Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jesse and the Lab Tech   06/27/2012

Jesse walks down the hall toward the lab munching on an apple as he opens the lab door.

Donaldson: He I was just about to call you but I thought you’d be at lunch
Jesse: Naw, not yet I’m going to be leaving for the rest of the weekend in a few my best friend is getting married. (He says taking the last bite of the apple and tossing it in to the waste can)
Donald: Oh, glad I you came down then. (Turns toward Jesse smiling a satisfied grin)
Jesse: So what’s up? (He walks to the corner sitting down on the edge of it arms folded across his chest eyebrows drawn together)
Donaldson: I’ve got something for you. (He spins in his chair reaching for the folder on the corner of his desk)
Jesse: Cool, whatcha got?
Donaldson: This is the best I could do the tapes are just so degraded for being taped and erased over and over again. But I was able to get this for you. (He says handing Jesse a print from the folder. Jesse takes it and stares at it a moment then looks at Donaldson)
Jesse: This is great! Thanks! (He says handing back to him)
Donaldson: If you want I could run it through the face recognition files in DC it would take me a couple of days though.
Jesse: No this is perfect. Besides it’s not really a big deal. Thanks again. Oh I almost forgot need those tapes back I promised the hospital I’d return them.
Donaldson: Here, (He says handing Jesse the tape he places copy on top with the folder wrapped around it) This is the one I pulled the data from and here (He pulls the box from the table next to him filled with a couple of packs of brand new VHS tape) I’m a techno-geek I don’t use VHS anymore and maybe you should give the hospital the speech about using defective security materials.
Jesse: Thanks man I will.
Donaldson: Anytime Chief. Oh and I didn’t have a chance to log that in the system. (He says with a quick wink)
Jesse: Don’t worry about it and thanks again.
Donaldson: Take care oh, and tell the bride and groom congratulations.
Jesse: I will. (He walks out of the office carrying the box of tapes and his file on top out the side door and in to the car plopping the box on the back seat then closing the door and climbing into the drivers side he starts the engine. backs out of the spot then out the lot into the empty street shifts gears drives to the corner barley glancing in either direction turns right and heads toward the hospital. It was Griff just as he’d thought but he wasn’t ready to talk to Frankie about it not just yet. He needed more and Frankie really didn’t need the weight of it not right now. Not with Randi’s surgery tomorrow morning. He needed to be focused on that. Plus he didn’t see Griff as a threat to them. He had donated in secret he hadn’t approached them in any way if anything he had avoided any contact with Randi or Frankie but why? If he were related how so to Randi or Randi’s family wouldn’t he want to contact her? Maybe he was ashamed of his prison record? That led a lot of men to lie. His record wasn’t that bad he’d been involved in a robbery gone wrong when one of his accomplices shot the victim he was given twenty-five years and had served everyday of it. He’d left a wife when he went in there was no mention of children in the file but the wife could have been pregnant at the time and it was never mentioned in the report or he could have missed it when he’d skimmed through he’d have to re check that. He flashes his blinker then pulls into the hospital parking lot parking his car in his reserved spot and smiles to him self “Good to be the King” he murmurs the line from “History of the World” chuckling as he places the car in park then gets out pulls the box from the back seat tossing his tape and the file on the seat slams the door then walks inside to the security desk seeing the same guard he’d seen the last time he visited. This would make it a lot easier)
Jesse: Hi, Chief Hubbard I’m returning the tapes I borrowed.
Guard: Oh thanks Chief! (He says taking the box and placing them on the desktop)
Jesse: And listen the police department his giving the hospital brand new tapes use them please! You can’t keep tapping and re-taping on the same tape over and over again. Okay?
Guard: Thanks Chief! We really appreciate that! I’ve been telling then that.
Jesse: Your welcome And I’m going to send a recommendation about just that to the Hospital board see if we can get some action. (He winks and smiles then walk out the door and back to his car to wait for Angie. He preferred not to run in to Frankie right now not until he checked a few more things out any way.)
Angie: You waiting long? (She smiles leaning over to kiss Jesse as he slides in to the passenger seat)
Jesse: No I just got here you ready got everything? (He snaps the belt in place turning the key in the ignition)
Angie: Yeah I’m good now “Punch it!” we’re late! (She places her hands on the dashboard bracing her self)
Jesse: You know what you are asking me to do is illegal? (He chuckles devilishly)
Angie: Ahh come on! (She whines goading him on at the same time) You’re an honest cop! You put in long days even on your days off your still working! You don’t take bribes you try to treat everyone fairly and you have saved this town from a prison break AND a riot you’ve earned this abuse of power now Punch it! (Jesse looks at her with a devilish grin, wriggles his eyebrows, places his globe on top of the car then pulls out of the parking lot in to the parting traffic)

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