping back against the pillows. Cassandra smiles back at him then closes the bedroom door behind her then picks up her purse from the coffee table and heads towards the elevator bracing herself for her breakfast with Devereaux.
Devereaux sits in front of Cassandra’s building waiting in the limousine drumming his fingers on the seat then checks his phone again. Devereaux: You did as I asked you last night? (Anger edging his voice)
Maurice: Yes Sir I did exactly as you asked. (His voice even as he stares out the windshield)
Devereaux: And you’re sure he was incapacitated for the night? (His voice edged with anxiety)
Maurice: Yes Sir Ms. Foster practically dragged him up stairs.
Devereaux: Perfect thank you. (He smiles to himself satisfied and stares out the window watching the door of the building thinking about what he knew so far. According to Maurice she’d been telling the truth when she’d said she was going out with the Chandler girl but she hadn’t mentioned that she would also be with Sherrigan. He had to give her credited she’d made sure he was out of town before seeing him but he’d had to take some points away if she honestly thought that he wouldn’t have her watched carefully so why risk it? He’d told her exactly what would happen if she did so exactly was she up too and how did it involve Sherrigan? He reaches in to his pocket and takes out his phone and scrolls to the application he’d installed on her phone. She’d checked her calendar last night twice once around midnight and then again twenty minutes later. She’d looked at last month and this month. Why? What happened last month and this month? She concentrated trying to put himself inside her head. Knowing as he knew her and amusing himself with that American saying “What would Cassandra do” a plan started to form itself in his head her plan and if his suspicions were right she was trying to seduce Sherrigan and maybe get pregnant? He was positive all things pointed in that direction but why what would be her reasoning behind having Sherrigan’s bastard? Money? She wanted for nothing being with him. Power? He had power and lots of it and as his woman she was privy to it as well. Position? With him she had that too. No there was more she was trying to leave him and she was going to use Sherrigan by getting pregnant to do it. That’s why she’d risked being with him after he’d warned her. The only satisfaction he had was that last night hadn’t turned out as she had planned he’d made sure of that and he was going to make sure that the rest of her plan went just as well. She was going to be pregnant it would be with his seed and what better time than now he smiles to himself as Cassandra opens the car door and climbs in.
Cassandra: Morning did you miss me? (She smiles sliding into the seat next to him)
Devereaux: Of course my darling I thought of nothing else but you since I left. (He pulls her to him and kisses her hungrily then trail kisses down her throat his hand moving quickly to the buttons on her blouse his kisses following behind his fingers)
Cassandra: Wait a minute I thought we were going to breakfast? (She pushes against him trying to fasten the button he’d undone as his hands reach for the button of her pants as his other hand slips inside them)
Devereaux: Lets make it brunch shall we? (His lips caress the curve of her throat as he pushes her back against the cushions his other hand wrestles with the top of her jeans then begins to pull them away from her body) What do you say we go back upstairs? (He grins to himself as her body tenses at the thought as her mind races)
Cassandra: I don’t think I could wait that long (She reaches for him pulling him to her kissing him lightly at first then forces herself to match his passion as she desperately tries to shut out the screaming in her head to make him stop. She hadn’t expected this at all! He’d said they would have a quick breakfast and then he had a meeting. They were only going out for breakfast not this! She hadn’t prepared for this with him! Not now! Oh God not today!)

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