Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tad and Taylor   07/10/2012

Tad stands behind Taylor his arms wrapped around her waist his chin resting on her shoulder watching their family and extended family and friends enjoy the day’s festivities.

Tad: So you having a good time?
Taylor: I’m enjoying every minute.
Tad: You happy?
Taylor: Never been happier.
Tad: Good I’m glad. I saw you talking to Jake before.
Taylor: Yeah! I think he’s having a little problem adjusting to Amanda’s working again.
Tad: Yeah, we had that conversation the other day. Honestly I don’t understand the big deal.
Taylor: Well it’s a change for some people that’s hard and I also think they are both still reacting from all that stuff with Emily Ann. I think Amanda needs to know she can take care of herself and Jake felt better knowing Amanda and the baby were safe at home and I told him so.
Tad: Oh I’m sure you did. (He says with a chuckle) I don’t know why he’d think she’d be safer at home considering Emily was in the house.
Taylor: Maybe he feels responsible for that too. (She shrugs) I don’t know but I hope he listens to what I said to him.
Tad: When did you get so smart? (He pulls her closer burying his face in the lavender smell of her hair rocking he back and forth)
Taylor: Not so much smart as a been there done that thing. (She smiles and pats his forearm)
Tad: Got to love those brother’s (He gives her another squeeze then twirls her loose making her giggle as he continues to twirl her around the imaginary dance floor to his own tune)
Taylor: Yeah you do! I can’t wait till my brothers’ get here tomorrow and I want you to meet them.
Tad: I’m sorry they couldn’t be here today I know how much you were looking forward to them being here. (He finishes their impromptu dance as he dips her then kisses her quickly before swinging her upright)
Taylor: Well that’s the army. (She shrugs)
Adrian: Listen, I have to step out. (He claps grinning ear to ear as Tad and Taylor blush)
Taylor: You’re coming back right? (She says with a nod of her head eyes wide making him grin wider)
Adrian: I have a few errands to run I’ll be back in a little while.
Tad: Okay, I’ll see you later. (He reaches out his hand pulling him in to a hug)
Adrian: See you later Nephew nice to meet you Niece in-law. (He calls and waves back as he runs towards the driveway)
Francessca: Nice meeting you too!
Jamie: He Dad we’re going to be taking off.
Tad: So soon?
Francessca: Yeah, I’m a little tired. (She says smothering a yawn as Taylor gives her a hug)
Taylor: Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow evening?
Jamie: We wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Tad: Just think about what I told you! (He whispers in his ear as he hugs him)
Jamie: I will.
Tad: Take care gorgeous! (He says giving Francessca a hug)
Francessca: See you tomorrow! ( She waves as the two walk arm and arm towards the front)
Taylor: They look happy.
Tad: Yeah they do. Hey check out your Dad! (He says pointing to a dancing Red and Opal)
Taylor: Check out your Dad and my Mom! (She points to their parents whirling around the dance floor)
Tad: What do you say we go join them? (He tugs on her arm pulling her towards the other dancing couples)
Taylor: Yeah!

Scene shift

Jack and Erica

Erica walks into the back yard taking it all in quickly then making a bee line for Jackson who is standing on the outskirts watching the dancers and smiling.

Erica: Jack. (She says off handedly looking around the yard)
Jack: Erica! (He quickly wipes his mouth on a napkin placing the plate down on the table in the same motion then smiles down at her)
Erica: I had no idea you would be here today. (She turns towards him looking genuinely surprised)
Jack: I just stopped by to give Tad and Taylor their marriage licenses. What about you? (He retrieves his plate from the table picks a tomato off the salad popping it into his mouth)
Erica: Opal and Tad asked me to stop by. (She looks down at the table visually perusing its contents) So how is everything?
Jack: Good, good! (He steps back as Erica’s arm reaches for across his chest for the pile of plates in front of him leaving a very pleasant vapor trail of her cologne wafting up to tickle his nose)
Erica: Work going well? (She says over her shoulder stepping in front of him to reach the salad bowl)
Jack: Best it’s been for a longtime although I don’t know what that says for the other guys! (They both laugh)
Erica: How are Lilly and Reggie?
Jack: They’re both great! Lilly is working at Slater-Cortlandt, Reggie is working with me at law firm.
Erica: Oh that’s wonderful Jack. (She smiles brightly shaking the hair back from her face) How’s everyone else everyone? (She says coyly hinting at Greenlee and her mother)
Jack: Mary is back in Boston back in the thick of things and everyone else is well healthy and happy growing likes weeds. (He smiles dreamily thinking of his little granddaughter and the last he’d seen her)
Erica: That’s very good to hear. (She finishes picking at the table’s bounty coming around the other side to stand in front of him)
Jack: So, what have you been up to? Keeping busy?
Erica: Of course Jack up know me! (Her eyes brightening her voice taking on that devilish lilt as it always did when she spoke of her work) Well “New Beginnings” always keeps me busy but I just started a new project.
Jack: Oh?
Erica: Yes, I’ve taken over as chairmanship of the board of the Miranda Center. (She gushes excitedly her news taking Jack by surprise)
Jack: Well what do you know congratulation!
Erica: Thank you Jack. You know I was wondering since you are the attorney for the center if you wouldn’t mind going over a few things with me. (She says gauging his response through her lowered lashes)
Jack: I might, that all depends on what you have in mind? (he expression mildly suspicious as Erica pretends not to notices as she picks fruit from the fruit bowl her voice and body language becoming all business)
Erica: Strictly business Jack, the renewal on the vendor’s contract is coming up and I have a couple of property tax question I need answered.
Jack: Oh, (Unable to hide the disappointment in his voice at the non-challenge) then do you recall exactly what is giving a problem?
Erica: With the vendors it’s the two-year four-year thing and the taxes seem to have some new thing attached to it. (She says with a shake of her head her expression professional concern)
Jack: Why don’t you stop by in the morning and I’ll go over it with you. (He smiles liking this Erica)
Erica: No rush when you have a spare moment. (She picks up a napkin and a fork then looks out over the crowd again)
Jack: Why don’t you call my office in the morning and make an appointment
Erica: I look forward to it! Oh excuse me there’s Opal (She says coolly waving to Opal from across the lawn she can feel Jack’s on her as she walks away and smiles slyly to herself she had Jack just where she wanted him. No matter what he said he was still interested and he’d taken the bait now all she had to do was reel him in slowly)

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