Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frankie and Lola    03/22/2012

Frankie comes walks down the hallway headed for Randi’s room bouquet of flowers in his hand looking more cheerful than he felt. He stops at the nurse’s desk placing the flowers down on the counter.
Nurse: Morning Dr. Hubbard.
Frankie: Morning Lori.
Nurse: The flowers are beautiful! (She leans in to sniff them smiling as she sits down)
Frankie: They’re my wives favorites.
Nurse: Speaking of your wife I think I read some good news on her chart this morning. (She types into the computer quickly then turns to Frankie smiling) The National blood bank found blood for your wife. They sent some over this morning and they’re sending more this evening!
Frankie: Oh! Thank you Jesus! (He folds his hands together giving a silent prayer)
Nurse: AND…It gets better the hospital located a local donor! (She reaches over grabbing his hand and squeezes it)
Frankie: Thank you! Thank you! (He yells picking up the nurse and twirling her around both giggling like children)
Nurse: I’m so happy for you both Frankie! Your wife is so sweet.
Frankie: Oh thank you! (He says wiping tears from his eyes) They gave her a pint last night and she’s scheduled for another later.
Lola: I see you heard! (She says smiling brightly)
Frankie: Yes! Thank you!
Lola: Don’t thank me thank the blood bank and the guy that came in last night!
Frankie: So who was this guy did he just walk in off the street? I don’t remember hearing or seeing any public service announcement.
Lola: I don’t know how he knew but he was a Godsend! Less than one percent of the population has your wife’s blood type. Randi is a lucky woman!
Frankie: Yeah she is. (His her words repeating in his mind) we have him registered just in case right?
Lola: Sure I believe he lives right here in Pine Valley. Look Frankie, I think you can relax a little. I checked Randi’s vitals and she’s stabilized. I’m going to keep monitoring her for the next few days and if all goes well we can remove the tumor.
Frankie: Oh God, I feel like weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Does Randi know?
Lola: I told her this morning. I was just in to see her and she was sleeping comfortably. I think she’ll be asleep for a while.
Frankie: Yeah, she must be exhausted.
Lola: So are you. Why don’t you go home and get some rest I’ll page you if there’s any change.
Frankie: My sister has the kids today so the house will be quiet maybe I’ll do just that. (He smiles rubbing his hands together picturing his long nap on the couch)
Lola: Go ahead (She smiles smothering a giggle) I let you know.
Frankie: Thanks Lola! (He hugs her again)
Lola: Your welcome! (She hugs him back then points with her pen down the hall) Now go! (She smiles watching Frankie walk down the hall then turn and hurry back)
Frankie: Oh, I almost forgot these! (He starts to pick up the flowers as Lola sticks out her had to stop him)
Lola: I’m going to see another patient that way I’ll take them for you.
Frankie: You sure? (He looks from her to the flowers then down the hall toward Randi’s room not sure what to do)
Lola: Positive. (She grins taking her pen and pointing down the hall)
Frankie: Thanks! (He says beaming starting down the hall towards the elevator. He stops and pushes the button waiting a moment thinking about what Lola had said and smiling. Randi beat the odds and she was going to keep beating them. Just when thing started looking grim God found a way to provide just like his grandmother always said. He found that one person out of three million that could help Randi! It’s a miracle! What are the odds that person would be right here in Pine Valley? Really what were the odds? He says with a shake of his head grinning as he steps in to the elevator pressing the button and waiting for the doors to close.  Really he stops a moment thinking the smile slowly fading from his face what were the odds really? His mind stuck on that fact unable to move on from it. That could mean…
Frankie: Oh my God! (He murmurs stepping out of the elevator into the cool air of the main floor his happy mood evaporated)

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