Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aidan and Annie    05/03/2012

Aidan walks into the house calling out to Annie.
Aidan: Hello! Hello!
Annie: Hey your home! How was your day? (She says coming out of the Kitchen wiping her hands on a towel then leans in to kiss him)
Aidan: Great! I wrapped up the case I was working on today. (Grinning proudly)
Annie: That’s great honey! (Smiling back at him then tucks the towel in her apron pocket)
Aidan: You should have been there the wife was completely shocked! (He walks around the couch then sits down and Annie takes the seat next to him)
Annie: What did the husband say?
Aidan: What could he say he got caught red handed!
Annie: Good for you honey! (She smiles proudly as she pats his knee)
Aidan: And…(He pauses and grins) she gave me a huge bonus!
Annie: Oh Wow! (She beams bouncing in her seat)
Aidan: Yeah and with that you Emma and me can go on that vacation we talked about. (He says pumping his fist in the air making Annie laugh)
Annie: Oh my God! (She says bouncing in her seat) Emma’s going to be so happy she’s wanted to go for so long.
Aidan: And now we can do it in style!
Annie: Well I have some really good news too!
Aidan: Oh yeah?
Annie: I got the “Lacey’s” contract and…
Aidan: And?
Annie: And, I was offered the job of heading the new Cambius campaign! (She squeals smiling proudly)
Aidan: I didn’t even know you had put a bid on that? (He turns to her surprised)
Annie: I didn’t.
Aidan: Then how’d you get the job? (Looks at her his curiosity peaked)
Annie: I got a call from the new head of Cambius this morning. They are starting a new campaign and they want me to head it I signed the contract this afternoon!
Aidan: Honey I’m so proud of you! I told you things would be looking up for us!
Annie: And you were right! (She says hugging him then kissing him)
Emma: Aidan you’re home! (Emma runs down the steps jumping into his lap)
Aidan: Hey there doodle bug! I’ve got a surprise for you! (He grins pressing her button nose and laughs)
Emma: Where is it? (She pulls at his shirt pocket looking inside then around the couch beside him)
Aidan: Remember that vacation we were talking about the other day?
Emma: The one to the big amusement park? (Her eyes opening wide)
Aidan: Yep, well you know what we’re going to go!
Emma: Oh boy! (She squeals in excitement clapping her hands together then jumps down of his lap and heads up the steps)
Annie: Where are you going? (She turns her head watching her daughter grinning from ear to ear)
Emma: I’m going to go pack! (She says excitedly still running up the steps Annie calling after her a giggle in her voice)
Annie: We’re not going right now honey.
Emma: I know I don’t want to forget anything! (She calls back to her making Aidan and Annie laugh out loud)
Annie: Emma and I have already had dinner but I put a plate in the refrigerator for you in case you were hungry. (She warps her arms around his neck kissing his neck)
Aidan: I’m starved! (He turns his head brushing his lips against hers)
Annie: Give me a minute and I’ll get it for you.
Aidan: You don’t have to go to any trouble I can get it.
Annie: I’m already standing why don’t you relax and watch the TV a minute and I’ll call you when it’s ready. (She stands and walks into the kitchen)
Aidan: Thanks honey. (Aidan kicks off his shoes and lays back on the couch he reaches for the remote and clicks on the set)

“Good evening and welcome to the Pine Valley News Watch with your anchors Ed Barnes and Hope Waters.
Ed: Good evening and thank you for tuning in. Our top story tonight Cambius Enterprises CEO Devereaux St. Jacques announced today the appointment of Ryan Lavery as Chief Executive Assistant.”
Aidan: Annie! Annie come here you have to see this!
Annie: Your dinner is almost ready what’s up?
Aidan: Look! (He says pointing at the TV then turning up the volume)
Ed: The appointment of Mr. Lavery as Cambius CEA comes on the heels of Mr. Lavery’s pardon from the Governor.  Mr. Lavery’s heroic actions during the prison uprising in January Mr. Lavery was recognized for single handedly saving the lives of Prison Warden Barry Bennett, Councilman Thomas Courbet, Governor Hank Stevens and Pine Valley’s own Mayor John Roberts.  In other news…(Aidan clicks the off button on the set and looks over at a dumbfounded Annie who stares at the blank screen)
Annie: Oh, God Aidan what have I done? (He moves towards her wrapping his arms around her as she shakes uncontrollably) I just signed a contract with the devil!

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