Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Amanda and Devereaux                05/29/2012

Amanda walks up to the Administrative Assistant out side of the office of the Cambius CEO flashing her brightest smile.

Amanda: Good Morning!
Assistant: God Morning! How may I help you today? (Her smile pleasant but official)
Amanda: I’m here to see Mr. St. Jacque.
Assistant: Your name please? (She places her glasses at the end of her nose her fingers moving quickly as she punches the keys on her keyboard then looks up at her expectantly)
Amanda: Amanda Dillon-Martin.
Assistant: Do you have an appointment? (She hits the scroll wheel on her mouse flipping quickly through the names listed)
Amanda: No, I…
Assistant: Mr. St. Jacque doesn’t see anyone with out an appointment. (She pulls off her glasses placing them on the desk starring at her dismissively)
Amanda: Oh, well when I spoke to him last night…
Assistant: I’m sorry Ms. Dillon- Martin was it, (She repeats her voice sounding recorded and robotic as if on continuous loop) but Mr. St. Jacque see’s no one without an appointment.
Amanda: Oh, I think he’ll make an exception you see (She says smiling brightly trying to embrace her inner Erica Kane) I was speaking to him….
Assistant: I’m sorry Ms. Martin-Dillon but Mr. St. Jacque is an extremely busy man, which is why he sees no one with out an appointment. Now if you would like to make an appointment I’d be more than happy to discuss it with him (She reaches for her pad and a pen just as Devereaux opens the door of his office starring down at the folder as he walks to his assistants desk) Devereaux: Ingrid could you please contact Mr. Lavery and ask him to meet me in the boardroom at two. (He hands her a folder then looks up and sees Amanda smiling as he comes towards her clasping her hands in his and kissing both her cheeks) Amanda! Ingrid hold my calls and when Annie Lavery gets here send her right in please. (He opens the office door guiding Amanda she looks at the secretary and smiles as she passes. He points he to the chair in front of his desk then takes the seat behind it) to what do I owe the pleasure?
Amanda: I thought about what you said to last night and I wanted to hear more about it. (She says smoothly taking in a quick breath and exhaling it as she places her purse beside her glad that moment was over)
Devereaux: Splendid! Well as you know “Cambius’” image has taken quiet a few blows over the past year or so and what we need to do is re-build our image… (The door swings open cautiously and Annie steps part way into the office) Ahh Annie come in. (Lifting his hand and waving her in)
Annie: Hello! (She says coming through the door carrying her portfolio then placing it by the door) Hey Amanda!
Amanda: Hey Annie How are you? (She rises giving Annie a quick hug then the two settle down in to their chairs)
Annie: I’m great! What are you doing here?
Devereaux: Splendid you two are already acquainted.
Amanda: Annie and I go way back.
Annie: We worked together at “Fusion”. So what’s going on what are you doing here?
Amanda: According to Mr. St. Jacque I’m going to be the new face of “Cambius”.
Annie: Wow! (She looks at Amanda surprised then nods to Devereaux in agreement happy they were both on the same page)
Devereaux: I was just explaining to Amanda that Cambius’ image has taken some blows in the past year or so and what we are trying to do is put a fresh face on it and I think with the campaign that Annie has in mind that Amanda would be the perfect spokes person don’t you think so?
Annie: Funny you should say that because when I was working on it Amanda was the model in my head. (They all laugh Amanda blushing slightly)
Devereaux: Then we’re all in agreement that is, Amanda if you want the job?
Amanda: I still have a couple more questions? (Her voice sounding steadier than she felt)
Devereaux: Certainly.
Amanda: How much travel is involved?
Devereaux: I think and Annie correct me if I’m wrong (He looks quickly at Annie then back to Amanda) there are two one is the Convention in New York for two days and the Convention in Las Vegas for three.
Annie: That’s it exactly. Not knowing who our model would be I didn’t want to have too much travel involved I was thinking more along the line of television, print and radio.
Devereaux: I understand that both you and Annie have families and I would prefer not to have to a lot of traveling myself but there will be some long days and late nights involved in the beginning. You will be attending several trainings about our company what we do, hierarchy all our subsidiaries what they do their products, product placement and so on.
Amanda: Wow, (She says feeling slightly overwhelmed)
Devereaux: I want more than just a pretty face. There are thousand of pretty girls out there that would look wonderful in front of a camera but Cambius needs more we need someone that says confidence, trustfulness and most importantly intelligence you are going to be “Cambius”. When media or representatives speak with you and ask you questions I want you to have the answers hence the classes. It’s going to be a challenge and I need to know that you’ll be up to it. If you want to go home and discuss it with your husband I can give you a few days. (This was a little more than she had expected but it wouldn’t be more than a week or two he’d said she just didn’t think she would be taking classes and that would mean studying but she could do it she hoped came a little voice. Then another “ I just don’t want you always making hasty decision and regretting it latter” Echo through Amanda’s head as Devereaux looks at her she blinks then shakes the hair back from her face pushing the sound of Jakes words from her mind answering his question firmly her mind made up)
Amanda: No, I spoke with him last night that’s what bought me here first thing this morning. I think this will be perfect.
Devereaux: Then we’re all in agreement I’ll have the contracts drawn up this afternoon and to you by tomorrow morning. From here on in you’ll both be reporting to Ryan Lavery.
Annie: Ryan? (Swallowing back the sudden wave of panic)
Devereaux: Is there a problem? (He looks at her one eyebrow raised)
Annie: No, (She says then clears her throat and smiles politely) not at all I was just a little surprised.
Devereaux: Yes, (He continues on undisturbed by her outburst) Ryan is back with Cambius as of this morning you will be reporting to him and he in turn to me. That doesn’t mean I won’t be keeping a very close eye on this project so feel free to come to me for any reason and I’ll see what I can do to rectify the situation. Now if we’re all agreement we’ll get started day after tomorrow. Excuse me a moment let me get your class set up with Ingrid I’ll be right back. (He nods to the two of them waits a moment then rises from his desk walks out the door closing it behind him)
Amanda: Are you okay? (Her voice filled with concern)
Annie: I’m fine. (She says with a shake of her head trying not to think the worst)
Amanda: I saw your face when he said Ryan’s name, are you going to be okay with him working with us? (Still concerned)
Annie: I’m going to have to be (She says with a shrug) and you’re going to be here with me. (Her smile genuine) What about you?
Amanda: I’m going to be great I can’t wait to get started besides you’ll be here if things get hairy it’ll be you and me all the way to the top. (They giggle and hug both closing their eyes one wondering what the future would bring the other wondering what the evening held)

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