Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cassandra and Devereaux    05/18/2012

Devereaux: Did you enjoy yourself Darling? (He looks from the window peering at her through the darkness)
Cassandra: It was wonderful. (She yawns then snuggles in to the seat)
Devereaux: What did you like the most this evening? (His voice even with a slight tinge of annoyance)
Cassandra: Being with you of course. (She purrs holding his arm laying her head against his shoulder hoping her actions would lighten his mood)
Devereaux: Funny you didn’t seem as if you were enjoying our time together at all. (He remarks still feeling some distances between them)
Cassandra: I’m sorry, (She yawns again) but I told you I was tired.
Devereaux: Well I’ll have the driver take us home. (He reaches for the button on the ceiling speaking in to the speaker above)  Driver take us home.
Driver: Yes sir. (He answers back Devereaux flips off the switch turning to Cassandra)
Cassandra: Darling I would prefer to go back to my place. (She murmurs hoping he would take the broad hints she was giving him by yawning again)
Devereaux: Oh certainly, (He says patting her hand that was looped in his then shrugs still sounding petulant) of course I had planned on wearing the suit I had made in Milan but I could always wear the gray flannel I had bought over to your place.
Cassandra: My place? (Her ears perking up as she struggles to keep her voice and thoughts calm)
Devereaux: Sorry, I meant to tell you I had my valet bring some of my things to your place. I hope you don’t mind. (She knew he was testing her and it was all she could manage to stay and sound calm and accepting)
Cassandra: Of course not.
Devereaux: Driver? (He says reaching above his head for the speaker)
Driver: Sir?
Devereaux: We’ve changed our minds take us to the Pine Valley towers. (He flips it off quickly his voice terse) I can see where you and I living apart is going to become rather cumbersome. (He sakes his head a moment seeming to be lost in thought) Tomorrow I’m going to have Maurice move all your things to my place.
Cassandra: No! (She says quickly almost too quickly then adjusts her tone) I like having a place of my own a space to come to at the end of a long day that is just mine you know? (She tries to sound whimsical but strong hoping beyond hope this was all just some nightmare she’d wake from)  
Devereaux: I think it’s a wonderful Idea. We’ll go to work in the morning and by evening you’ll be all settled in.
Cassandra: Really Dev I rather give us a little time.
Devereaux: Why not? (His patients starting to wear his annoyance beginning to show)  It’s perfect solution. (Cassandra decides to change her tactic deciding to use her pouty princess voice that he seemed to relish)
Cassandra: We’ve been apart for a while we’re just getting to know each other again I don’t want to rush into anything right now and make the same mistakes we did before. And I like having my friends nearby so I can go run up and chat when I get lonely and with you being away so much I need someone close. (She thought maybe she’d won him over for a brief second till the street light flashed across his face. She could tell by the set of his jaw and the brightness in his eyes that nothing she’s said had made a even a dent in his demeanor and his next words proved it)
Devereaux: Darling, I know being away at times was a problem with us but that’s not going to be a problem anymore. That’s why I took the position at “Cambius” so that I could dote one hundred percent of my free time with you and concentrate on us. So tomorrow Maurice we’ll move your things over to the New Cambius Luxury Condominiums. Don’t you think so?
Cassandra: I can’t believe you’re doing it again? (She pouts sitting back in the seat in a huff sighing loudly as she crosses her arms across her chest)
Devereaux: Doing what showing how much I care and want to be with you. (His tone becoming deadly hopefully she hadn’t pushed too far) Are you saying you don’t want to be with me?
Cassandra: No, of course I want to be with you. (She smiles brightly then kisses his check then nuzzles his arm)
Devereaux: Then what’s the problem? (He pleads sounding like a chastised child anxious to please)
Cassandra: You’re not giving me any say in the matter. (She pouts)
Devereaux: What exactly is it you want to say? (He pats her hand placating her as you would a spoiled child)
Cassandra: If we are going to be living together I would like to at least see where I’ll be living get an idea where I might like to place my things in my new home.
Devereaux: Why you have everything you need there! (He looks at her in disbelief her protest seeming silly to his ears)
Cassandra: Don’t you think that if it’s going to be our home there should be some semblance of me there? And at least give me the pleasure of packing my own things!
Devereaux: The place is completely furnished what could you possibly have to pack? (Her approach was working she could see it in his expression. No matter what angle he looked at it he was still getting his way even if it wasn’t immediate it would still hopefully buy her some time)
Cassandra: Not the furnishing( She pouts) but I do have some mementos I would like to keep.
Devereaux: Okay then I’ll give you couple of days (He sighs relenting)
Devereaux: But only a couple of days mind you  (Cassandra throws her hands to her mouth truly happy for just a few more days of freedom she had to come up with something) two days and I expect you to be moved lock stock and barrel! Do you understand?
Cassandra: Oh Dev! (Yelps throwing her arms around his neck and holding him close she closes her eyes and says a little prayer then releases him)
Devereaux:  Now that, that’s settled. Perhaps we can talk more about us? (Her phone rings suddenly she reaches in her purse and checks it. Rego! She pushes the silencer then looks back at Devereaux thankful for the dimness of the car)
Devereaux: Who was that? (He says checking his own phone and seeing her last call was from Sherrigan Then places it back in his pocket)
Cassandra: No one important. (Devereaux leans forward pulling her towards him and nuzzling her neck his had undoing the buttons on her blouse) 
Devereaux: And one more thing (He slides his hand along her shoulder slipping the strap down and clearing the path for his hungry lips his other hand gliding up her inner thigh gentle spreading them open) If I ever found out that another man has had his hands on you I will kill them (He pulls at the lace of her panties sliding them roughly over her thighs then pushing her down upon the seats pulling her skirt above her waist in one swift movement. Cassandra fakes excitement and arousal all while trying to fight her overwhelming feelings of revolt ion and terror. He sits up panting hard kneeling with one knee between her thighs nudging them further apart. Cassandra swallows back the bile rising in her throat and smiles seductively up at him as he unclasps the buckle on his pants) That includes Rego Sherrigan.( He say coming back to her pinning her against the seat. Cassandra closes her eyes blocking out what he was doing to her body and prays that it would be over quickly, wishing he had not made clear that he was staying the night. The thought making her physically ill as the bile churns in her stomach from knowing when they arrived he’d want a repeat of the same.  She prayed she could come up with a way to get away from him for good)

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