Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Amanda and Jake   05/17/2012

Amanda walks through the front door smiling as she sees Jake asleep snoring softly on the sofa. She pulls the remote from his palm shutting the set of then sits on the sofas edge and rubs his chest gently calling his name.
Amanda: Jake, honey wake up. (She smiles down at him) I’m home. (He blinks his eyes sleepily at her sitting up on his elbows)
Jake: You just get in?
Amanda: Just a few seconds ago. Were you waiting up for me? Jake yeah I wanted to make sure you got in ok.
Amanda: Oh you’re sweet but I told you, you didn’t have too.
Jake: I don’t mind at all really.
Amanda: I may have a way where I won’t be working such late hours.
Jake: You’re going to start earlier in the day, but wont that take away some of the time you wanted to spend with Trevor?
Amanda: No and No!
Jake: You’re going to quit?
Amanda: Not right now but I did get an offer to be the Cambius spokes model tonight from none other than the new CEO of Cambius.
Jake: Spokes Model for “Cambius” Wow! How did that happen?
Amanda: I was helping out at the bar when Devereaux St. Jacque walked up asked for two martini’s told me I’d be perfect for the job and handed me his card. (Flipping it out from between her fingers and handing it to him. He stares at it a moment then hands it back to her)
Jake: Holy cow! So what would you have to do?
Amanda: I’m not sure.
Jake: He didn‘t tell you anything about it? (Coming fully awake he swings his feet onto the floor and rubs the back of his neck)
Amanda: N., he just gave me his card and told me o give him a call to make an appointment to talk. (She looks around sees the baby blanket on the floor picks it up and folds it then lays it on the coffee table)
Jake: So what do you think? (He turns his head sideways looking at her face trying to gage her response)
Amanda: I don’t know I mean it’s a wonderful opportunity but I need more details. (She shrugs then stands she picks up a couple of Trevor’s toys tossing them into the toys bin)
Jake: So you want to do it?
Amanda: I might, I mean it might be a good solution. (She turns back towards him smiling proudly as she started sorting the pros and cons in her mind allowed)
Jake: Solution to what?
Amanda: Solution to working at “Confusion” and if I can get the same money or more… (She picks up a stuffed animal and tosses it on the pile in the box)
Jake: You’re seriously considering this? (He stands hands on hips starring at her as if seeing her for the first time)
Amanda: Yeah why not? I’ve done some modeling for “Fusion” before and I liked it. (She looks at him wondering why he seemed so annoyed rather than happy for her)
Jake: If you remember you complained the entire time. (She takes a breath deciding to calm her self still not understanding where his attitude was coming from before explaining her reasoning)
Amanda: But I don’t think it would be the same thing at all. With Fusion that was all about a product line and appearances I don’t think this would be the same at all. But I won’t really know till I meet with them.
Jake: So now you’re going to meet with them? (His voice taking on the hi pitched whine she hated that he got when he wasn’t getting his way now fueling her anger)
Amanda: Is there a problem with me meeting with them?
Jake: It’s just this is all happening so fast and your already talking about leaving your job! I thought working at “Confusion” was just away to get some adult time earn a little money now your talking about a modeling career and possibly even more time away from home.
Amanda: So you don’t want me to do it? (She stares at him her chin tilted defiantly waiting to pounce on his response. Jake ignores her look and keeps on speaking in the same vent)
Jake: No, that’s not what I’m saying at all!
Amanda: Then what the hell is it you’re trying to say? Because that’s what it sounds like to me! (She snaps reaching for her purse and keys. She tosses the keys inside then snaps it closed)
Jake: I just don’t want you always making hasty decision and regretting it latter. (He pleads walking towards her arms out stretched)
Amanda: Why because I’m too much of an airhead to make any decisions for myself without the approval of his lord and master? (She pulls the pins from hair placing them in a pile on the end table and shaking it loose)
Jake: Honey, come on I just want to make sure whatever you decided it makes you happy and that it’s also good for this family.
Amanda: So what are you saying? My working isn’t good for this family? (She picks up the pile of pins throwing them in her purse snapping it closed then stares at him coldly)
Jake: Honey with my hours at the hospital and your hours at “Confusion” We hardly ever see each other anymore and when we do either you’re leaving or I’m just coming in! Now you’re talking about a Modeling career and Trevor and I have already been through that I don’t know if I want to go through all that again! What, I can’t have doubts about you’re career choice? I’m supposed to just go blindly along with your every whim like a lamb to slaughter? And honestly if it’s the money you’re worried about I make enough money to support all of us!
Amanda: You still don’t get it do you? You sat right there on the sofa and you nodded your head “Oh honey I get it. Believe me I understand exactly how your feeling” When you really don’t! What was it oh poor little Amanda she needs a little excitement in hr life! She has no clue what she wants! (Deepening her voice mocking him as she hunches over rubbing her hands together like Scrooge in a Christmas Carroll)  I’ll let her play at working and when she gets bored or has a bad day she’ll give up and I won’t have to worry I’ll have her home barefoot a and pregnant! (She shoots back)
Jake: Then explain it to me? (He yells back his hand out stretched then pulls it back running it through his hair) Explain to me why what’s going on out there anywhere is more important to you then being here with us, with me?
Amanda: I am here Jake! (She grinds out her voice filled with anger and frustration) I’m here all day every day with Trevor in this house taking care of our baby! So you can flop on that couch and watch TV while I serve your dinner take care of your son take care of this house. I need more Jake! I need more than just being Trevor’s Mother or Dr. Jake Martin’s wife! I need an identity of my own! Not just to be an appendage on some one else’s! And if you can’t understand that then we have nothing else to talk about! (She picks up her purse and sweater and heads towards the step)
Jake: We have a LOT, more to talk about! Where are you going?
Amanda: I’m going to bed! I’m sure I’ll have an appointment at “Cambius” in the morning! (She flips around heads up the stairs)
Jake: Amanda, (He walks a few paces behind her) Amanda! (He yells louder stopping Amanda in her tracks she spins around and hisses)
Amanda: Shut up or you’ll wake the baby!
Jake: Amanda. (She climbs mid way up the steps then stops turning back and shoots him a deadly stare silencing him turns and continues up. He walks slowly back to the sofa listening to her angry footsteps as she enters the bedroom then the creak of the bed. He lies back down on the sofa turns off the light then punches the pillow before lying his head back down he stares at the street light across the street concentrating on the moths flying around it and tries to shut out the sounds of Amanda weeping in the bedroom above)

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