Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cassandra and Colby  08/08/2012

Rego stands at the bar brooding over his drink as Natalia and Cassandra still argue.

Natalia: You’re a real piece of work you know that?
Cassandra: Don’t blame me because Princess has fallen off her thrown.
Natalia: What are you doing here anyway?
Cassandra: It’s a free country I can go anywhere I want.
Natalia: Pardon me if I thought you might want to maybe see you sister in law and show some support since she’s having surgery tomorrow!
Cassandra: Is she what happened?
Natalia: They’re going to remove her tumor tomorrow.
Cassandra: How’s Frankie?
Natalia: he’s a wreck but then you’d know that if you’d call your mother sometime and if you weren’t such a narcissistic BITCH! (She says heading towards the door Brot in tow)
Cassandra: Yeah well it takes one to know one!
Rego: Great come back. I’m going to get a drink! (He steps towards the bar pounding his fist on the counter to get the bartenders attention as Colby and Lenka walk in. Lenka waves to Cassandra who waves back then walks to the bar as Colby joins Cassandra who slides into the booth at the same moment Colby sits in the seat opposite her)
Colby: I saw Natalia and Brot leaving as we came in and she definitely the opposite of happy! What happened before we got here?
Cassandra: Everything!
Colby: What do you mean everything?
Cassandra: Rego finally figured out that “Polly Pure Bread” is a liar and a hypocrite!
Colby: Oh this is getting good!  (She leans forward grinning conspiratorially practically bouncing in her seat) What he’d find out and start from the beginning and don’t skip a thing!
Cassandra: Okay so, When Rego and I got here Natalia, Brot, Jamie ad Miss Thing were already here. They must not have seen us come in and Rego caught all them talking about the “Baby”!
Colby: Oh my God! (Her eyes opening wide mouth agape) Francessca is pregnant! Rego and Francessca are having a baby! Holy Crap!
Cassandra: Unah! Turns out Francessca and Jamie have been doing a little sneaking around on their own and the baby she’s carrying is Jaime’s!
Colby: Get OUT!
Cassandra: No, I’m dead serious! She told Rego that she and Jamie have been messing around for months!
Colby: Wow! I would never have thought! (She looks up a moment and sits back in her seat a the waitress places their drinks in front of them)
Cassandra: What, thought Princess would cheat on Rego?
Colby: Well, yeah to be honest. (Her voice lowers sounding almost disappointed) She always seemed pretty loyal to me.
Cassandra: Come on you never saw the way she looked at Jamie sometimes or watched them when they were together? It was so obvious! (She rolls her eyes skyward then looks at her incredulous)
Colby: Yeah I saw it and so did everyone else but she didn’t give me the impression that she would actually do something about it.
Cassandra: Well she did and she the one who said it!
Colby: Wow! You never know do you!
Cassandra: Ha! (She says with a snort) She may have had all you fooled but I knew she was too good to be true all along.
Colby: Poor Rego!
Cassandra: “Poor Rego” please! Give him a couple of days he’ll be fine once he realizes he dodged a bullet on that one.

Scene Switch: Rego sits at the bar brooding over his drink mulling over the nights events

Lenka: How are you doing?
Rego: Terrific! It’s been an absolutely lovely evening!
Lenka: Honestly, I’ve had worse.
Rego: Really? You found out that the woman you were madly in love with was cheating on and is carrying another mans child?
Lenka: I came home one night and my wife and my son were gone. (He shrugs then turns to the bartender)
Lenka: A beer for my self and two tequila sunrises for the ladies at the table over their please
Rego: I suppose you’re right but I’m still pissed. (He says frowning down into his glass)
Lenka: Can I ask you something?
Rego: Sure. (He frowns turning his head to look at him)
Lenka: What, who or what exactly are you really mad at?
Rego: What? (He shakes his head as if to clear some imagined auditory disconnect his brows drawn)
Lenka: What or who are you mad at? I mean I don’t really understand. You say you were madly in love with her yet you were cheating on her from the very beginning and not very discreetly (He says with a shake of his head) so how could you possibly say you were “in love with her”?
Rego: Despite what you and everyone think I do love her.
Lenka: All I’m saying is you have a very strange way of showing it. (He grins then sips deeply from the bottle) Normally when people are in love they can’t get enough of each other their practically inseparable. You two on the other hand, spent more time away from each other than together. In fact if you think about it you spent more time with Cassandra then you did with your fiancée. (He says with a laugh)
Rego: That’s a lie!
Lenka: It’s the truth you’re just too stubborn to admit it! (He grins slapping him on the back then gives his neck a shake)
Rego: I’m in love with her.
Lenka: Come on be honest if not with me a least with your self. You convinced yourself you were in love to justify your ridiculous competition with your stepbrother. I’ve known you all long time, you hate to loose and you couldn’t stand the very idea of it especially not to him. (He leans back against the bar sips his beer then looks around at the spattering of patrons his eye spotting the empty pool table in the corner)
Rego: You’re wrong! (He grinds out his anger barley in check)
Lenka: Whatever man. I just have one more thing to say to you and then I’m going to play pool with my beautiful wife. (A broad seductive smile curling his lips as he watches her bend over the table)
Rego: Just say it and get it over with please! (He sighs heavily bracing himself for his final assault)
Lenka: If there is one thing I know and that’s women and although I don’t know your Francessca very well or at all for that matter. (He shrugs then drains the bottle then turns placing the empty on the bar) but from what I know of her if I were you I’d re-think what she said to you tonight. (He pushes off the bar and walks toward the pool table just as Cassandra walks to the counter)
Cassandra: So what was that all about? (She looks at Lanka’s retreating back then to Rego)
Rego: Nothing we were just talking. (He says shuffling Lenka’s last comment to the back of his mind and concentrating on the moment)
Cassandra: Are you okay? (He voice softening)
Rego: I’m fine. (He turns towards her grinning broadly)
Cassandra: Are you sure? I mean after everything that happened tonight I wouldn’t blame you. 
Rego: I’m fine really. (His smile more genuine then his previous one as he pats her hand) What do you say the two of us get out of here?
Cassandra: What about Colby and Lenka?
Rego: Buy the look of it they’ll be fine. (He nods his head towards the two of them flirting outlandishly with each other the very air around them sexually charged)
Cassandra: Okay let me go to the ladies room real quick say goodbye and we’ll get going okay?
Rego: Sure I’ll wait right here (Rego turns back towards the bar as a older man limps to a bar stool and attempts to sit down as he does his cane falls to the floor along with his keys. The man looks at it a moment then groans loudly as he tries to bend to retrieve it)
Rego: Here, let me get that for you (He smiles politely as he gets down from his bar stool, As he bends the elder man quickly pour an unknown substance from a vile into his glass placing the container back in his pocket just as Rego rises)
Maurice: Thank so much young man. Have a lovely evening. (He says tipping his hat then moves towards a table in the far corner his back to the entrance and Rego just as Cassandra comes back towards him)
Cassandra: Ready to go? (She says draping her arm around his shoulder)
Rego: Past ready! (He slides off the stool picking up the remains of his glass downing it quickly much to Maurice’s satisfaction as he peers unnoticed over his shoulder) Lets go! (He says waving to Lenka and Colby as he walks behind Cassandra moves out the exit on to the noisy street)

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