Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frankie and Lola   01/03/2012

Frankie hastily traverses the Hospital hallway he walks to the nurse’s station and pulls Randi’s chart and scans it brow furrowing deeply he closes it quickly sliding it back into it’s slot then turns to the nurse standing in front of him.

Frankie: Nurse have you seen Dr. Colgate this morning?
Nurse: She was here earlier but I think she went back to her office. Would you like me to have her paged?
Frankie: No I’ll find her thanks. (He smiles weakly then walks down to the corridor towards Dr. Colgate’s office. At the same moment Lola (Dr. Colgate) sits at her desk staring at a photo of herself and Wellington and thinking back to the night she left.
Wellington: You can’t keep doing this Lola! (He shouts shaking the empty Vodka bottle in front of her his face red with fury)
Lola: Please stop shouting. (She stares down at the floor her hands pressing in on her temples)
Wellington: What do you want me to do Lola? I’ve tried talking to you! I’ve been nothing but supportive and understanding and where has that gotten us?
Lola: It’s just so hard! (She whimpers)
Wellington: Don’t you think this has been hard for me? God! (He shouts in frustration)  You’re not the only one who lost a child Lola! She was my daughter too! (Pounding his hand against his chest) 
Lola: I was her Mother! (She screams back tears rolling freely down her cheeks)
Wellington: And I was her father! (He retorts his voice filled with venom)
Lola: You don’t understand! (She shakes her head wiping the tears from her cheeks with her palms)
Wellington: Then explain it to me! Make me understand!
Lola: There’s just this emptiness inside of me.
Wellington: So you think alcohol can fill it?
Lola: It’s just (She whimpers) just I… I miss her so much! (She begins to cry again)
Wellington: And you don’t think I don’t? (His voice softening he sits beside her wrapping his am around her shoulders) I loved her too!
Lola: You will never understand! I have to get out of here! (She shrugs off his touch rising abruptly and walks towards the door reaching for her coat and purse lying on the chair)
Wellington: Where are you going? (Bellows trailing behind her)
Lola: Out! (She shouts back shrugging into her coat)
Wellington: If you love me and loved our family you don’t walk out that door! (His eyes filled with angry tears)
Lola: I have to go!
Wellington: You mean you have to go find a drink! (She stares at him a moment then reaches fro the doorknob as he shouts behind her)  I’m not doing this anymore! I can’t! If you walkout that door tonight don’t come back! (She glares at him a moment then pulls to door open slamming it behind her. She closes her eyes a moment trying to hold back her tears)
Frankie: Dr. Colgate (He calls through the door as he knocks. Lola quickly shoves the photo back inside the draw wiping her eyes with the back of her hand)
Lola: Come in! (She calls standing and smoothing the front of her dress) Oh, good morning Dr. Hubbard.
Frankie: Good morning, I wondered if you had a moment?
Lola: Sure have a seat. (She says pointing towards the chair in front of her desk then retaking her own) How can I help you?
Frankie: Have you seen my wife this morning? (He ask trying to keep his anger in check)
Lola: I haven’t seen her yet. I was waiting for the results of the test I had run yesterday. (She turns and taps in to the computer)   
Frankie: I looked at her chart this morning her white blood cell count is up and when I left her last night she was running a fever and complained she was tired.
Lola: Frankie, you know as well as I do I can’t discuss your wife’s case with you. (She sighs feeling deeply for his situation)
Frankie: Please Lola you have to help me Randi is so set on harvesting her eggs she willing to risk everything including her life to do it!
Lola: How can I help you?
Frankie: You have to help me convince her that she can’t wait any longer.
Lola: Have you tried talking to her I mean you are her husband I’m just her doctor.
Frankie: Till I’m blue in the face. She just so determined! (He says with mixture of frustration and pride)
Lola: Sometimes Frankie it’s like that saying the heart wants what it wants.
Frankie: But in this case what the heart wants could kill her. I don’t think she really understands that. (He sits back in the chair rubbing his jaw his face etched with worry)
Lola: I think Randi understands exactly what the risks are.
Frankie: See that’s the problem I don’t think she really understands (He chokes out as he leans forward his voice tight with emotion) that’s why I need your help. I need you to help me make her understand that she needs to start her treatment!
Lola: I don’t know if I’ll be of any help Randi seems like a very strong willed woman.
Frankie: All I’m asking is that you try please, for my children and me. (His eyes pleading)
Lola: I have to see her this morning.
Frankie: So you’ll talk to her? (His face hopeful)
Lola: Of course
Frankie: That’s all I ask, thank you. (He says smiling an uneasy smile)
Lola: Frankie, I have to be honest with you Randi isn’t going to have much of a choice as I told you both the other day the cancer is spreading and we have do something pro-active soon. I’ll know more once I get her newest test results but, if you think it will help I’ll conference with Dr. Holmes maybe with the two of us we can get through to her. All I can promise you is we’ll let her know what the toll the risk she is taking can take. (She sighs)
Frankie: That would be really great. Thank you so much.
Lola: You’re welcome (She smiles back as Frankie turns walking to the door and pulling it open) and keep your fingers crossed. (She calls after him he holds up his crossed fingers waving them in the air then closes the door behind him. Lola opens the desks draw looks down at the picture a moment then closing it again as a knock comes on the door)
Lola: Come in! (She calls closing the drawer as the door opens and David walks in)

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